Quest In Reality


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Shantnu No. The process of physical evolution is a process, not a principle and unless we realize the principle we will remain in the process because a process is never complete unto itself and after every cycle it rebounds into another cycle (process).
Nitan Then why is there a physical-evolution. If it can’t achieve its perfection and has to subordinate to its consciousness, then the very purpose of Nature is defeated. Is not Nature complete unto itself? Does it not sustain unto itself?
Shantnu Nitan, if it were so, there would have been no Nature, with its beauty and life, but only insentient objects in the space.
Nitan Is not energy alone sufficient for the sustenance of the Nature?
Shantnu If we work on the hypothesis, that Nature is a one time job and also remain silent about the source of energy. For an intelligent person, both are unacceptable. Energy has three qualities of creation, sustenance and dissolution. It reacts, reflects and resounds. All these qualities create activity and motion and ever keep it in a never ending cycles. It is not its own source. Though it puts in motion the creational process of the Nature and also withdraws itself from Nature after sometimes and again moves the wheels of creation, but it has not the power to withdraw from Nature and merge itself with its source.
Nitan Is it conscious?
Shantnu No. It lacks that quality of bliss, so it is insentient.
Nitan Are the sources of Nature and consciousness different?
Shantnu No. Both have one source and that is cosmic-consciousness, which is also called as Realty.
Nitan I don’t understand, if the source is one, and the consciousness that also emerges from the same source and abounds in the objects of the Nature, then how the two are different!
Shantnu Firstly, the cosmic-consciousness pervades the entire existence whereas the Nature forms only an infinitesimal part of it and it is also the basic cause of its (Nature) creation, that’s why it pervades Nature and its objects.
Nitan But there is a contradiction. As per your statement cosmic-consciousness is non-decaying hence, permanent, whereas its creation (Nature/Energy) is transient-temporary.
Shantnu The source is still calm ever full and eternal, even when it duplicates itself. It remains still and non-active. Activity develops only in its duplicates and that too was the shower of non-active particles, which spread to the entire space. While the qualities of the source are, Existence, Awareness, Bliss, its creation, the fourth generation particles had a diluted (filtered) conscious level. That is why the creations of Nature, are not born with complete consciousness. They have to acquire and re-attain it by stages. Energy, which is the cause of its (Nature) creation, as already told, lacks the third quality of Bliss (fullness), is the reason for its limited consciousness that puts it in the wheel of recycling.
But the world is permeated by consciousness.
Shantnu Not only the ephemeral world, but the entire Existence is pervaded by consciousness. But you must also be aware that conscious on its own, is nothing but the power of reflection. It may be called a cosmic/individual mirror. At individual level, it only reflects back, what already exists or it makes us aware of the world, its knowledge or intelligence. At human level, it has assumed a very narrow base, because of the limitless of the gross (present) mind.
Nitan Has it any special place in the mind?
Shantnu Mind itself is nothing but the reflection of knowledge.


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Nitan Then mind is the Consciousness.
Shantnu When we try to understand about our mind or consciousness, we shall know that there are different levels of awareness, we pass through and there are as many levels.
Shantnu Consciousness is complete, whole eternal but our knowledge is not complete. As we go on increasing/awakening our intelligence, we attain higher level of consciousness. It is intelligence that increases or decreases. Consciousness remains constantly ‘whole’ eternal.
Nitan Please explain different facets of the consciousness.
Shantnu At human level! I mean when the limits of knowledge is only the ephemeral world, we should consider it only as a mirror, as it only reflects different aspects of our mind. When the mind is at body level, it is called body-consciousness, second is, mind consciousness (which includes the states of pleasure and joy). The third is Wisdom-level consciousness (which includes love and peace). So we have body-mind-wisdom level consciousness and lastly, Bliss which is Existence – Awareness itself.
Nitan When it functions at body level, its state must be the grossest one.
Shantnu As I told you it has no levels. These are simply the levels of our intelligence, it reflects. Moreover, the body is kept alive not by it but by the life current (force/Energy).
Nitan The levels of knowledge/intelligence or consciousness that we pass through at different stages, do they have any link with the cosmic-consciousness?
Shantnu First, let us understand its effects at the body, mind, intellect and wisdom levels. It is unlike life-current, which when leaves any of the body‘s limb, it becomes numb and lifeless. But consciousness has the contrasting effect. Even when it seems to leave lower levels of body or mind, it does not diminish their efficiency. Rather, they discharge their functions normally. While driving a car, the driver may be unaware of the surroundings he is passing by, as his conscious may be engrossed in the next higher level, but his lower faculties remain intact and he is driving the car efficiently. And while being busy in the act of discrimination, which is the privilege of the wisdom, the gross mind and intellect do not stop functioning. They maintain their efficiency. Even a person who has crossed all the levels which the body support, and is attained to bliss-level state, his lower levels remain in top condition. Our body is equipped with six levels of consciousness, which our mind connotes according to its awakening of knowledge. These levels (body, mind, intellect, love, peace, wisdom) emit vibration of various qualities and intensities and convert themselves into as many colours according to their subtleties. Similar conscious levels exist in the space (Brahmand) which encloses the cosmos, the moving mass. This moving mass is like an egg in the space: Earth represents the body, it emits black vibrations; gross, Red; Intellect, green; love, pink; peace, white and wisdom, yellow. All these colours form circles (spheres) above the earth and influence our lives according to the sensitiveness of our receptors (senses).
Nitan The essence of our talk is, our actions are governed by our conscious and the quality of our actions would denote the level of our consciousness, we are placed at the movement. Basically, it is the mind that prompts us to act, and it is the mind that receives the fruits of the action. Thus it is the mind that acts. But what tells us as to whether we have acted good or bad?
Shantnu It is the intellect of course. Wisdom does the act of discernment and discrimination and tells the way and how of the fruits.
Nitan Then where does conscience enter and how it is different to the wisdom?
Shantu Action is the propulsion of energy, prompted by the mind on the dictates of the senses, whereas conscience is an impulse generated by bliss that pervades the universe. Or we can say, conscience is the synthesis of all the goodness we posses. It is the finest essence of the senses.
Nitan If it is so, why then it does the bad deed?


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Nitan Then mind is the Consciousness.
Shantnu When we try to understand about our mind or consciousness, we shall know that there are different levels of awareness, we pass through and there are as many levels.
Shantnu Consciousness is complete, whole eternal but our knowledge is not complete. As we go on increasing/awakening our intelligence, we attain higher level of consciousness. It is intelligence that increases or decreases. Consciousness remains constantly ‘whole’ eternal.
Nitan Please explain different facets of the consciousness.
Shantnu At human level! I mean when the limits of knowledge is only the ephemeral world, we should consider it only as a mirror, as it only reflects different aspects of our mind. When the mind is at body level, it is called body-consciousness, second is, mind consciousness (which includes the states of pleasure and joy). The third is Wisdom-level consciousness (which includes love and peace). So we have body-mind-wisdom level consciousness and lastly, Bliss which is Existence – Awareness itself.
Nitan When it functions at body level, its state must be the grossest one.
Shantnu As I told you it has no levels. These are simply the levels of our intelligence, it reflects. Moreover, the body is kept alive not by it but by the life current (force/Energy).
Nitan The levels of knowledge/intelligence or consciousness that we pass through at different stages, do they have any link with the cosmic-consciousness?
Shantnu First, let us understand its effects at the body, mind, intellect and wisdom levels. It is unlike life-current, which when leaves any of the body‘s limb, it becomes numb and lifeless. But consciousness has the contrasting effect. Even when it seems to leave lower levels of body or mind, it does not diminish their efficiency. Rather, they discharge their functions normally. While driving a car, the driver may be unaware of the surroundings he is passing by, as his conscious may be engrossed in the next higher level, but his lower faculties remain intact and he is driving the car efficiently. And while being busy in the act of discrimination, which is the privilege of the wisdom, the gross mind and intellect do not stop functioning. They maintain their efficiency. Even a person who has crossed all the levels which the body support, and is attained to bliss-level state, his lower levels remain in top condition. Our body is equipped with six levels of consciousness, which our mind connotes according to its awakening of knowledge. These levels (body, mind, intellect, love, peace, wisdom) emit vibration of various qualities and intensities and convert themselves into as many colors according to their subtleties. Similar conscious levels exist in the space (Brahmand) which encloses the cosmos, the moving mass. This moving mass is like an egg in the space: Earth represents the body, it emits black vibrations; gross, Red; Intellect, green; love, pink; peace, white and wisdom, yellow. All these colors form circles (spheres) above the earth and influence our lives according to the sensitiveness of our receptors (senses).
Nitan The essence of our talk is, our actions are governed by our conscious and the quality of our actions would denote the level of our consciousness, we are placed at the movement. Basically, it is the mind that prompts us to act, and it is the mind that receives the fruits of the action. Thus it is the mind that acts. But what tells us as to whether we have acted good or bad?
Shantnu It is the intellect of course. Wisdom does the act of discernment and discrimination and tells the way and how of the fruits.
Nitan Then where does conscience enter and how it is different to the wisdom?
Shantu Action is the propulsion of energy, prompted by the mind on the dictates of the senses, whereas conscience is an impulse generated by bliss that pervades the universe. Or we can say, conscience is the synthesis of all the goodness we posses. It is the finest essence of the senses.
Nitan If it is so, why then it does the bad deed?
Shantnu When we function at mind’s level, whatever action we perform, it is assessed as good or bad.
Nitan But why?


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Shantnu Whatever that attracts the senses is good; whatever repels them is bad.
Nitan Then good or bad acts relate to an individual. But conscience is Universal.
Shantnu Good/bad is according to the propensity of positive/negative tendencies. But conscience is nether positive nor negative, neither good nor bad, neither selfless nor selfish. It is the voice of wisdom, like intellect is the voice of mind. When intellect departs the mind, it becomes gross (mind). Similarly, if the conscience leaves wisdom, it (wisdom) degenerates as intelligence. Mind is the gatekeeper to higher levels of intellect and wisdom, as conscience is the threshold; if turned inward, opens vistas, that abound in bliss. But in case it is turned outward, it enlivens wisdom intellect and mind and brings the man back to the threshold again.

Nitan You had talked about functioning at the mind’s level. What is that?
Shantnu You had once asked about our old friend ‘Ego’, it is that.
Nitan How?
Shantnu Attachment is the quality of the senses so whatever attracts, they attaché themselves to that. Mere attachment does not satisfy them and they involve more and more with them, so much so, entire species of that object becomes prey to their hunger of attachment. In fact their capacity to eat, see, hear, smell and touch is very limited, even then their hunger for more and more becomes insatiable. Sense organs can’t devour much, but imaginary hunger of subtle senses is inexhaustible. Whatever that they physically can’t indulge in, they possess them through mind (subtle senses), which in real sense is an imaginary aspect of mind, is its imaginary personality that is known as Ego. The imaginary person that grabs the attractive objects of the ephemeral world is the negative aspect of our tendencies, known as Ego that tries to satiate the hunger of the subtle senses, which actually does not exist! Its (ego) hunger is as imaginary as is its enjoyment as neither the hunger, nor its enjoyment or the ‘actual’ grabbing of the objects is real. Thus ego is an imaginary form quite away from the real, whose writ is established by its negative agents (envy, hatred, passion, anger, greed, attachment) and its sway is enlarged with the tools of mundane powers and imagination. All actions which originate from that person (ego charged) are not real or fruitful. But selfish and non-productive because those actions were generated by a false person, whose existence was prompted by the insatiable senses, whose hunger was as imaginary as its existence. Actions prompted by a false person, or false notions, can’t fructify into noble actions.
NitanAre actions in our control?
Shantnu If we control the mind, our actions are within our control. Otherwise our actions are controlled by different masters like senses, mind-intellect-wisdom.
NitanIs not our mind also controlled by other factors such as sociology, economy, psychology, passion and religion?
Shantnu Mind is the conglomeration of these all and much more.
Nitan Do genetics and inheritor factors also control our actions.
Shantnu Actually, what we are today is the projections of our inheritance. Our shapes, forms, status in life, reflexes, traits and intuition are birthday gifts. At birth, we are tooled with each and every faculty we shall need in future. Genetic codes have shaped and formed us and attuned us to face the future challenges. The capacity to acquire new knowledge, plus the tools of intellect, discernment and discrimination; with all of these we can become anything we want to be.
Nitan Then what is destiny?
Shantnu First of all I must tell you, a practical man should never talk about destiny. It is the privilege of the weak, excuse of the inefficient and shelter of the parasites. My friend bear in mind, we are the masters of our destiny. We can make it, mar it or can change it. There is no doubt about that.
Nitan But wise tell us, we are reborn to spend the fruit of our past actions (Karma)
Shantnu When we die, what’s left of us! Dead body is burnt or buried. Senses, intellect, wisdom and brain – memory – all die with the body. Then what is carried forward to the next life! It is the consciousness, which being eternal that transcends the body attributes. And consciousness is not confined to individual entities only. It is all pervading.
Nitan But when it is confined in a body, it assumes an identity?
Shantnu No, it does not. It is the individual personality, whether false or factual, that assumes an identity; it only reflects which its nature is.
Nitan Then you don’t believe in rebirth theory.


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Shantnu The problem with us is we ask questions, we are not competent to understand. When I am in body-conscious, would I understand the higher levels of consciousness? We try to jump to the next levels without knowing about the one we are placed in presently. Presently, if my reflector (conscious) makes me aware of my body-senses consciousness I must try to understand them and gradually with persistent effort and perseverance, attain the next levels. But not without first fully understanding the mind, intellect, wisdom trilogy. It is a very subtle enquiry and we should equip ourselves with very sharp intelligence, which is devoid of the negative tendencies or any other outer- influences.
Nitan Why negative tendencies acquire so much importance?
Shantnu Because their influence will always keep us in body state only. Suppose a person is angry, would his body or senses concentrate on subtle enquiry. His whole body would be afire and brain completely charged with passion. Similarly, other tendencies would obsess the mind and make it incapable of discharging higher level of efficiency. Now about the past-incarnations or re-incarnations theory: biologically we belong to the original strain that created life and our present life is a link with the past, through our forefathers. Our genealogy would trace our roots and link them with the original strain (life-force). We are, therefore, the inheritors of the past times. That past time includes all factors; natural, cultural, economical, psychological, environmental, Freudian, sociological, religious and all others, those influenced our forefather’s life. Genetically we have received all that and much more in the form of message for future refinement.

Nitan But there is a school of thought which advocates that there is an individual Atman/spirit that is born again and again.
Shantnu There is a definition of ‘Atman’ (soul); it is pure-whole-bliss. A pure thing will always remain pure. It is never subject to good or bad qualities and being whole, it is also causeless. It cannot incur upon itself the sheet of actions (karmas). Being causeless, it is devoid of actions. When it is encased in a body shell, it is the body-mind-intellect combine that discharge actions and consequently bring upon themselves the inescapable tentacles of the cause-effect (action-reaction) of factuality. It is this combine that caused actions, whether good or bad, so naturally, it would suffer the resultant consequences. Soul (spirit) being causeless-pure is obviously out of karma’s (action) clutches. But it is the soul that suffers the fruits of the body. It is soul that is encased in a variety of shells.
Nitan What is the difference between soul, spirit, consciousness and awareness?
Shantnu All are one, pronounced according to occasion and need.
Nitan Then it is the consciousness that suffers on account of the doings or misdoings of the shell, it wears, from time to time. But why it suffers by way of incarnating in different bodies, when it is the absolute Truth, Existence and Bliss.
Shantnu As I have already explained, our creational Universe belongs to the fourth generation of consciousness (particles), which is its dilute (gross) form. Though it is ever pure and blissful but as soon as it takes on the creational impulses, it has to activate its latent energy and assumes gross form?
Nitan But why it has to assume gross form?
Shantnu The source, which is effulgent-Self, Wills to enjoy its refulgence. That is possible only if it becomes many (subjective).
Nitan But why the one had to become many?


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Shantnu At this stage, suffice is to say that one never remains one. To know its completeness, it has to become two. To gauge its wholeness, it has to depart from itself and become parts. To feel, its existence, it duplicates to know its awareness, it spread itself and to seek its bliss, it abounds in the sphere it creates. So it is its own-self that has become many. It is like an invisible mound of casual sand-grain, united by its own consciousness, which suddenly becomes loose and the casual grains (particles) spread in the entire Universe. Their fourth generation duplicates form the present Universe which contains the cosmos and the space, they roam about. The creational unit, which assumed activity, is only the infinitesimal part. Once the Source (Conscious) decides to become Cosmic-Consciousness, it puts itself into a process of evolution. And to complete the cycle of evolution it comes out of its purest (self) to the gross level. As soon as its casual parts, in the form of particles, enter creational zone, they assume activity and are encased into gross material of matter. In the process, it is encased into the material objects of Nature; it loses its quality of effulgence (bliss). The grosser the material of the shells, more latent its quality of awareness, becomes. When life springs in nature, quality of awareness awakens. And when mankind takes birth, the lost quality of Bliss also incarnates. As the quality of life improves, quality of awareness (consciousness) also improves. It is the man who has all the three qualities, which his source originally had. The Source receding its refulgence, goes through the process of evolution, casual-subtle-gross and again, gross-subtle casual (body-mind-bliss). Man is the main link in the chain of evolution. The cycle begins from absolute consciousness (casual) and assumes the gross state of the creation-zone (objective world). Again the backward process of the evolution of consciousness, through mankind, starts and completes its circle, with the attainment of perfection in the Conscious – Absolute. Only man can attain perfection in the absolute-conscious through his wisdom, persistent effort and self-discipline. He can not only change his nature, but raising above his animal tendencies by awakening his ingrained virtues he can master nature. Nature has three qualities, Satavic (Pure) –Rajasic(Activity/passion) – Tamasic (Inertia). Man by developing the qualities of truth, love sacrifice, can master the Nature. By mastering himself, he can master the nature, as when he assumes perfections in the said qualities, he becomes their personification.
NitanThis much I understand that conscious pervades the cosmos and particles are conscious because of it. It is also evident that through evolution, the particles also go through various transmutations of matter, elements, objective world, stars, suns, planets and the earth etc. On earth, it again evolves from grosser forms of vegetation, animal life to finally human-kind. Mankind too improved its quality of life from Stone Age to present day electronic-age; Ape-form to handsome specimen of today. Bu my old question again, why conscious goes through different categories of permutations?

Shantnu You have understood it very nearly. Once it enters the creational zone, it is in gross form and it has assumed activity. Activity produces energy in untold quantum, which causes the creation of the ephemeral world. But this world is without its (consciousness) third quality of Effulgence. In the evolution of Nature, in the beginning, the quality of its containers was subtle but insentient. When it evolves through the insentient objects, it exists only, but carries no impressions of its containers. But as soon as it enters into the evolution of life, it becomes aware of its existence and acquires the quality of reflection. It carries (stores) all the impressions of the activities, its containers discharge. When it becomes aware of its existence in the latest model of the nature, which is also called top of the creation, it has carried along all the impressions of previous incarnations. As it has to live (exhaust) out all its reflections, because being pure of nature, it can never remain tinted with images, sounds, or impressions. To exhaust those impressions, it has to live out those impressions and sounds, which are basically the unrealized desires of the past containers. Human birth is the only category of life which has the combined qualities of all the five elements and of Nature also. It is unique repository of impressions of all that exists, weather live or inert, thus, the only species that is capable to discharge impressions of past forms. When it is encased in the lower categories of life, it carries least of impressions as its containers are happy with the minimum of wants. It is only in human form that the impressions increase manifold, as man, having been evolved through animal life, has inherited their nature and is, therefore, an easy prey to their propensities. As I have already told you, consciousness in the gross state, acts only as a mirror. It only carries the impressions of unfulfilled desires, which it has to erase by going into that particular shell, whereby living out that desire, it could work-out is quota of impressions, thus making itself pure, without any impressions. Human form evolved from lower categories of life, without much recycling because in those forms it did not carry much impressions and had very little store of activities, as those forms are mainly concerned with hunger and shelter only.


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Nitan I don’t get it, if it does not carry much impression then why it has to go in the higher quality of life, where it has to reflect countless impressions, as a result of endless desires fostered in the forms!
Shantnu First, Nature has to complete its evolution. Secondly, before entering human life, conscious was bereft of its third nature of bliss. Its own evolution won’t complete unless it regains its effulgence in whole.
Nitan How is that possible in human form only?
Shantnu Human form, being the gist of nature, as also the top of the creation, imbibes all these qualities that Consciousness had before its dilution while entering the creational zone. Though mankind evolved from insentient nature, it has the wherewithal---the mind, which directly perceives it from everlasting source of Existence, which is permeated by it.
Nitan If mankind receives it directly besides its being evolved through Nature, though in tinted form (Nature being insentient possess only its two qualities that of Existence, and Awareness) then why it is not in its pure form and man is not cosmic conscious?
Shantnu Because, man is in the form of a body, which has senses, mind and intellect, which are the basic materials for its creation. Like Nature, he creates his world not by evolution but by the permutations of the elements. Being the child of energy, whose nature is activity, which is the mother of desires, he is constantly engaged in the creation of objects, to satisfy his lust of desires, possession and enjoyment. Expansion is his second nature because of the inward fusions of the particles, whose direct inheritor he is. While expanding he activates all the latent negative tendencies, he acquired, through the reflection of his gross conscious, which are carrying all those reflections in the form of impressions. But, besides physical evolution, he is destined to achieve perfection in both of these evolutions. So when he realizes the futility of outward expansion and his hunger for sensual world is satiated, he would draw on his consciousness and concentrate on its evolution.
Nitan What is conscious evolution?
Shantnu To acquire (regain) its completeness.
Nitan But it is ever-complete! Whole (ness) is it’s nature.
Shantnu While encased in forms and shapes, it get tinted impressions. Though its purity is never affected but the purity of its containers is venerable. Unless its containers are pure and blemish-less, it has no hope of release and redemption; and the way to that is the attainment of absolute Bliss; and the way to that is only via, kindness, humility, sympathy, affection, compassion, love and peace. That is, to regain (blossom) in full measures all the qualities, its containers had lost or got diminished. And to regain and recoup in fullness, it has to reincarnate again and again.
Nitan Are not our actions retributive? Do not we have to bear their fruits? Is not the theory of cause-effect applicable?

Shantnu Nature is not revengeful. These are our own actions which rebound with full force. But man has to achieve perfection, both, in the physical world and in Conscious level. Evolution itself means improvement in the quality of material world and life, which gradually elevates to optimum level and that, is perfection. Completion, perfection, means filling the gaps, uniting the parts, previously departed, rising from the lower to the highest, achieving the optimum level of efficiency in the qualities of objects, living or inert.
Nitan Please clarify your point with an example


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Shantnu Suppose a man kills another man. He becomes a killer and he is sentenced to death. Society awards him the punishment both as retribution and a deterrent (action) to serve warning to others. It is also satisfying the law and the conscience of the society. But what about the conscience of the killer! If he killed a man, society also killed him. A tit for tat! When he is killed, his conscious bears a big dark impression. How it is to be erased. After all his conscience too has also to get a release! For an act of his senses, his conscious is tinted. Now the only way to erase it, clean it, is by living out this action. And that is possible by erasing the hatred, the very cause of that heinous crime. But how to do that, if the container (killer) is dead! Only his conscious remains with the impression of the crime. Now conscious shall have to evolve (live) through those bodies where it could acquire qualities of compassion and love instead of hatred and anger which were previously the cause of the crime. Thus Nature is not retributive but complimentary to improve our short comings. Instead of meeting evil with evil, it substitute love in place of hatred by generating enough compassion in the dark impressions, that in due course are erased and love fills the conscious that is its nature.
Nitan I am beginning to understand but please elucidate it more.
Shantnu Once a mother came to my Master and sat before him with a handicapped son in her lap. A lady sitting nearby looked askance at the master. Before she could put a question to Him, a ‘Live’ film started in her forehead (conscious), in which she saw a judge meeting out harsh punishments to the under-trials for miner infringement. His assistant also rejoiced at the misery of the petty vagrants. Now when she saw the judge as the crippled child, and the woman (his past assistant), they both looked a picture of compassion. But their compassion was superficial and temporary. It was due only to their present condition.
“Tell me now, should I release them from their miseries?” My Master enquired of the lady, who was sitting next to the mother. She considered for a moment and replied in the negative.
Nitan But why?
Shantnu Because Nature wants to help by blossoming in their hearts the seeds of compassion by placing them in such situations until both of them were absolved of the dark forces (inherited impressions on their conscious).
Nitan How clear it is now. I always thought that, Nature was retributive and met evil with evil. In nutshell, it is the love that helps our early release from the clutches of the cause-effect principle of Nature.
Shantnu It is the trinity of compassion, kindness and love that unlocks the gates of Bliss zone.
Nitan Then the basis behind the journey of creation or the evolution of Nature is love. That is, from love it emerges and in love it merges. It is only love in the beginning. And when urge to duplicate activates in it, energy takes form and creational process begins. In the backward journey, all of the antecedents (material forms) shed off one by one, negative tendencies wane off and only pure pulses remain which merge in the original impulses (will) of purity.
Is that what you want to say?
Shantnu About the origin we shall talk later, but it is relevant here to add that the original impulse (will) which permeated the cosmos and later entered the lower levels of cosmic-consciousness, in the form of pulses were also pure, whole and conscious that came to be known later as individual conscience, spirit or soul. Nitan there seems to be no day or night at your place. We have been talking for the last over twenty hours, but there is no hunger, thirst or the other body demands. Are we, in some way, at astral level?
Nitan What do you think?


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Shantnu To me it seems though we are functioning at body levels but our conscious- level is definitely above gross level of consciousness. And our conscious-level commands our body-functions.
Nitan Tell me frankly, have you ever transported yourself to astral level, while being in body-conscious?
Shantnu You know, all these levels of gross-subtle-casual do exist in our mind. These are merely mental states, easily reachable if we don’t attach ourselves (senses) with the material world.
Nitan My Master sent me along with you with for some purpose and I feel we both have attained that. Let us now go back to him for any further instructions.
Before they made a move, the Master appeared in person before, them. Both paid their obeisance and Baba blessed them.

Nitan Baba, brother Shantnu is nearer his goal. He has all the faculties and a sharp intellect which have in him the making of a ‘wise’. But he still needs a thorough clean-up job. His upper circles of conscious are clean (pure) and he is aware of them. But while attempting to reach their realms, he overlooks the grosser aspect of conscious. Not that he has forgotten, but taking its knowledge for granted, he over-step its conscious level, thus making it difficult for a layman to follow his line of thinking, because he does not carry him along, by explaining the intricacies involved in the statements which he assumed are simple and straight-forward.
This would also have an adverse effect on his complete evolvement. Unless he decodes each and every pulse stored in his memory chambers, he will not be free of the still unresolved remaining doubts.
Baba The original impulses are (of) love-bliss stateless state, how could their pulses germinate doubts?
Nitan Baba, as stated above the impulses originated from love-Bliss-stateless state, but when their pulses enter astral (subtle) level, they form images and sounds. At creational level, though they assume gross-conscious, but at every level, they do not lose their purity, only the forms assumed are gross in material which reflects diversity.
Baba (smiling) Our Shantnu needs another tryst, before be regains himself! The beauty of his life is, he has always been in touch with Reality. Each event that happened to him had an earthly background---nothing astral or super-natural! His journey is natural and through its elements he will attain the path of a seeker.
Nitan Baba, in your presence, we have no doubts, no questions, and no need of enquiries. But brother Shantnu’s nature is still beset with ‘inquiry’, while all of us here, have transcended these levels of quest and enquiry and are now seethed in equanimity. None of us can help him in removing his doubts.
Baba What are his doubts?


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Nitan His doubts are unrealized realities. At the beginning of the beginning there was truth-in-supreme reality. As its impulses transcended to astral (subtle) levels, love impulses transformed into pulses and created a pure-conscious-state of images and sounds. So it encased itself into images and sounds. When it took the gross form of energy, it encased into solid bodies. But whichever state it encased into, it never lost its originality. Even in human mind (memory), it remains latent. Superficial images/sounds do activate by concentration, but it is only integrated intensity of concentration that activates the original (latent) impulses. But while passing down the wisdom-intellect-mind’s level their original contents have been tainted by the gross elements. That is why even highly elevated souls make a slip of the tongue or a lapse of memory.
Same is the problem with brother Shantnu. He is highly elevated but there are still left some elements of grosser-intelligence in the form of doubts, lurking at the fringes. By fringes, I mean, he is quite capable of reaching the levels of original impulses, but his subtle (mental) pulses pull him back. There he needs the help of a co-seeker, who is not elevated to his level but should have sharp intellect by whose matching sparring, would bring our brother Shantnu at the threshold of the ‘fringes’ which encircle the impulses of love and their original state.
In my opinion, Umeshwari would be an ideal person to free our brother from the remaining shackles of material world. Because as of now, she is free of her obligation to her master and she has renounced all her worldly liabilities to Angelee The only difficulty that I feel is her presence here.
Baba She is not an ordinary soul. She is quite advanced in the spheres of spirituality. It is not her fault that she got an improper master, still she followed him. Even if a Master be a fake, a disciple is sure to attain salvation, by following meticulously his dictum. The fault lies with the master, not in the sincere following of his disciples. Moreover, she has completely surrendered herself to me and decided to dedicate her services in the medical-wing, after bequeathing all her material possessions in the care of her worldly husband.
Shantnu Baba, that can’t be. I can’t bear all these responsibilities.
Baba Don’t worry, your ways won’t cross each other rather each of you would augment the evolvement of the other. In the worldly eyes you are bearing two bodies, otherwise, you are one. Ostensibly you are merely performing the worldly duties, otherwise you both have attained in the living bodies, what angles aspire – you both have merged your entities. You are not two but one into two.
Shantnu Baba, if it is as you say, then why our future liaison is necessary. If everything is predestined then what is the role of a Master in our lives. What is a free will then?
Baba I know what you were thousand years before or what you would be a thousand years hence. You too can know. Free will and pre-destination are our reflexes that we leave in the pulses. Don’t be in a hurry, you will yourself find answers to these questions or doubts (of ignorance).
That night or was it an evening or a day light, as there was one constant clime in the valley. Though every object, tree or vegetation, looked in solid state but actually on touch they dematerialized. It was an astral world or the ingenious creation of an imaginative mind. Or it can be put like this; in gross mind, there are only images and sounds, though they are the reflections of the gross-material world, but their existence is only in subtle-state.

hantnu Baba, do I really need the association of Umeshwari, now when I am happy in your presence?
Baba You have chosen a path, which has many a by-lanes. The state of a mind is exactly like that. At the most you can understand a few of its aspects but its complete mastery is laborious and time consuming. Each of its aspect has its own images and reflections. Until these are fully mitigated, that aspect of the mind remains dormant but live.
Shantnu Suppose a person suddenly dies, what happens to his storage of reflections?
Baba Naturally he has to live them out, incarnating again and again.
Shantnu If he lives them in one life time, is he released from future incarnations?
Baba It is irrevocable law of Karma (action) that we have to bear the fruits of our ‘Karma’ whether good or bad. No natural law can absolve them.
Shantnu Then what is the role of a Master?
Baba The Master is not a fellow from the zoo. He is like other mortals. He lives, behaves and eats like ordinary people. But his life is an example. He lives what he believes in. In his simplicity lives the wisdom of Holy Scriptures and religious philosophies.
So saying Baba left the place. Nitan too disappeared.



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Suddenly, trees-flowers-orchards, scents – a familiar cottage appeared real. Though the surroundings had changed but the cottage and its immediate bearings remained the same. Except for these, old landscape, had given way to new large structures. The whole place gave a look of vast complexes. Watching closely Shantnu, realized that a University with all its allied disciplines had come up, in place of the old groups of orchards. The place was beaming with unending activity. Different ages, attires, giggling faces of toddlers and solemn look of faculty fellows, it was a dream suddenly come true. Shantnu was in a fix. He had only gone a few days and during his absence, a whole new city had been created. It was impossible. Perhaps he was hallucinating. That was not possible, as he was in possession of his mind and only recently he was in the presence of Baba, which was not a dream. Neither could it be a lapse of memory or times. Loss of memory is related to unimportant or disappointing topics, whereas time is directly related to space dimension. He knew neither was the case. To him, third probability seemed more plausible, for during all these years, he remained in a state of higher consciousness, where gross conscious (conscious-mind) was physically apart.
Suddenly, he became anxious to meet Umeshwari and his daughter. He went towards the cottage, without knocking he went inside. In his room there sat a young lass of about fourteen years ago. Both instantly recognized each other and embraced in a sensation, which was emotionless. All of a sudden, he realized that he loved her mother, Umeshwari.
While they were making up for all the lost years, Umeshwari joined them. The three were a treat to the loving eyes.
Shantnu Umesh, so much times have gone by and I simply was not aware that I would miss you so much. This realization came to me only just now, I love you.
Umeshwari Do you know what love is?
Shantnu There is only one truth Eternal and that is love. It is serene, tranquil and benign. Its impulses never change and their expressions are same always. But when it transcends, via pulses, to lower levels of body-mind senses (energy) it creates an urge for a creation, that is why this creation – the combination of male and female (positive-negative).
Umeshwari I always knew, you would come, so did your daughter.
Shantnu But Baba told me you were leaving on some medical mission for good.
Umeshwari Yes, I have opted for voluntary service in one of Baba’s hospital.
Shantnu But what about our daughter?
Umeshwari Now that you have come, there won’t be any difficulty. She is sensible, adjustable girl and shall not be a problem to you. You both shall have a good time till both of you join me later.
Shantnu Since you have already decided, I can’t raise any objections. (Noticing a small shrine in the room, where the photo of Baba was adorned, he summoned Umeshwari to him. From a small sandal box he took a pinch of kum-kum powder and placed it in the center of her hair. (symbolic acceptance of her being his wife, an Indian custom)
Umeshwari stood flabbergasted. It was something she had never expected, as they both shunned worldly conventions. There were big trees in her big eyes.
Umeshwari Are you doing it for her (daughter’s) sake?
Shantnu No. I love you too much to debase it with excuses. (She touched his feet, which he cushioned half-way. By way of defusing the emotion-surcharged atmosphere she deftly diverted the scene).

Umeshwari Won’t you ask about the welfare of Angelee and Gopi?
Shantnu I shall meet them when the occasion demands. But now I don’t want to be disturbed. I want to spend the remaining days, exclusively with you. I am beginning to understand, what Baba meant by our association (meeting) again. For the last about fourteen years, we have not been meeting on physical plane When I left you, I had sensual attraction for you. Now though we are living in two separate bodies and are being run by two separate life forces, but our circle of love has merged and we exist at one level of cycle. And that cycle we have to extend and expand. Now I understand why the love of a person (negative) is essential before we can aspire for Eternal-love. Unless one loves a person (she) Eternal love is not for him.
Umeshwari Why is it always she or he or the opposite sex?


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Shantnu The original impulses (urge) were of neither gender nor singular or plural. But as soon as they converted themselves into energy, they acquired dual qualities of positive and negative. And as everything in nature, is the combination of these two it is but natural that opposite attracts each other.
Umeshwari But why in their combination is hidden the secret of completion? Do the renunciate (who don’t marry and observe celibacy) never attain salvation or completion of evolvement.
Shantnu The pulses which permeate the cosmos and thus created energy which again is composed of next generation particles which formed matter that later started life through molecular evolvement. But the pulses, which were of pure love, did not dilute or wane away their originality, while getting involved in the creational process, but are very live and responsive. Only a loving heart receives its carrier-frequencies.
Umeshwari I know Baba has sent you to us with a purpose. As I am again forsaking this material world for good, there are still some doubts and half-truths which I don’t want to carry with me. I want to go with a clear conscience and purity of mind. Only you can help…
Shantnu Have you changed your Guru (Master)?
Umeshwari No. Neither have I changed my Guru nor his ‘word’. If he has not been able to prove himself to his ideals, it is his fault. But I am still adhering to the path he had shown me.
Umeshwari A master never falls. These are his ideals which he can not live upto that befall him. Otherwise every man is a Master, if he acts what he thinks and speaks. And if a Master does not coordinate these three, he is not fit to be a human. Since you have come recently from a real Master, tell me the relevance of a Master in our self-realisation.
Shantnu It is almost noon time, let three of us, have a look around, of the complex. Tomorrow, when our dear angel, is gone to the school we shall have all the time for self-enquiry.
Their daughter huddled between them, they went through every nook and corner to the (deemed) University. It was a unique cluster of buildings, which was the replica of ancient Indian architecture with the modern scientific facilities. It was the amalgamation of old culture and modern science. Spirituality and science was its motto.
The most conspicuous thing that Shantnu noticed was the absence of any special recognition being given to Umeshwari, by the faculty and by the students.


In the evening Angelee came to the cottage. Her responsibilities as the Vice-Chancellor of the Deemed University, had taken a big toll of her body and mind. Looking at her Shantnu compared her with Umeshwari. Both looked the same age but their body textures and composures were totally different. Angelee now gave a look of humility laden with authority. Her features still pronounced had waned into her grown responsibilities and added patches of flesh. Authority had worn on her a demeanor of attraction which vibrated sensory rays and created round her an aura of red field of carrier frequencies. It was a contrast to her past personality. Somehow she and Umeshwari had swapped their inner personalities and created round them the fields of red and pinkish colours respectively, which were in fact, the reflections of their inner conscious levels of pulses.

Shantnu knew his mistake in judging their personality by comparison. Comparisons are one’s own incompatibilities which one seeks in others. The deficiencies, weaknesses or unbaked mental faculties, that one inherits genetically and from his environs, he invariably seeks their fulfillment through his immediate near one’s. As the number of incompatibilities is unlimited and varied, due to sensory attachments with the material attractions, an immature person (mind) would try to fill his deficiencies, through as many sources as are accessible to him.
Umeshwari You mean one would satisfy his sensual desires from one person, intellectual quest with another and menial demands from yet another, i.e. a person’s fancies will force him to interact and get satisfaction or solace, from the easy preys. In other words he would seek the fulfillment of his varied desires from different persons, who become easy preys to his nefarious designs.
Shantnu Umesh dear, there is nothing unfair about this. Because in his ignorance one never knows, the source of his entire fulfillment springs not from many but from one person and that person is his/her beloved


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Angelee It shows that till that realization comes, one goes on exploiting the sensitivities of other persons, even if the lives of some may be impaired in the process.
Shantnu Carrier frequencies of each person enrich the pulses of the other by getting attuned to him.
Angelee Then in a way, we three have used, helped each other, in the furtherance of our improvements. How is that?
Shantnu Angelee, you may now, look at yourself. You have name, fame, power and authority. But instead of bearing humility with the addedfruits of responsibility, you have been borne down with their weight. Mundane powers bring vibrations of sensory world. And you have assumed those looks. Wrongly, I sought in you the pulses of love, which, then I found subdued in Umeshwari. Umeshwari, then, emitted vibrations of the senses – pulses of voluptuous love – which both attracted and distracted me. My insatiated sensual pleasures encased my pulses of pure-love and transmitted vibes of body (sensory organs) which created a red (tamasic) field of energy around me. As the intensity of my sensory vibrations was of deep density, these touched the sensory organs of Angelee also. Their spontaneous response and prompt activation created their own vibes and formed a field of radiation – naturally of red colour. When our fields of vibrations merged, they turned the colour of our molecular cells as red. Whosoever, that comes within the influence of our combined energy field, would surely had behaved, acted in our way. That perchance happened to be Umeshwari. Had it been Umeshwari in your place, you would not be the tinted images of your past-self.
Angelee Then it was Umeshwari – all the time you were nurturing upto.
Shantnu It was not nurturing or enriching of the self by mutual fusion. It was knowing, our sheaths of unrealities/half truths; those had adulterated the pulses, which contain pure consciousness. Not that pulses can be adulterated. It is simply their encasement in various categories of life that they seem to reflect that way. But then circles of carrier frequencies go on increasing with the similar aspects of the mind. Even in different categories of life, mind’s aspects vary according to time-space-clime circumstances.
Angelee Does environment also play vital role in our upbringing or our predestined destiny constitutes our environment?
Shantnu Environment does not make us. Rather we make them according to our needs.
Angelee But we can’t choose our parents, homes, society or the Nation. Then how do we make our environs?
Shantnu Nature has two types of evolution. One is going forward expanding and creating material worlds. The second is of going backward which is disintegrating the material projections. In both the cases, the basis behind each is the impulses of love, which when duplicate into pulses, create energy thereby creation. But when these impulses withdraw from cosmos, ephemeral world de-materializes. Materialization and de-materialization are the opposite ends of one source.
In Nature’s creation we have no hand but what man creates with his inventions and discoveries, he has full freedom, to choose his moorings.
Materially, mentally, sensory and physically, man is creating a superficial world around him, that is vitiating his inner as well as outer environment. Simultaneously man in his earnest quest, is unraveling the secrets of Nature. Perhaps in a few thousands years he might come to know the very basis of Realty of Creation! And then he can be the Master of the Nature, not its tool.
Even now whatever the external atmospheric factors may prevail, man made or natural, man has the capacity not only to reconcile (adjust) to them but outgrow out of them and improve his surroundings. Only he has to follow the path of Truth-Reality-Love, which is his basis.
Angelee But the aspects of mind are so varied it is a myriad task even to count the memory chambers, leave alone the numberless cells stored in them. Then what is the best course to assimilate the different aspects, narrow them in small groups and then to knit them in a chain of thoughts which are coherent and relate to one aspect, which is the basic one (love).
Shantnu Attraction creates attachment which emits sensory vibrations. Attractions-turns into affections – affection into compassion and compassion transcends into love. As the level of their sensitivity refines (from subtle to subtle), the colour of their field of vibrations change from dark red to ultimately pink---the colour of love. To regain purity of consciousness, we have to weed out all the impressions of sensory world from affection – compassion – love and unsheathe the layers of pollution of mental vagaries from our pulses of conscious and attain the realm of eternal love.
Angelle From what you have told us so far, it is we, who make our destinies. But what is predestined or reincarnations?


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Shantnu It is an admitted fact that whatever we do initials as reaction. Presently, we must understand that the images, sounds and reflections which we carry/store in our memory cells, have to exhaust themselves by actually living (fulfilling) them. Suppose there is sudden death, it is not only the death of the body but also immature termination of the unfulfilled desires. To fulfill unrealized desires, it is imminent for the pulses (particles) to shed off laden burdens of unfulfilled desires (ideas) which have been imprinted on the pulses as reflections. These are called the cycle of birth and death or of reincarnation. But in case a person realizes love in his present life, he is relieved of this cycle of birth and death.
Angelee How is that?
Shantnu The creation of life is through pulses, which are composed of particles (molecules). These are ever in their purer state. Purity means, no amalgamation of sensory influences.
There should not be dilution in their downward evolution into grosser-levels (lower categories of life). In case the grosser elements falsely assumes themselves as pure consciousness, then the material world projects itself as real and the backward evolution or the timely completion of the evolution, is delayed…
Angelee What do you mean?
Shantnu In case man deviates from his normal course of evolutionary process, which is the completion of supreme spiritual consciousness by wrongly assuming himself the Master of the world – the material world he created by understanding the principles of the creation – without involving the inherent pulses of love, then the man is going to his doom not towards his goal of Reality. Master he has to be, mastering (knowing) the basic love-Principle of the supreme – intelligence, but not by becoming the Master of the machine – like brains!
In the meantime their daughter had arrived from the school. Umeshwari had named her as Sheetal, as it was Shantnu’s desire, even before her birth, to name the child as Sheetal. Somehow he had known it would be daughter and he wanted her to be named so.
Angelee I have taken a lot of your time. Tomorrow evening, I may come again, provided, of course, if you don’t mind. It is about the ‘Karma’ theory; I would like a little more elaboration.
Shantnu You don’t need that anymore because the path you have chosen now far excels the nuances of the theory. Perform well your duties. Consider them as your duties not the burden of responsibilities. You have already done excellently and future beckons you hopefully.
Since Umeshwari is already leaving for the south, Sheetal would be more of your responsibility. Not a ward but a disciple who needs guidance and excellence, as you would be imparting to other students of this Institute. What I have observed from their faces you have inculcated in them the integration of Indian culture-spirituality and science. If each state of the Indian Union supports one such University, the face of India would change from its darkish molecules to pinkish. We shall meet tomorrow, after you are free from your duties. I also want to spend more time with my daughter.
Angelee Except for her big eyes, which are like her mother, she is your ditto copy. Even in likes and dislikes, she is your true duplicate. I envy Didi (sister). She has forsaken her remaining shackles and leaving for South. Didi, if it is not impertinent, may I ask, why you are leaving your property, daughter, husband and worldly connections? Though you may not develop the same type of relations there, but certainly you shall have to establish some sort of working relationship with other fellow beings. Then what is the difference between here and there.
Umeshwari When I was born, my mother died. I followed a Guru, he did not live upto his ideals. I loved a man who left me---


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Angelee But you have many a plus points too. You have a husband who loves you. Your wealth has given succor to countless poverty stricken children. You have a lovely daughter, who will, someday take over from me the duties you have imposed upon me. Then what is it that compels you to leave us, and live a life, which is devoid of companionship-relationship and worldly ties.
Umeshwari Shantnu will remain here, for some more days. He will tell you the potency of the ‘word’ of a Master. He will also explain to you what love is and at what wave- length it exists. To us it does not matter anymore, where I live or at what place Shantnu settles down. Our daughter is not a common bond between us but an extension of life, spring of love, the legacy Nature obliged us to discharge. Forgetting our physical entities, we, now exist in her. She is our future; we are only the present whose consciousness has contracted down to the point of single source, whose off-shoot we are.
Come Shantnu, Come Sheetal, it is time for dinner.
Angelee left them happy, blooming. She carried with her whiffs of love.


Next day when they had lovingly bid their daughter goodbye to the school, both sat in the lawn, under the rising rays of the morning sun. Nothing had changed around the cottage except for the architectural delights of the University, which seemed to assimilate with the sublime atmosphere of the surroundings, which was the uniqueness of the place. It was a Higher Learning Institute affiliated by different colleges, specializing in various disciplines. Since its inception, there had been no trouble (strike etc) either from the students or the teachers as each constituted the charter of character of the Institute. It was other way round, the Institute was not made up of the number of students and teachers it enrolled but they were its real life-souls, each contributing his/her personal commitment to it. Buildings, structures were the mere sheltering and meeting places, otherwise the real cementing blocks were the units (students/staff), representing each part of the country. Teachers, pupils slept under the same roof and shared the same facilities. Even its Chancellor (Angelee) lived in one of the rooms of the hostel, meant for faculty members. There were no palatial quarters for the fellows, Deans, Professors or Readers. Teacher – Pupil personal inter-action was imbibing code of the Institute.
After the informal classes, students were free to associate in any of the numerous activities, Institute was always supporting. Cultural festivities of each region, heroic deeds of National heroes, spiritual discourses on different philosophies and a total freedom to choose any discipline of science, which was compulsory. But religious dogmas were a taboo. Though each religion was respected but it was considered the personal affairs of a person, to be practiced in his domain. There was no temple-mosque-church-gurudwara-synagogue but the basic philosophy of each religion was taught to inculcate in the minds of the pupils that there was absolutely no difference in their basic teachings. Only when these philosophies became religions – in the material fusion – their basic principles were thrown aside and in their place methodology of ritualism forced upon. The finest tenets contained in them, became the bejeweled wears of their preachers. The heritage of pure-consciousness was gradually buried under the loud oratory and scholarships. What was evident became a myth and what was immaterial, relevant only for material usage became religious slogans-rituals-creeds and misrepresentations of the original philosophies (gospels).
Shantnu Umeshwari, since the awakening of finer sensitivities in man, thousands trillions worth of wealth has been spend, in the construction of the houses of Gods. Tell me has a single person in recorded history, benefited because of them except, of course, the principals who managed them. The irony of it all is the one’s who proclaimed to know about Him, and claiming to possess the authority to speak on Him or on His behalf, are simply strangers on the subject. What they profess outside are the inner-nuances that relate to nucleus of pulses which are not remotely connected to the erudition their scriptures proclaim!
Umeshwari Then all the so-called masters are fake and irrelevant! What is their role in our life?


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Shantnu Umesh, it all depends on our attitude or to what we seek from the Master.
Umeshwari First, give me a straight answer whether there are real Masters available these days. For me it is of utmost importance, for you know, I have already been bitten very badly. I have no regret about the money I spent on his lavish living but his thoughts, speech and actions were simply not compatible thus connoting oneness.
Shantnu Our major difficulty or misjudgment in the choosing of a Master is our own style of living and supposedly inner requirements that we would demand in him. An affluent aspirant would naturally need a jet-set atmosphere, seven stars facilities and a Master who caters to the demands of his customers (disciples). The requirements of such disciples would be high degree of erudition and matchless logic. Obviously, such specifications can only be supported by a high-profile person, who has mastered not only the knowledge of the sacred scriptures---relating to his religion but also of other important religions, so that he could attract a conglomeration of cosmopolitan gathering. Such motley of a crowed would be an impressive clientele mostly of the elite of the society.

Next are our requirements which we demand of our masters. You are a proper person to ask such questions as you have been through them.
Umeshwari How should I start?
Shantnu Start from the beginning, when first you had the urge to seek a Guru!
Umeshwari Upto college time, I thought I had all the answers because ‘God’ word did not exist in my vocabulary. Though I had a convent education and my upbringing at home was in the religious atmosphere, but instead of Gods and Goddesses, Angels, hell and heaven – a hoary picture of their vengeful images existed, which horrified me. Christian preachers’ pasteurized God, as a ‘Being’ sitting on a golden stone, in His kingdom of heaven, surrounded by angels! But in their gospel, Satan also played a vital role in the day-to-day life of a man and God. Greek and Hindu mythology also did not help me in painting a rosy picture of God, as in them too, numerous Gods and Goddesses played havoc to each other. Like ordinary human beings of yore, they took revenge of each other’s deeds or misdeeds.
In my final year in post-graduation I made a thorough study of major religions of the world. I made notes of the gospels they preached. To my utter bewilderment I found that till so far, I had been mislead to believe that all religions taught us the oneness of the God. Not a single religion either believed or taught that there was one God. Every Prophet who supposedly spokes the words of His God told His followers, there was (is) only one father (God) whose messenger (son) he was. Only His god (Father) was Truth, all others belonging to other religions were not the true messengers of God. It was further, allegedly, revealed in each case, that in future ages, only their messenger (belonging to that particular sect) would come and save the followers who would be the adherents of that faith.
As I understood then, each religion had its own God, who spoke through His chosen messenger/prophet, had different ideology, identity, and gospel. Though each ‘chosen one’ heard the spoken words of His God and wrote them, which later on came to be known as Sacred books of each religion, but the scope of the contents, incorporated in them was meant only for the adherent/followers of that particular faith. On the surface each preached for the universal brotherhood of man but in theology and reality, each faith (religion) had erected strong walls of codes and conducts which separated them from other religions. So much so, even the Messengers promised their followers a rosy heaven and everlasting hell for the heathens. No religion spoke with the changing times. Rather with the coming of machine age, most of the religions became redundant and lost their worthiness.
These merely exist as conscience-raisers. What I fail to understand, not a single religion has stood up to scientific tests. Admittedly, religion is an inner-science and its proofs are its experiences but there should have been some reasonable system by which any layman could delve into its intricacies and enjoy the promised joys of bliss.
Shantnu You are being too harsh on religions or you are being willfully ignorant about them. What you are being ignorant about is the fact that each major religion of the world, ancient or new, had perfected a practical system in consonant with their philosophies through which their committed followers had to go through. Each religion had vast networks of their Ashrams-Convents-Monasteries. Synagogues-Mosques, where special arrangements existed to impart practical training to their, would be teachers (preachers).


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Umeshwari You have not understood the import of my ramblings. I knew each religion had trained preachers for its propagation and to make their underlying meanings understood by their followers. But they were the preachers of their sacred books only; any literate person could perform that job. Scriptural scholarship does not lead anyone to the promised fatherland or golden heaven of the Father. What I wanted to know initially was as to why the messengers/prophets of various faiths---which later came to be known as religions----did not proclaim the fatherhood of one – I mean the Universal one God not the sectarian Gods belonging to each faith, giving salvation only to those who came in the fold of their respective religions. As each faith accepted there was one God, then their scope for universality was very limited because their universe confined only to a small segment of area and society. Their vision (insight) did not encompass the entire Universe or the humanity at large.
It indicates the vision of the ancient messengers/representatives of Gods was not universal and was limited only to their areas of influence.
Shantnu We must take only one thing at a time. So far your assertion is correct only to the extent that one Universal Godhood was never believed and accepted by the humanity. From time to time various incarnations of God took birth in different countries but their “spoken truths” remained within the boundaries of the countries of their birth. Even in those countries their ‘word’ was not accepted by the already established institutions. Either they did not reveal the whole truth or their own conscious (-ness) was not merged in super-consciousness or supreme intelligence. Their revealed truths (half-truths)---presently known as mythology---are being shredded to pieces by the modern science. Had all the descendants of Gods been from One Source, then Truth would also have been one, not many, as is being professed in the scriptures of different religions. Each descendant of God, explained the truth as it came to Him or how He realized it after going through various disciplines (Sadhnas). That was the reason; their version of truth differed from Messenger to Messenger. Except for Bhagavad-Gita (Lord Krishna’s exhortations to Arjuna, his disciple), no other scripture or incarnation of God, has proclaimed the gospel of One Universal Godhood. That is why Krishna did not start any new religion, nor did his believers do so. Because wherever truth is believed as one-unifying factor or the source is accepted as one, there is absolutely, no scope for its dilution or misrepresentation.

consciousness. The first level is that of gross-conscious which relates to the sensory world (Jagath-Chetna). It encompasses all categories of life. As we reach this level of consciousness after rigorous discipline, and mastery over our senses/gross mind (relating to presently awakened consciousness) our mind acquires (becomes aware) knowledge of the sensory world. With the added element of extreme concentration, our will-power can make or de-make sensory objects. The persons who acquire these powers do not have to belong to the category of spiritual realms. They are simply mini-geniuses, who have assumed material powers through intense concentration on specific aspects (memory-chambers) of the mind. But in modern day, they are known as God men because besides this, they have done one extra-exercise of acquiring scholarships of their religious scriptures.
Umeshwari How can we know about their state of level?
Shantnu Very easy, in spiritual discipline, their practical knowledge is nil. They cannot change or transform the character of their disciples. In simple terms, they can’t shower the treasures of Divinity – also known as Grace- on their followers, because they themselves are shallow of its depth. Mere scholarship of sacred books, mastery of senses, control over matter, are irrelevant to a seeker whose quest is Reality.
Umeshwari But these days there are countless, so called masters, who don’t possess any of these qualities, you have just explained.


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Shantnu Umesh, you are in search of higher realms of consciousness, so leave the dirt at the base (gross-mind) any try to know the purity of the sacred waters of knowledge at the surface (wisdom) where it is pure-clean-potent. We are not, now, discussing about the negative tendencies or the hollowness of the so-called holy men, but the levels of pure-consciousness, that we acquire by following the discipline expounded by different faiths/religions/sects. Each faith has mastered a discipline that releases a seeker from worldly shackles in consonance to the levels he has attained. But you will be surprised to know that there exists only one discipline, which is perfect and result oriented ‘Yoga’ mastered by Patanjali (ancient Indian sage) and being practiced, even today under various garbs but is showing excellent results. There are countless others, which either promise heaven or ultimate salvation which in each case is the reality or the Gods personified into narrowed limited scopes of human vision. Their version (assertion) of “heavens” “promised lands”; Godly-kingdom ‘Reality’ differs from god-man to god-man. In case some of them realized the Ultimate – Realty, they were non-committal about God.
It shows either their realization level or Reality was not ultimate or they were unable to explain in clear terms, whatever they experienced as ‘Reality’ is incomplete and they did not or could not reach to the next higher levels, which could reveal to them, Existence and the Source of all.
The next level of consciousness belongs to subtle-level which we can class as cosmic consciousness. This is the realm, where we know the true existence of our conscience. It is already an admitted fact that each entity synthesizes into fine subtle state, which is known as conscience. To reach its level of consciousness (awareness – knowledge) one has to cross the conscious-level of mind-intellect-wisdom and merge in the circle of conscience- consciousness.
A few who venture into its realms, acquire the Universal powers. As one goes on attaining upper levels of consciousness, accompanying corresponding powers come natural and one behaves in that circle accordingly.
Those few who attain this level of consciousness are the real masters whose duty is---self-imposed or enjoined by the Higher-one---to bless and bless grace, whose oceans are at their disposal. Though they are highly Selfish, but their selfishness is centered on their inner-Selfishness not on the worldly selfishness of material possessions. They also possess, but their possession is the treasure of bliss (love) not the mansions, dera, ashrams and temples.
Their distinguishing mark is in their harmony of thought, word and deed. They live simply and exemplify their lives for others to follow. They speak less but live in practice their ideology. In the recorded history, very few have successfully been able to give practical shape to what they believed in and lived the truth they preached. They don’t amass but distribute. They don’t start new religions, preach not new gospels, and erect no temples. Their speech and attire is very simple. They have a hollowness that anyone with a bit of awakening could ‘feel’ and experience. They don’t plant religious nurseries but open Schools-Colleges-Universities-medical colleges which cater free services to all poor sections of society.

Umeshwari But why do they bother to uplift the lot of the society, which is primarily the concern of the government, whereas they should be engaged in transforming the very characters of the humanity at large?


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Shantnu If we totally depend on society or nation, past history warns us that each nation under the sway of powerful leaders or the cult of leadership, tried useless methods for the improvement of standards of its general public in the sphere of education and material prosperity. But each time the results have been similar, further degeneration and devaluation of human values, at the cost of the few – the elite of the society – the torch bearers, the slogans shouters; it were always these people who benefited. They filled their coffers and expanded their imperial realms. Or if ever there has been material progress, it was always at the cost of nature and the dehumanization of man. Material progress has enhanced man’s value in wealth but his finer values, the very basis of his character, have been eroded. Man is becoming like the machines he has invented. He has lost the balance with nature. Nature, he considers his domain and by understanding its intricacies, he wants to master it some day. Spirit, divinity – love, not being the essential components of his machines, he has discarded like rotten cabbage.
It is because of these worsening (degenerating) conditions that second category of masters comes into the world and they reassert the worthiness of human values by their personification. By percept, example and practical applications, they elucidate to the world, the potency of spiritual edification by showing the possible results of their experimentations and demonstrations.
This class of Masters realise the cosmic-conscious level by their own effort. There have been hundreds of suchMaharishis(great sages), Messengers and Prophets. Their second most important distinction is, each one left the legacy of a new religion. And most of the religions came to be known after their names.
Umeshwari If their conscious level was confined only within the circle of cosmic-consciousness, and then we can not accept the authority of their truth/truths as whole and complete.
Shantnu Definitely so.
Umeshwari Then you will be raising many a controversies.
Shantnu Without going into, what we have already discussed, tell me has any one of them ever revealed something about the creation of the Universe? Whatever they have told us, are proving to be nursery tales. Is our earth only a few thousands years old? Does space contain only a million of stars (when there may be billions of galaxies). Is the sun, an important entity in the communities of the cosmos? Or if we accept the Gita philosophy, that each soul changes its wear like garments then it basically differs with some other philosophies, that the spirits (souls) of the buried followers shall be redeemed with the coming of the promised prophets. What I am trying to impress upon is not to condemn or nullify the gospels, truths or ideologies of current or ancient faiths and religions. I am simply trying to make a point that there exist different levels of consciousness in our minds, which represent the same levels as existing in the space. And as we go on awakening our conscious levels of memory (chambers) including wisdom, we acquire those levels and our inner-outer consciousness (intelligence) becomes one, which really is one.
The third level of consciousness actually has no level or state. It is whole-pure-eternal unto itself. This may be called, just to give it a worldly name, Supreme-Consciousness (Intelligence.). No human being or for that matter, any Master can attain to this consciousness while being in his physical body. A body of senses-mind-intellect-wisdom cannot enter its realm of still impulses. Though its love impulses encompass the other two circles, these are in different forms of pulses and energy. So any entity whether living or inert which is the composition of pulses and energy cannot enter its field of love-impulses. Any of its impulses which incarnate on its own accord and that too with some purposes, does not leave behind its symbols on earth. In human language they are called Avatars (Incarnation of god in human form). They do not leave behind any religion because they come from Truth and that Truth is love and love does not differentiate. They don’t come for the salvation of any particular caste-creed. Though they have to take birth like ordinary human beings, still they keep no active association with their worldly relations and friends. They are for all and all are for them.
Only these entities come on their own accord and they choose their own time, place and parents. They come with a purpose and after fulfilling it, they leave, without leaving a trace of their worldly attachments or favored possessions.
Only such persons know Realty, as they come direct from Realty and live and deport in Realty. Though they are not bound by karmas (actions) still they discharge their worldly duties like other mortals. But the difference between their actions and that of a mortal is that they perform them selflessly with greater zeal, perfection and love, for the benefit of humanity; whereas we perform them out of compulsion for selfish ends.
Umeshwari The three class of masters, you have just described are simply impossible to find in our material age.

Umeshwari In case a person, as you say, using his free-will acquires extra qualifications or qualities and thus is promoted to a higher circle, then should it be assumed that it was predestined or he has changed, not only his present destiny but also his future (birth’s) destinies as well? This poses a serious lacuna. A real Master knows about your past, present and future. But if you have changed your destiny, by sheer will-power (free will) then your future reincarnation (rebirths) and the likely preordained associations would also have to be mended accordingly. Will it not create confusion in the systematic scheme of Nature?
Shantnu You might have heard about hybrid plantation, grafting, transplantation cross-breeding, synthetic genes, test tubes babies, cloning and much more marvelous things that would happen in future. Human ingenuity would produce, in the coming age, wonders in the material world. All this has to happen. Man is bound to reach the ultimate heights of his intelligence. He has to go through all the three levels of consciousness, gross, cosmic, supra – conscious. If one is unveiled and elevated to higher degree of consciousness, he will realize, there is nothing in this material world, which is not already ‘written (predestined) even the presumable assumption of free-will is nothing but the conscious-level’s awakening of higher intelligence.
Umeshwari Then what is it that one acquires through self effort?


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Shantnu Umeshwari, I have already told you, one can change one’s fate/destiny, if one imbibes necessary will-power, determination and earnestness of purpose.
Umeshwari I once asked you, who is the Master of our fate?
Shantnu You.
Umeshwari Who can change our fate?
Shantnu You!
Umeshwari Then what is destiny or fate?
Shantnu Nature is passing through its own course. Whether predestined or due to its own permutations-fusion of particles – atoms – elements or forces of energy. Let the subject be left to the spiritualist and the scientists. Later course of events will clear the picture. As I was telling you, nature is going through its cycle of evolution. But now man, by knowing some of its schemes of working, is erecting his own creation, whether it is lethal or beneficial to the humanity is another matter. But it is a fact, man is trying to create his own creation, which one day, will be a matching parallel Creation. How is it happening? Not by going with the sway of nature. If we have to master the nature, we shall have to first understand its working by using opposing forces. If we produce electricity from water, we have to dam its course. Take another example of water. From oceans, it becomes clouds-water drops, snow and via streams-rivers it comes back to the oceans. But some part of it is consumed by the living bodies to quench their thirst or for irrigation purposes. This quantity of water had been diverted from its natural course of streams, rivers, and rendered its services for humanity. But there is some portion of waters, in a very small quantity, which irrigates the parched lands of the desert lands. These waters have served, still more fruitful a purpose. The motive behind these varied services rendered by water was not to charge back through bartered services. It was a service discharged free, without motive and also self-consuming. Whereas the major part merged back in the oceans, the remaining quantities while discharging services unto humanity had perforce broken off from their destined. But it is not so, their services had not been futile. These waters not only gave life to humanity but produced food in the heart of the burning deserts and parched lands. Each drop elevated itself into higher degree of life.
Sameway humanity, in its normal course, completes its evolution by stages as Nature has assigned. But a few venture out of the flow of Nature and make their own destines and share the benefits derived thereof with the needy. In addition to performing their normal duties, they do extra labor and share their fruits with the less privileged of the society, without any motive attached.
There is still another minority which completely dedicates itself for the selfless service of society. They surrender their time, energy, resources and even their most precious possession, of love in the betterment of the under-privileged.
These two categories rose above the normal course of life by performing extra activity by activating more energy---latent in them--- and gave a part or whole of their selves and elevated themselves to the higher levels of consciousness.
While the first category recycles itself again and again, the second one, gets the fruits of their good actions (karmas) by raising (entering) in the next conscious level, resulting in early release from the cycles of evolution.
The third category attains the release, while still in this body.
Umeshwari What is meant by the release?
Shantnu There have been Masters/Messenger/Saints/Messiahs/Prophets, who have been making a variety of promises to their followers. The one common factor in their promises is a rosy picture of heaven for their followers and a hell for the heathens/non-believers. Even the concept of Godhood conceived by them is incomplete and does not stand the tests of modern intelligence of even a layman.
Except for ancient Indian scriptures none told about the Universal oneness of God, unity of souls in One Over-soul or supra-consciousness of soul, pervading in all souls (spirits).
Better it would be if we talk less about this aspect and confine ourselves to the object already in hand.

Umeshwari So according to you, each one of us, has the option to change our destiny at will, provided we have that kind of willpower. And to achieve that we have to come out of the daily routine of life and acquire extra abilities/qualities and distribute the fruits resulting thereof among the down-trodden members of the society, or still better, privileged amongst us, should completely work selflessly for those, who need their services. This way we, not only elevate ourselves to higher level of consciousness, but at the same time hasten our evolution.
Tell me, is it possible to achieve upper levels of consciousness for a person, who does not believe in God?