Quest In Reality


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Shantnu But in this case, religions have acquired distinct characteristics of the Masters, who created them and are thus quite different to Religion-their parent body---not the body of gospel of a Master. Religion is the Truth that speaks of Reality, not the fiefdom of Masters, where the gospel of masters is propagated, not the Truth of Reality. So personal experiences of masters are not important, in the sense these should not be turned into impregnable citadels of religions but should be used as guide for posterity.
Student Dada, as we need teachers to teach us, don't we need the Masters to guide us in the realization of Reality!
Shantnu Teachers teach us of subjects which are already printed in the text books. But Masters do not teach from scriptures which are already available but teach from the books written by them on the basis of experience they are supposed to have undergone, during their confrontation with Reality!
Student Dada, what is wrong in teaching from their own experiences and writing their own scriptures?
ShantnuReality and its experiences are not one but two different aspects. Reality realization (Religion) does not automatically confer on the experienced the EternalState of consciousness, unless the union between the two is perfectly achieved. And whenever this happens, the experienced does not become an authority or a spokesperson but a humble replicate of Reality and thus remains merged in Reality unless he himself, decides to come down to the lower regions of intellect and mind.
Student Dada, is a realized one also prone to down-gradation?
Shantnu There are various ways to self-realization, which ultimately lead to Reality. It all depends on the type of method a seeker has adopted for self-realization that determines the longevity of merger in Reality. However, we shall discuss about it later. Presently, it is suffice to say that the Masters who rise above self-realization and attain mergence in Reality are beyond the control of the mind. Even when engaged in functions relating to body, mind and intellect, they are least tinged by their influences. But those whose aim is self-realization, which is but the attainment of individual perfection, are highly self-centered, as the Reality does not represent an individual's perfection but is the composite-integrated-perfection of totality.
Student Dada, how can we make distinction between these two classes of Masters?
Shantnu Those immersed in Reality, are permanently living in bliss, whereas the second class belonging to the seekers of self, are still afflicted to the duality of joy and sorrow, fame and censure, are powerfully controlled by their second identity of gross-self.
Student Dada, how this deficiency is retained though self-realization has been attained?
Shantnu Reality -consciousness comes step by step. You see, it is a long journey from body-mind-intellect-ego-conscience-wisdom-self-realization and finally to Reality. In the present case, the dormer’s journey has been from self to Reality and in the latter’s case; it was from self to self. The difference (deficiency) lies in the state of heights one achieves and observes the state of one step below from where he had accented. The Master who has ascended (attained) to top of the state of Reality, observes his self, which too is the highest state of consciousness, though limited to individual-self. But in self-realization the observation level is that of the self (mind) which is the gross-level conscious, lowest in the hierarchy of ascendancy to the upper state of consciousness. Thus observing from the top (Reality), self is the point of focus-the perfect micro duplicate of Reality, representing the original, not differentiating from it. But from the citadel of self, the observation level is that of the mind, whose master is ego, which always creates a separate entity that is different from the self.
Student Dada, isn't wisdom the immediate state from self?


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Shantnu As wisdom is the last step of self-realization, intellect is the epitome of mind that leads to wisdom. So as wisdom is synonymous to self, so is intellect to wisdom. Any differentiation between them is not of qualitative value.
Student Dada, now we understand that Reality is the constant-integrated consciousness that represents Totality and its truth is Religion, whereas any differentiation from Reality is not Reality nor is whole Reality. Consequently, religions do not represent Reality but are the segments of Reality. Reality is one; its truth is one, and that is Religion. Self’s (realization) are many, their truths are as many, and these are sub--religions.
Shantnu My dear, don't you confuse yourself with the words or their composition. All you have to remember always is the truth of Reality. And to know it, there is a process that requires the purity of body, speech, mind and intellect, moral conduct and virtuous living. The essence of all these words is conscience. Adhere to it and you realize Reality.

Student Dada, it is said, conscience too, has a voice; what is that, please explain?
Shantnu It is the sound that stores 'memory' (consciousness) in cosmos as well as in the mind. It also cycles through three states of gross, subtle and casual as vibrations, reflections, radiations (reaction, reflection and resound) When it is in gross form, it forms itself into material bodies, ranging from microcosm to macrocosm (particles to galaxies)!. The mode of interaction between subtle bodies (particles) is via radiation whereas amongst material objects (inter-galactic etc.) is through vibration. Similarly, it functions through three forms of speech, memory and thought in human bodies. When it has been churned properly with the sense of righteousness (body level), discrimination (mental/intellect level) and conscience (at wisdom) it resumes its original state of purity. At this state, worldly vocabulary is attached to it no more and it is language-less idea-less. That it is no more, the conglomeration of worldly sounds; you can compare it with the sounds emanating from the charged atmosphere of the earth, as it passes through earth's atmosphere, it is full of gross sounds but as soon as it enters the next sphere of solar family and further deep into our galaxy, it has shed earthly grossness and is now laced with the vibrations of the galactic bodies. By the time it has covered the limits of the cosmos and enters the realms beyond, it has off loaded the attached vibrations (memories) of the materials bodies and the radiation qualities of the particles and assumes its state of soundless that is, without the properties of gross, vibration and radiation. Correspondingly in human beings too, it goes through the variations of speech, memory, thought, emotion, pulse, tranquility, peace (wisdom) and bliss (reality). All these variations were because of the attachments, it acquired while passing through these variations. But having passed through these variations, it again becomes unattached, uninvolved and thus in purer state of soundless.!
Student Dada, how sound becomes soundless, when echo/resound (vibration) is its nature?
Shantnu Tell me, what is it that observes the changing phases of its (sound) involvement to higher heights or lower depths?
Student The ever pervading conscious, Dada.


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Shantnu Does conscious observes it from outside as a witness or from inside it, as an uninvolved witness?
Student Please tell us Dada.
Shantnu There is no external or internal consciousness, when it has resumed its original state, obviously, then there is no witness, observant or observed or observed anymore.
Student Dada, what is that, that exists at that state?
Shantnu A sound, which is not a sound, a state, which is not a state (stationary particle) but my dears we have again deviated from our path of inquiry, let us be where we were before.
Student It was the voice of the conscience, Dada.
Shantnu In human language, it is again religion.
Student By religion, you mean religions, Dada.
Shantnu As the quality of conscience of each group of people (religion) is nurtured on different set of moral-values; therefore each religion depicts different basic values. So presently we shall have to accept the authenticity of each religion.
Student Dada, do moral values change from religion to religion?
Shantnu Of course my dears, but not in Religion.
Student That indicates there is no such thing as conscience of humanity!
Shantnu A relative term, good only for now; as religion of humanity has lost its shine, similarly, conscience too has been devalued and it is projected differently by different groups of people! Even it varies from person to person.
Student Then it is not a conducive state of affairs, to live in.
Shantnu On the contrary, present times, are the most challenging and constructive of period, human history has encountered.
Student How Dada.
Shantnu When the opposing (negative) forces are most prominent; destruction (neutrality) of negative forces is imminent. It is the law of nature. So, don't lose heart, now is the time, when human history would witness the new dawn of hope that will usher an era of fulfillment, both spiritually and materially.
Student Dada, what would be the linking factor, between these two?
Shantnu Conscience, human-conscience! Individual or group conscience would lose its falsity of separateness and shall be replaced by the conscience of humanity, which is its moral-cleaner.
Student In other words, there shall be one religion-the religion of love, one caste, the caste of humanity, one language, the language of the heart, as you had told us earlier.
Shantnu These are not my words, but the voice of the conscience which is inherent in each and every human being and always promotes an individual to do good acts, conduct rightly, morally and be virtuous.
Student Is that the aim of humanity, Dada.
Shantnu No. These are the basic requirements which shape the character of human beings.
Student Dada, you had told us that the difference between moral and right act is based on the element of religion and the sense of righteousness, which again are governed by the conscience (moral values) and human values. You had, also informed us, that when the element of religion is applied on human values, they become moral values, though in nature, both are one and the same thing, but when we talk of moral and immoral acts, a new word is coined to assess their fruits. And that word is - Sin.
Dada, tell us how our acts become sinful?


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Shantnu In any language if different sets of principles are applied, the meanings of the words change according to the force of the circumstances. See, how a simple act is transformed into different phraseology. At sensual level, it is good/bad, at intellect level, it is right/wrong, at conscience level, it becomes moral/immoral, same act becomes a sin/virtue, when the principle of religion is applied. It is simply an act (without any fruits thereof) when it confronts wisdom. When some act is perceived and assessed from different angles of (subjects) of sociology, psychology, scholarship, religion and physiology, it acquires qualitative variations.
Student Dada, it is qualitative gradation or different variations, independent to each other.
Shantnu These are the variants of cosmic-mind, which is encased in individual-selves, and is identified in different stages of human anatomy.
Student Thank you very much, Dada, as we have traversed these different levels' of consciousness with you and we are now in the crucial stage of human (cosmos) conscience.
Shantnu Tomorrow we shall have a talk on 'Sin'.


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Student There must have been some dire need for the invention of this word, Dada!
Shantnu The urgent need was, and still is, of putting fear in the hearts of the Student Dada, what is sin?
Shantnu Whatever is against the principles of morality!
Student If it were so, why not to describe it as unrighteous!
Shantnu I had told you, sense of righteousness is, in the preview of the intellectuals.
Student Then sin word is the invention of religion.
Shantnu It is not the invention of religion, but the projection of the sub-religions.
Student Does this word (sin) find a mention in the sacred texts of ancient times?
Shantnu In philosophical texts, this word is amiss but in recent history of mankind, during which wars were fought in the name of religion, this word suddenly found a prominent place in the religious texts of warring groups.
Student But fear breeds hatred, whereas religions teach love.
Then why hatred and fear factors were introduced in religions?
Shantnu Fear and hatred were used as a tool in the form of sin, to have complete control on not only over their people but also over the people of opposing forces.
Student Dada, for what purpose; only mind's power is enough!
Shantnu With the might of the mind, a ruler may have sway over the bodies of his subjects but not over the spirit (will).
Student What difference does it make, Dada?
Shantnu The difference is that of will, defiance, submission.
Student How the power of sin can break the will of people, Dada?
Shantnu Simply by submitting it (will) before a superior will.
Student To whom does that superior 'will' belong to Dada?
Shantnu God.
Student Not Reality?
Shantnu No. Only to God, because for scholars, intellectuals or state rulers, Reality concepts is rational and God aspects is a myth! According to them, Reality concept is beyond the ken of ordinary people, so a myth of a God is erected around a specially created personality, with an aura of super-natural powers, and a cult of superstitions.
Student Dada, is God a myth or reality?
Shantnu Both. A myth for those, who belong to the class of scientists who are engaged in the sciences of Nature or those who, willfully, deny His existence! But it is a Reality for those who seek Him in Nature and beyond Nature!
Student Dada, you had told us, Religion is Truth of Reality (God) and Religion's nature is love. So also God's nature, in case His existence is accepted as Reality not as a myth, should also be love. Then why the element of fear was necessary in the gospels of religions?
Shantnu You know fear is the outcome of ignorance. So fear of sin is also an element of ignorance.
Student But sin has become part and parcel of religious rigmarole. So it can't be ignored that lightly, Dada.
Shantnu What causes fear?
Student Ignorance
Shantnu What is ignorance?
Student Lack of knowledge, Dada.
Shantnu So you see, fear is always of unknown elements. Tell me, how fear element can be introduced in the minds of a group of people?
Student By withdrawing knowledge and superimposing ignorance.
Shantnu When knowledge is withdrawn, what happens?
Student Ignorance reigns.
Shantnu What breeds ignorance?
Student Fear.


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Shantnu If, by willful attempt, knowledge of Reality is withdrawn from society and in its place; a cult of superstition is superimposed, what would be the result?
Student A catastrophe would ensue in the moral character of the society. But how can it be brought about Dada?
Shantnu Reality is rational, personality cult is irrational. Is that clear?
Student How personality cult is irrational, Dada?
Shantnu Because no person is larger than his ’size’.
Student But it is said, a person can become the master of cosmos if he is able to master his mind.
Shantnu But who can master his mind? A war-monger, a ruler, or a religious zealot! No, only a wise is able to control the mind. A person, who wants to control and subjugate his people by the might of his mundane powers, is himself, ruled by his inflated ego and thus his mind is prey to all kinds of desires, temptations and passions! Thus instead of mastering his mind, his mind is controlled by all kinds of negative tendencies. His mind emits powerful radiations of negative forces, whose flames consume all that is good in society. Moral values crumble before their onslaught and a new cult is born, whose pass word is fear, hatred, annihilation, submission and destruction of self.
Student Dada, is self-destructible?
Shantnu What do you understand about self?
Student It is the over-self of an individual self, Dada.
Shantnu It is the truth of existence of an individual entity.
Student Is it the gist of mind-intellect-wisdom or the inherent legacy of Existence, Dada?
Shantnu We are not apart from Existence. Whatever we inherit and grow from, are the same substance, out of which existence came into being. So self is the purest state of conscious which is the microcosm of the macrocosm.
Student Then how does it lose its purity of consciousness and come to believe itself as an ordinary self, the projected identity of the mind?
Shantnu Man may be an evolved animal of Nature, but at the same time he is also its replica. He is the repository of Reality-conscious (ness) in the exact form the way it layered down (evolved/duplicated step by step) to shape Nature and its "creations.
Reality, Consciousness, Self are not subject to destruction and do not lose their Being. On the contrary they exist and express their consciousness in each and every entity; they are evolved in, though their expressions vary according to the state of consciousness of the individual entity.
Student Dada, if an individual is controlled by negative forces, obviously his mind-intellect wisdom, would produce a self that is its satanic version. This way there would be two opposite self’s. Please explain.
Shantnu Wisdom does not produce evil or perverted-self, neither evil produces wisdom.
Student But, Dada, there are evil geniuses in the world who produce tools of destruction and cause unimaginable havoc to society.
Shantnu The influence of negative tendencies is limited only to the level of mind and intellect. Their misdirection is possible only to this extent but as soon as the sense of discrimination is applied, their misdirection is checked and therefore conscience induces the remaining correctional measures and transform the evil genius into wisdom.
Student In case their conscience remains dormant, what will happen Dada?
Shantnu Evil consumes and fuels itself. But in the process its conflagration are subsumed by the dawn of wisdom. Had it not been so, would humanity have survived the onslaughts of evil mongers, dictators, conquerors, invaders, crusaders or psychopaths? Nay, my dears, evil never triumphs though sometimes it gives such impressions. Its fuel of negative tendencies consumes and exhausts itself. Unlike wisdom, which nourishes and flourishes it consumes and extinguishes itself.
Student Dada, why evil has produced a galaxy of super-stars?
Shantnu In fact, they were not the links of fine arts, via which each subsequent civilization passes on its legacy, but the diehards who obstruct the progressive evolvement of finer things of life. But their end is always abrupt and total. Their end is as sudden as their meteoric rise, while the words of wise last forever, whereas their empires vanish instantly after their fall.
Student Why Dada?
Shantnu Because the nursery of evil is in mind, whose own foundation is laid on the five pillars of sand (senses)!


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Student Dada, the positive and negative fruits of actions that we evaluate at physical, mental, intellectual and religious level; are these actually levels or their qualitative distinction?
Shantnu You have already answered your question. There are evolving factors of an individual self to Self, that is, from imperfection to perfection. But unlike others, a religion like conscience is not a level or a factor that indicates an individual evolvement level of consciousness, but is an ingredient that produces consciousness in him, and it has its descent direct from Religion.
Student Then how does it dilute itself from religion to religions?
Shantnu It is already explained, a religion caters to the moral-values of a sect, whereas Religion belongs to Jagat (universe).

Student Dada, how does conscience or a religion transform the fruits of an act, from good and bad to right and wrong, from moral and immoral to virtuous and sinful?
Shantnu These are not transformations but refinements of the quality of fruits.
Student Dada, does an act go through these transformations or its quality of fruits?
Shantnu Both, conscience like (religion) monitors the instrument of action, mind dyes its moral values, and the quality of resultant fruits is identical.
Student Dada, does the mind have a color?
Shantnu Consciousness in its gross form (mind) is subject to change, because of its combination of positive and negative tendencies. When it is overpowered by anger, its color becomes red, a selfish mind's color is brownish, whereas that of an egoistic mind, the color is orange. But a mind that is dedicated to Reality-its color is of pure-white.
Student Dada, what is the color of love?
Shantnu Pink.
Student Dada, it is very strange that consciousness has the quality of color-(change).
Shantnu Consciousness like sound, acquires the qualities of gross-world, when it is in the region of mind and is thus subject to change. Whatever is subject to change is governed by the laws of nature. As nature is full of variety of colors, so whatever happens to be in its orbit, acquires its colors also.
Student Do these colors really exist in our conscious (ness) or these are the emotional variations, our memory cells display in consonance to the state of their richness (activeness).
Shantnu Actually consciousness in its pure-state, has no (quality)color, But due to its proximity to physical worlds, it seemingly (temporarily) acquires their traits. But as soon as, the moss of their traits is removed from it, once again, it resumes its state of purity which is colorless.
Student And it is the conscience that removed that moss, Dada.
Shantnu Yes.
Student Does conscience makes a person better human being with the additional qualities he acquires?
Shantnu It is not enough to being a better man, unless one is endowed with humanness that comes only if one has imbibed the qualities of compassion and love. No amount of scholarship can bring about these qualities; it is conscience alone that inspires those virtues.
Student Dada, are scholars barren of love?
Shantnu Intellect can produce scholars and geniuses but not artists.
Student What do you mean by artists, Dada?
Shantnu Persons who love the work they do.
Student Don't the scholars love their work, Dada?
Shantnu They work like machines, devoid of love.
Student Dada, what is the qualitative difference between the work (action) of an intellect/scholar/genius and an artist?
Shantnu Though both are dedicated to their jobs, an artist's act never produces the fruits of evil, whereas the former’s are susceptible to these. There can, always be an evil genius but not an evil art.
Student Why it is so, Dada?


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Shantnu Because the acts of an artist are conscientious backed by the application of moral-values, but the brain of .a genius is not bothered by these aberrations.
Student Aberrations, Dada!
Shantnu Yes, for him, these are mere aberrations. In his field of work he is concerned only with relevant data, which furthers his knowledge of the subject at hand, not with illogical intrusions, which are the habitats of the parasites. His scientific mind does not understand such luxuries as-sympathy, kindness, self-sacrifice, compassion and love. What science has to do with these words? He wonders!
Student Are all scholars of the same frame of mind?
Shantnu No, A few are destined to become wise.
Student But, Dada, there have been artists, who indulged in debauchery!
Shantnu No artist has attained perfection, in any science of nature or life, dousing himself in self-indulgence.
Student But, Dada there have been a few exceptions who created works of genius which adorn the walls of prestigious galleries.
Shantnu You, yourself have classified their works as that of geniuses but not the work of the Masters.
Student Some of their works are really classified as masterpiece of art.
Shantnu Name me just one master who mastered any one of the branches of Nature and had duplicated that in totality through the medium of art or science!
Student That way, not even the renowned scientists have completely uncovered (discovered) the mysteries of their chosen fields. We hardly know a fraction of Nature as yet. Dada, similar is the case, in the field of 'reality'. Despite there being a hoard of religions, our moral-standards, human-values, the very basis of our character, have gone to the lowest depths.
Shantnu You see, though scientific advancement is going at a staggering pace, the number of religions standards, too have gone up, but we have lost touch with ourselves. We have replaced moral-values with sensual-values, human-values with machine-culture, character with materialism, conscience with ego, religion with science and Reality with rationality.

Student Dada, what is wrong with material, science and rationality?
Shantnu Nothing, my dears, except their superficial demarcation with conscience, spiritually and Reality.
Student But they are complementary to each other's advancement.
Dada, does Reality also has a scope for further improvement (advancement)?
Shantnu Encased in physical bodies, it passes through different levels and it changes its nomenclature, gross (conscious) mind, intellect, sense of discrimination and wisdom and finally the reality itself.
Student What are those factors Dada, which make its (mind) journey smooth from gross-conscious level of Reality?
Shantnu Conscience.
Student So conscience is the vital link between the mind and Reality, Dada.
Shantnu It is not a link but a distiller's dye that brings about changes in the thinking process of the mind and induces it to peace (white) and ultimately to Reality.
Student Dada, is mind distinct from Reality?
Shantnu We should not have brought this point at this level of discussion, still it is alright to say, there is absolutely no difference between the two, though it is the lowest aspect of Reality.
Student Which are the upper ones Dada?
Shantnu Wisdom and Itself.


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Student Sir, today we don't find any subject for discussion.
Shantnu Now, you should stop using the Sir, appellation.
Student Then how should we address you, Sir?
Angelee I can solve this problem of yours. You may address him with the appellation of 'Dada', which connotes different relationship in India: such as, elder brother, grand father, group leader etc.
Student Madam, what is the difference?
Angelee Master does not want to interact with you on impersonal level, as ‘sir’ word creates the distinction of superiority of rank, age, knowledge and degrees. It is a western style of class-segregation which instead of establishing personal relationship between the pupil and the teacher, servant and master, subordinate and officer, keeps them apart. But in old traditional style of education the Guru (teacher) established direct personal rapport with his pupils. This system created not only an atmosphere of equality but at the same time it inspired reverence in the hearts of the pupil. Close proximity and interaction reflected the latent virtues of the teacher. His noble life became a living example for the students.
Student You mean to say, there should be Guru-pupil relationship in place of student-teacher impersonal interaction i.e., there should be personal basis interaction. But madam, students, I mean pupils, may not take wrong notions of the sense of equality?
Angelee If a teacher, besides his acumen of intellect, also leads an exemplary life; he will automatically leave an immediate impression of virtuosity, on the impressionable young hearts of his pupils. Instead of their derision he will inspire respect and reverence.
Student Oh yes, now we understand. You, yourself, are an example. Though you are the VC of this University, still you are sitting and behaving with us, like equals. In our pursuit of knowledge you have not only brought us here, before a real master, but are also sharing an experience with delight and happiness.
Shantnu My dear little ones, I am neither a teacher nor endowed with the worldly honors. So I don't deserve any kind of appellation. Like the scholars of today, I have not assumed degrees or the wealth of knowledge. That way I am a pauper. Rather I have de-hoarded whatever I ever possessed or acquired and today I feel as empty of knowledge as you students. I am as anxious and curious of knowledge of Reality, as you are, so in our quest of Reality, we are on equal footing. There is absolutely no difference. Our equality of relationship is not a myth but a reality, I am your elder in age, and so as your VC has commanded, you may call me, from now onward, as 'Dada' (Angelee eyed questioningly).
Student We are extremely happy; Dada this has also brought a major break-through in the removal of our mental block-ups. Dada does these mental block-ups or the changing identifications of the self, also represents the doubter's nature in us?
Shantnu Bravo, my dears. You are doing very fine. A good question indeed! Why do we develop doubts?
When we completely identify ourselves with any one of the 'self (of body' mind, intellect, wisdom - consciousness) we don't have any doubts. But as soon as we are free of that identity and are ready for refining our consciousness, our mind develops apprehensions, which we call as doubts. You know when we are no more plagued with the negative tendencies - the playthings of ours senses - and our mind is in their grip we are immersed in the gross-level living of body-conscious, we decline our-self to lower regions of conscious. This leads to bondage of the mind with the material-objective world of sensual pleasures. But soon, it (mind) leaves the region of grosser-self, it moves towards the pastures of refinement, improvement, enhancement and enlightenment, it liberates itself and attains Reality. Thus our mind is the basic, as well as the only factor (entity), that creates its bondage and its liberation also. It is the cause of its ruin and the fruits of its own liberation...
Student Dada, gross-conscious produces only negative tendencies?


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Shantnu Actually there are no lower or higher, or negative or positive tendencies. These words only connote type of life we live in and the impressions produced thereof. If we are excessively involved with the indulgences of our senses, the resultant impression or the vibrations produced would reflect only baser/lower quality of life. If the same intensity of involvement is also exercised in the subtle states of our mind (intellect-ego-wisdom), our mind produces the vibrations of positive qualities of life. So when our mind is in degeneration process, it develops psychosis of fear/doubts because of its slackening grip on Reality and substituting the gross-conscious levels as the Reality. But when it starts unshackling itself from lower-regions of negative tendencies and elevates itself towards Reality realms, it exhibits faculties of compassion, love - sacrifice and affection. Negative to positive, positive to neutral, neutral to reality, is the way. And the way leads via self-inquiry.
Student Self-inquiry! Can it remove the doubts?
Shantnu When we are in the baser regions of body-senses-mind trilogy, only sense of perception, can take us out of their slush. The direct impact of noble virtuous lives of our parents, teachers and leaders would impel our mind to change its direction from bondage to liberation. Only at this stage of change-over, self-inquiry takes on the charge.
Student Dada, you mean, when our mind identifies itself with body-senses concept, its reversal journey comes through only precept and as soon as it normalizes itself, it can raise its level of conscious through the agency of self-inquiry.
Shantnu Yes. And to simplify it more clearly, we may state that when we are living in the physical-state of mind, only beautiful (positive) things of the ephemeral world could produce any impact on our mind and turn its direction.
Student Then at what stage we develop doubts?


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Shantnu When we are in the physical state of conscious and get bored with the constant similarities of our daily life, we look up for more, for something higher than the stagnation of the present day life. This disaffection with the present identification and the non-conception of the higher level of consciousness is the doubting state. We are hanging in the middle because having loosened our grip of the sensual-living and finding as yet, no firm grip of the next level; we find our-self, temporarily in the doubters lobby. But as soon as we enter the subtle conscious levels we are, no more, tormented by the doubts. At this stage we are stalked by the naked truth of our ignorance-level of reality. Then we don't entertain doubts and lack maturing but observe the complete paucity of knowledge.
Then the instrument of self-enquiry, slow and steady removes the layers of our ignorance and unfolds the thinnest cover of ever blooming ever permeating ever pervading reality. So doubt no more, Realize ever more.

Student Dada, yesterday, we were discussing about the phases of doubt and you explained it as the transitional period between any of the two levels. Then what state do these words represents : ignorance, immature, incomplete, unintelligence and lack of knowledge or any such words which indicate our lack of grasp to any aspect in life.
Shantnu All of these words show our half-hear ted grasp on life! I mean incomplete knowledge (consciousness awareness) of the various aspects of life.
Student Dada, we can never possess complete knowledge that is the preserve of only a perfect Master, who is aware of the three worlds. Our knowledge about any aspect is always limited, which we falsely believe as complete. How can we make this distinction between the complete and the incomplete knowledge?
Shantnu When we are aware of the three attributes of a subject (creation, sustenance, destruction) its qualities (guans) of Sathwic (truth) Rajasic (activity), Tames (inertia) and about its placement in time (past-present-future), then we can positively claim about its knowledge. But as you have rightly observed, we possess a very limited knowledge in any subject, we can't acclaim ourselves as Master of that subject.
Student Dada, how does our knowledge become unlimited from the limited state?
Shantnu When you become Master of all the subjects - a 'Jnani'(wise) you become!
Student But that is impossible! All of a sudden, we cannot release ourselves from the limited bondage of the trio (body- mind- intelligence) and make ourselves an unlimited (all-knowing entity. There ought to be a process - a long process at that, through which we shall have to grill ourselves and attain the truths of all the subjects.
Shantnu Truth is always revealed, as IT, ever exists. Only knowledge is attained, for worldly knowledge is always acquired. Also remember truth is always singular not plural. And Truth revelation or realization also does not require us to go through a cumbersome process; it is as simple as you or me. It requires of us to be in normal state of mind and observe things as they are. Not as they ought to be.
Student How do we bring ourselves in a normal state of mind?
Purity of body-mind-intellect makes us better aware of their counterparts in Nature. The material world, its gross-Conscious (atmosphere) and its integrated intelligence represent in us the trilogy of body-mind-intellect. As we achieve the optimum level of purity in our senses, mind, and thought, we automatically acquire the purest consciousness of their counterparts in Nature, thereby widening our scope of insight, that now encompasses the Universal-mind or as natural sequel to our purest state of mind, our-self subsumes in the gross-integrated-awareness and automatically, becoming part of the Universal-mind, gets aware of the gross-cosmic mind.
Student Dada, what is the difference between Gross-integrated-awareness and integrated-awareness?
Shantnu Gross connotes the physical aspect of Cosmos, whereas the integrated-awareness represents the subtle as well as the gross aspect of Nature.
Student Dada, what is the normal state of mind?
Shantnu When we observe the rope as a rope i.e., when the twilight of doubt does not superimpose on our immature mind the image of snake in place of the rope. Lack of knowledge of the surroundings, immaturity of the mind, and the ignorance of Reality, befog our intellect and our mind, accordingly, gets tainted images of the Reality. Reality is not something beyond our 'conception'. It is simply there and we have to observe it, with the untainted glass of wisdom. So start by observing the things in their truest forms. Their truest forms are as the result of our pure intellect. Purity of thought thus makes it possible to observe the truest nature (form) of an object - which is the Reality of that object. So, Reality, when translated in simple words represents the normal state of an object, because normal nature of an object is its truest form, which is its Reality. So the first word in the dictionary of wisdom is, ‘Be’ normal. And observe thing in their normal state and you have sown in your intellect the seeds of wisdom. It is a state, where you are not bothered about past and are not apprehensive about your future. It is the present that is all important. If you apply this formula to your present state of mind, you will observe the present state of your mind or attention, command your concentration to participate earnestly, in the discussion we are inter-locution.
Student What is the concentration of mind?



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Shantnu Detaching your mind from past and future and focusing it on present. And that present is presently, our subject of discussion. At present, that present are you and me and the subject we discuss. Then, our level of discussion (enquiry) goes on deeper and deeper, I mean, getting simpler and simpler, we forget our physical entitles and are conscious of the subject at hand. Thereafter, the subject matter too vanishes and only remains the language of silence, which reflects the underlying meaning of our subject of discussion.

Student Dada, what is the language of silence? Does silence too has a language?
Shantnu Firstly, we try to understand the physical (material) aspect of an object; then its inner composition and thereafter the cause behind its composition. The material aspect is the body, composition aspect is the matter, the cause behind is the conscious-particle. And that consciousness is the Reality for us...
Student Sorry for the interruption, has Reality more hidden aspects beyond this, even?
Shantnu The ultimate cause behind Nature is not only the Reality; That Reality too has its origin, and origin from whom? It can not be its own cause anyway! Presently; we should confine ourselves to the present subject of discussion and that is - the language of silence. Up to the level intellect, our wordly languages are rich enough to understand and express in speech or writing, the nature around us or beyond. But as soon as we try to go beyond the conceptual world, our vocabulary of words fail to describe the experiences, our intellect goes through before it reaches the realms of wisdom. As wisdom has no expression in words, it exudes expressions through joys and ecstasies, which our vocabulary fails to describe. At that time each of us creates a language, an inner language, which advances our self-inquiry to heights which are beyond our conception and elevates the self-toward the Self. It is a language of rich emotions and feelings. In them is compressed the entire happiness of the worlds and the very essence of their joys. The Nature in bloom, blossoms joys which fructify the finer sensitivities of its inhabitants, animate or inanimate, and stir in them the life current, the energy-force, and their churning creates ecstasy. That churning is the silent state of Nature and its elements and its counterpart the wisdom, in human race.
Student Dada, elaborate it a little further.
Shantnu Every object in Nature has its image and sound. When we have understood about the objects which emit images and sounds, the language (vocabulary) has fulfilled its utility. But when we try to understand the one basic factor that unites those images and sounds, in the ultimate analysis of Nature, our language fails us and we have to, at that point, create, a language, which has no words, images or sounds in its repository, but only silence that probe the unfathomable silence zones of inner-self and the cosmos, wherein abound the invisible (latent) silent stationary particles, which were the cause of the Origin The one-unifying factor in them all, is the element of consciousness-Awareness, which is beyond description, expression and to understand that, we have to take help, of the silent language - the wisdom, which has the capacity to elevate and unite our-self (individual-particle/life-force) to the Universal-Self (Conscious-Patrice). The only medium that fructifies our compressed particle and elevates its conscious state and ultimately uniting it, to the Integrated-Consciousness, is the language of silence. Silence is the zone of peace, equipoise and normalcy.
Student Dada, does silence really exists without words and language?


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Shantnu There are two types of sounds (dialogues) - inner and outer. The outer dialogue is stilled by mind and the inner one is vanquished by wisdom. As you know, each element has its material as well as subtle form. Sound too has, Nature, as its material form (body) and space as its subtle aspect. You also known man have all the five elements of which nature is composed of. As such, he is the true replica of nature. His physical body is the synthetic form of nature and has all the qualities and faculties found in the material aspect of the nature. Similarly, the subtle aspect of the body - the mind, is the exact counterpart of space, the subtle aspects of nature. The body and senses, like any material object of nature, create audible/inaudible sounds, which are subsequently merged in the mind and the atmosphere. The mind and the atmosphere give an eerie feeling of qualitative silence, as both of them contain not only the sounds of our planets but the latent sounds of the cosmos. As the atmosphere absorbs the sounds of earth, mind possesses the sounds of all the objects conceived and perceived by our senses. The way all the audible sounds of earth are absorbed in the qualitative silence of its atmosphere, which is its subtle form too, the human mind also absorbs the sounds created by its body and senses. As the atmosphere is subtle than earth and space is subtle than atmosphere, similarly mind is the subtle aspect of body (senses) and intelligence is subtle aspects of mind.
Plainly speaking, before attempting inner-stillness, we should endeavor for the stillness of our mind. That is only possible if we can silence, both the dialogues - outer as well as inner. Both are inspired by the mind (unto its intelligence level) the sphere of our intelligence is the total material aspect of nature, their subtle (bodies) also subsume in it and as a result the contents of outer - inner dialogue is always ephemeral phenomenal world.
Student You mean, so long we are in the grip of the material world, our conscious would reach (reveal) up to the intelligence level only and as a result, the subject matter of our dialogues whether outer or inner, would always remain worldly-related, that is, relating to the phenomenal world. Thus, the changing aspects of the ephemeral-world go on changing the quality of the sounds (dialogues); starting from the grosser-level sounds of the body and senses, these elevate to the level of mind and intelligence. In other words, it (sound) progresses from the body-senses-mind to thought level where it exists in its purest essence, the purest intelligence that sustains this universe, but not the Reality? Isn't it so Dada?

Shantnu Precisely my dears, the knowledge of the phenomenon world is contained in the Universal-Intelligence, which exists in the roaming cosmos, in the shape of dancing-particles, which in turn are conscious and their consciousness extends to each other and in their compressed forms, is hidden the purest essence of the sounds of creations. And that sound (intelligence) is conscious too. The intelligence in us, in its purest state is the purest-essence of our gross as well as subtle bodies (senses and mind) is also conscious and is linked to the Universal Intelligence of which we are obviously a part.
Student Dada, according to you, the basis of our intelligence is the sound, which contains in itself both the sounds (outer-inner).
Shantnu Actually, both are one. The outer is the projection of the inner.


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Student Or the inner is the subtle aspect of the outer (ephemeral-word).
Shantnu In due course, we shall come to know that the outer is the reflection of the inner-sound. And when the outer one is silenced, only the inner sound remains which is the original.
Student Dada, how we shall be able to obliterate their distinction of outer and inner and shall experience only one sound (dialogue) which you say is the original.
Shantnu When we understand the source of the outer-dialogue is the ephemeral-material-world and the source of inner dialogue is the Reality.
Student Dada, you mean, the final stilling of the outer-dialogue is the beginning stage of understanding the inner-dialogue.
Shantnu There is distinction of outer-inner sounds only unto the level of intelligence but as soon as we start the process of self-enquiry by applying the faculty of discrimination, the resultant elevation would stop the exercise of futile dialogues and in their place, would be implanted the germs (thoughts) of wisdom.
Student But self-inquiry needs the application of dialogue?
Shantnu When we shift our intelligence into logic we definitely need the help of inner dialogue. But the moment we transform our logic into practical way of life, it becomes wisdom and at that level we no more require the assistance of outer dialogue or its inner-counterpart.
Student What is the difference between the inner-counterpart (of outer) and inner dialogue?
Shantnu The inner counterpart of outer dialogue is the faculty of data processing better known as the reasoning quality whereas inner dialogue represents the subtle aspect of wisdom.
Student Wisdom too has a subtle aspect?
Shantnu Yes. And that is Bliss.
Student Dada, before coming to bliss - level, let us understand about the present subject of inquiry. You had talked about the stillness states of body, senses, mind and intelligence, what are they (stillness) and how these are acquired?
Shantnu Stillness is the subtle state of the gross-consciousness to which the conscious now identifies. When we identify with the mind, our body or senses are automatically still (-ed). That is when we understand the real motivator of the body-senses complex, is the mind, the pr-eminence of the senses over the body, is waned and mind becomes the master.
Student You mean, when mind is activated, senses are stilled and when intelligence is awakened, mind also is stilled (or understood).
Shantnu Exactly
Student Then what is the role of the outer-inner dialogue?
Shantnu The medium of interaction amongst mind-intelligence-wisdom
Student Dada, what is that?
Shantnu That, which interweave pleasure-joy-bliss...
Student Dada, what is that?
Shantnu Music, my dear, music.
Student And, Dada, what is music


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Shantnu Sound: the ever-pervading sound that permeates the animate as well as the inanimate.
Student What is the nature of that sound?
Shantnu Music.
-Student Pray, tell us, what is music?
Shantnu The echoes and vibrations emitting of that sound are the music that thrills Nature with joy.
Now we come to the original query; does sound exist without words and pictures?
Student There is another one too; after silence does sound exist?
Shantnu Both are inter-related. In both the cases, the answer is yes and this answer is qualitative?
Student How Dada?
Shantnu Earth's atmosphere, like mind appears silent but you know both are full of gorses-conscious, which in turn is composed of sounds and pictures. But beyond the atmosphere, is the space, which is silent.
Student Dada, this silence too is deceptive as sound, images of earth and far-off galaxies pass through it. So it too is not silent.
Shantnu The very basis of this ephemeral world is 'activity'. And where there is activity, sounds and images exist. But as we go deep in the vacuums of space, this quality gets finer and finer (subtle). Similarly is the case with our mind. As our consciousness elevates itself to intelligence level, sounds and images, become clear but in another form.
Student Dada, what is that form?
Shantnu Thoughts, my dear.
Student You mean sounds and images are in real sense the thoughts
Shantnu Not only that, the very origin of the thoughts is from sound
Student How so Dada, please explain?
Shantnu In our memory cells, knowledge is stored in the form of vibrations, pulses. These vibrations contain sounds and pictures of our memories. Similarly, it is via sound waves we communicate with other places or planets. Through these sound-waves or light beams, we receive data of other planets. We come to know about the quality of existence of planets, stars, comets, pulses, quasars etc. from the vibrations they emit via sound, ultra sound waves, light beams, gamma" waves, ultra violet rays, or many other waves/beams about whose existence we are unaware so far. These vibrations are, the emissions of the moving objects in space and their reflections - atmosphere. The cosmos and the vast space, in which they move, are constantly engaged in activity. So is engaged the vast expanse of space as the particles which abound the visibly vacuum space, are ever engaged in eternal dance. These sounds originating from the moving mass of the ephemeral world are contained in these dancing-particles. Obviously, their exact reflections too are stored in these tiny particles.


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Student This also means the secret of the source of each and every moving cosmos is held in the sounds, emitted at the time of their creation. Therefore, unless we are able to decode these sounds, we cannot know about their origin. But this poses a problem; there are stars, even in our galaxy, whose light beams have not reached our planet so far, what to talk of other galaxies! We have to know (decode) the original sound, created at the time of the creation of Nature, the first sound emitted at the time of creation of our phenomenal world. But that sound we may not hear in near future. Dada, there must be some way out or we shall always be ignorant about our origin.
Shantnu Nature through its evolutionary process has been passing on its secrets of creation, sustenance and destruction, to its creations, via genetics factors; we can always decode those messages (passed through genes) and come to know about the truth of our origin.
Student Dada how is it possible to be aware of the sound contained in the 'dancing-particles' that contain the secrets of our origin?
Shantnu These particles are conscious you know. Link their consciousness with your consciousness and you unravel secrets of origin.
Student That again brings us back to our-self. Dada, it is a journey from the self to Self.
Shantnu Rightly expressed. We can also call it a journey from 'here to here'.
Today we shall try to know more about the sound.
Student Dada what relation co-exist between sound, form and name?
Shantnu We have already discussed about the 'form' aspect of the sound. Name is basically, the identification, the differentiation amongst the objects in Nature.
Student What is the difference between Name and form?
Shantnu Name is the subtle body of the 'form'.
Student You mean, name exist even before the form!
Shantnu Yes, my dear. First there is the will, then thought (contemplation), conception and thereafter the form.
Student But we name an object only after it is created or born.
Shantnu No it is not like that. Before we implant the seedling we know the names of their forms, as mango-apple etc. Before a child is born we know it would be a human (child) being. The categories of life in nature are in the sequence of improvisation of evolution. Nothing in nature is happening, perchance or in haphazard way. From the design of nature, you would observe that each category of element or atom is linked in a chain. If any link in the chain is broken or damaged, others are affected too. These vast categories of life or elements create sounds. The baser their existence, baser is their sound (vibrations). As the quality of life goes on improving, so does the variation (subtlety) in sounds.
Student Dada, please define these variations?


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Shantnu Only human beings have mastered the art of sound - variation and created languages, whereas all other categories of life, like insects, crawlers, and bird’s animals interact with other members of their species, by emitting peculiar sounds, by which they identify themselves and convey their physical wants. These sounds are often given out in the form of vibrations. But remember it is the human race that possesses the faculty, to transmit its thoughts through the medium of language. Man is trying to fathom the minutest variation, intonation in the sound. He not only tries to decipher the voices of atmosphere and the space around him but is also going deeper into his mind - intellect, wisdom, and conscience and is deciphering their voices too. As we undergo through quality-wise transformations, our sounds too go through as many changes. At sensual level, we produce gross-sounds (outer-dialogue); at gross-mind, our accumulated knowledge stored in memory cells in the shape of sound-vibrations, converts itself, into thoughts by the medium of language (outer-language); at intellect level, we contemplate and rationalize, therefore, we create (need) only inner-dialogue. At this stage we don't talk loudly but speak in silence, which is known as inner-dialogue (inner-loud sound). Thereafter the state of Janna (wisdom) where inner-dialogue too vanishes and there remain only the vibrations of silence. So you observe, the outer sounds (outer dialogues) are the creation of the inner sounds (inner dialogue) and these too merge in the silence of wisdom, where the thoughts subsume in vibrations of silence (subtle-sound).
Student Dada, what is the difference between the silent (subtle) sounds contained in a particle and the human cell?
Shantnu There is no material or subtle difference between their form and composition. Both are identical. If we go deeper and deeper, crossing the layers of atmosphere (mind), universe (intellect) and finally reach the fathomless depth of the space (wisdom) there is complete stillness. But the scientific mind knows there is a small mass, moving in the remaining three-fourth vacuum area of the particle. In that mass is the sound of creation. Similarly in the stillness of the human cell, reverberates the finest (subtle) sound which bears no images or forms. These identical sounds found in the depths of a particle and in the images of human cell, vibrate identical subtle sounds, which are identical in nature.
Student Dada, in the stillness of a particle or a human cell, there is sound. It is illogical.


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Shantnu To the scientific 'eye' or human perception, there is no audible sound in both of them, but the future scientific wisdom eye would 'know' there is an identical sound in them both.
Student Please, what is this sound?
Shantnu It is the sound of creation.
Student You have told us it is contained in the moving mass of the particles, why it moves?
Shantnu It is the activity of creation. Same way in human cell too, the final sound, devoid of its layers of mind and intellect, contains the vibrations of original creation, encircling in its stillness. Because of their moving activity, the particle is called a 'dancing' particle and the human cell is a Nataraja (dancing deity). The sound of creation in them is devoid of any impurity of atmosphere (mind), therefore, it is in an almost perfect state of bliss. As the very first act of creation was pure, so it was blissful. Whatever was blissful is always eternal, so the inherited-activity of particle and cell is therefore, of the nature of bliss and eternal. The first 'duplicated -activity' of the still-particles and amoebae, was the urge of creation. As any act of nature, creates harmony and balance, so the original activity too was the result of unbounded happiness, joy and bliss.
Student You mean the very act of the creation of this universe was as the result of accumulated joys which when unfurled; there ensued the first act of creation.
Shantnu Presently, we are not discussing about the creation of universe. But what you have observed is quite near to the truth. But that later, now we must confine ourselves to the joyful activity in the particle and the human cells. You see, the end aim of every act of human being or of Nature, are to find joy and peace, which are basically one. In their search, both Nature and humanity create, recreate. This process goes on, but we are nowhere near the aim. Although in our search of joy, we try to find it through the pleasures of the senses, which automatically ensure genetic and material progression. Through our urge of creation, every act brings with itself the fruits of pleasures; we move further on and elevate ourselves from physical pleasures to mental joys. We move from physical creation, an elevation from pleasure to joy. As the ultimate aim of Nature's evolution is towards its completion, so too human destiny-journey is to complete its cycle of evolution and reach perfection. And that perfection lies beyond the realms of joys. The joys of dancing-particles and dancing-cells are not the end product. It is the last step of the ladder to reach the next height of joys, known as Bliss.
Student What state of mind do happiness connote?
Shantnu As body becomes calm after indulging in pleasure acts, mind too becomes still after having exhausted its utility.
Student Does mind ever exhaust itself?


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Shantnu When mind is eliminated or when its consciousness evolves around the entire Universe and its awareness is complete, as far as the material world is concerned, it has exhausted its utility and is thus of no significance anymore.
Student Thereafter the state of stillness commences but how we are sure of its elimination?
Shantnu When mind becomes desire-less, naturally without thoughts, and then there exists nothing but joy and happiness in its consciousness.
Student Then we must say, consciousness of mind never dies, only thought (of desires) are eliminated.
Therefore the end result is; as the purpose of physical body is, the attainment of pleasure, the culmination of the journey of mind is, joy and happiness.
And, thereafter only stillness reigns.
Shantnu About that we talk later.