Quest In Reality


Shantnu Because religion too has been relegated into the backpack and machine is the in-thing now.
Student Dada, machine is not the only one factor which has distanced us from religion; there must be other valid reasons too!
Shantnu It was the fear of religion that actually segregated us apart. A new element of sin and sinners was introduced, which instead of checking evil, spewed hatred. A new class of moralists was born and it took into its hands, with full passion and furry, the reigns of religion and dissected it into as many parts as there are the artificial divisions of the Mother earth.
Angelee Now let us disperse. It is almost dinner time. We shall meet tomorrow if the master permits.
Shantnu You are always welcome.


Student Dada, today is Sunday, so we would like you to teach us the real significance of religion in our lives
Angelee What is the relevance of Sunday tor religion?
Student Madam, religion is the human holiday from the stress and strain of the mind (karmas).
Angelee You mean it is a mental holiday!
Student Not only a holiday but a luxury that the human brain enjoys.
Angelee Religion was once the backbone of human elevation but to what state it has degenerated, I gauge from your dry humor! Now, the master will tell us more about it.
Shantnu Religion is the mental discipline which helps in tine cultivation of conscientious values (compassion) in the application of 'knowledge'.
Student Dada, by using the word 'help', you have left scope for the atheist too; in their case, what is it that helps in the culmination of conscientious values
Shantnu It is love that inculcates human values, in place of moral-values in a human being
Student Dada, what is difference between these two?
Shantnu Not at all only atheists prefer not to use the word moral, as they associate it with religion along with its associated terminology of virtue and sin (moral/immoral), instead they prefer to use the term of right and wrong.
Student Do theists and atheists have different basis which culminates in them moral/immoral values.
Shantnu These go by the name of sympathy, self-sacrifice, affection, mercy, kindness, compassion and love actually----love is their composite form.
Student Dada, then it is only love, in its maturing form that inculcates emotional richness, and reflects in different shades of human personality. Then why a theist is considered irrational?
Shantnu The facts are otherwise. Rationalists are the most immature species. Their system of logic is based on disbelief, which automatically debars them from knowledge. If you close your mind to all the available channels of options and start from only circumvent of disbelief, you have automatically closed your mind to accept the very fact of the existence of that subject which is the subject matter of a proven theory and only then should make it a subject of our research. We may improve upon the theory or completely disapprove it, is another matter, but initially we must give due weight-age to an established theory. Therefore, the so called rationalists are the irrational minority in themselves, the minority of intellectuals who are rich in emotional content only.
Student Then atheism is the tribe of rationalists, is it not so?


Shantnu In a way, we all are atheists, because not one of us knows Him. So presently, by atheism we shall take cognizance of only non-acceptance of Reality.
Student Scholars, rationalists, and atheist, are they pauper in knowledge. Dada
Shantnu Scholarship is the nursery for the atheists and the rationales, as they are devoid of human values. Because they are not the practitioner of their knowledge but a mere theorist. Therefore up to the level of intellect, human conscious is full of theories, but as soon as one tries to raise his level of consciousness, they are faced with doubts, nihilism, void and limitlessness. They are confined and feel helpless, whereas it is in their nature to expand and foster. At this level, the latent sense of morality awakens in them, and they feel the sudden gusts of expanding emotions, which their intellect fails to analyze.
But when they start living the gist of their 'knowledge' they realize that besides intellect there is other sources of energy in them, which give their bodies the pleasures of passion, the joys of intellect and the compassion of conscience. That source of energy in them, they realize is love. It is love in its various forms of attraction, affection, sympathy, kindness, self-sacrifice, mercy and compassion, that the consciousness of human beings is matured in accordance to their application in practical life.
Student A man bereft of these values, is he capable to achieve the same level of pleasure, joy and happiness, as a conscientious person?
Shantnu Absolutely not!
Student What is the difference, Dada?
Shantnu As the difference between a butcher's blade and a doctor's scalpel, justice done according to the book or dispensed with the element of mercy, is the difference between a barren heart full of acquired knowledge and loving heart full of rich emotions.
Student You have made it very clear to us, Dada.
Student Dada, while describing religion, you had completely colored its definition. For some it is the word of God. To others it is the belief in the existence of supernatural power, or one of the various systems of faiths and 'word’s' based on these beliefs.
Shantnu We should not discuss religions and let them be as they are. For any kind of inquiry there is always a proven process. However, one may try to make one's own trail, these are already trodden paths. Others have always gone through these processes and paths, and their numbers may be many. Similarly, though the destinations may be same, but the description of each viewer is different. So neither the process and the paths nor the destinations or their views are important; what are important is the sincerity, earnestness and the faithfulness of the purpose, with which these are being pursued. What is of paramount importance is we should not let our senses delude us, misconstrue wrong facts to our mind and have misconceptions, resulting in possession of distorted intellect. This way only negative tendency would rule the roost and we would put hay fires to our senses!
Only competent seekers should probe the mysteries of realms, whose expertise they possess. Only a virtuous man has the authority to talk of religion. Whether it is the ‘word’ of God or a science of self-realization it is a subject matter of advanced seekers who have completely mastered their minds, and are ever in the realms of bliss, which is the mother of love.
Now tell me are you, as yet, ready to talk of these matters?
If so, let us start...
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Student No Dada, not yet, we are not presently ready to en-quire into these sacred matters. For we know only virtuous persons are competent to talk on sacred matters.
Student Pray tell us, what do you mean by sacred?
Shantnu That which is free of the weeds of negative nature.
Dada, what is human elevation?
Shantnu Liberation from negative tendencies, negative multiplies our involvement with the sensual escapades, but weeds out all the irrelevant (negative) material out of it.
The second group of negative restraints is imposed by Nature and society to clean out the unwanted material and keep the out-laws in prison
Thus the first group of restraints brings out nobility in human race, whereas the second leads to bondage.
Student Dada, what is the shortest possible way to become noble? thoughts, negative motives
Student How one attains this state of elevation or freedom from negative nature
Shantnu By putting restraints on oneself
Student That sounds contrary as restraints and freedom are two different qualities
Shantnu As Nature is bound by unrelenting laws, human being too is controlled, by both outside and inside restraints. Ironically, but it is a fact that these restraints are put only on the good elements of the society. Only good suffers “through the ordeals, trials, tests and problems, whereas the wicked goes scot-free. As for a bad man, there are no restraints for he believes in none and has no respect for any kind of norms. He believes only in his selfish freedom at the cost of the society, that's why society outcasts him as an outlaw and bound him in the four walls of a prison.
There are two kinds of restraints: positive and negative, productive and non-productive. The first group of positive kind comprises of the laws of Nature, ethics of society, moral values, which all-together make a man-a noble-one, the epitome^ of human-values. Living according to the norms of Nature, society and conscience is a system - a process, that opens the springs of love in human heart, which is the secret of human liberation - human elevation. This system does not confine us within the bounds of the mind that
Shantnu By turning the tide of your passion to compassion Noble is the one who transforms his passion into compassion.
Student Dada, is there no way for an intellectual to attain nobility on the strength of his scholarship alone?
Shantnu Without the element of love, none at all
Student So that's why awakening of conscience and its application on our knowledge is essential.
Shantnu Conscience is not something alien; it has its roots embedded deep in us
Student Dada, what are its roots?
Shantnu Positive action, good thoughts and virtuoso living
Student And, Dada, what are the end results
Shantnu Nobility.
Student In case we take on the opposite course?
Shantnu We become a no-body.
Student Meaning
Shantnu Meaning, we have not the no-ability of human beings but the body of animals (tendencies)
Angelee O.K. boys, it is time for the space theater, Go and watch the stars and widen your vision.
Student Dada, what is the day's concluding advice?
Shantnu Scholarship develops foresight, but wisdom inculcates insight. Fools fuel passions, wise transform them into compassion.



Umeshwari I will bring tea for you.
Angelee We are alone now, please tell me why you are so indifferent to me? Since the time you came back, your behavior with me is that of a stranger. Why so? I beseech you; tell me, what has distanced you from me? Your indifference is telling upon me. If you continue like this anymore, I will leave this place. It has no meaning for me, without your love. You know, I want nothing except your love. It is your love that has bound me to this place or I would have also gone like you, in the silence of the woods. Why don't you speak? At least I am entitled to something more than a nod from you?
Shantnu Angelee dear it is not I who has changed or become indifferent, as you put it. It is you, who have gone through a change.
Angelee Me!
Shantnu Yes, my dear, you
Angelee Please explain. I no longer understand verbal intricacies.
Shantnu Tell me, do you, also notice some changes in Umeshwari?
Angelee Yes. She has become more calm and composed than she was when you left us. Now she looks happier and content.
Shantnu Do you know, how she found her happiness?
Angelee Didi found it in her daughter?
Shantnu No she found her happiness in love.
Angelee But I also love you. But this love, has, rather, disfigured my body. I have become more plump and sluggish, whereas did looks younger to me.
Shantnu Umeshwari has come, let her explain it to you.
Umeshwari Angelee, I knew about your problem, but did not voice it, fearing not your displeasure, but I wanted you to find your own answer.
Angelee I might have found it, but never wanted to acknowledge its facts.
Umeshwari Angelee, your problem was and still is your conscience. When Shantnu came here, you had your husband's body and love but you sought the love of Shantnu. Even then your conscience checked you twice to indulge with him in sensual relationship. When he was away, you craved for only his presence and pined for his physical love or may be his love. In my case, when he was here, I wanted his physical love only and had him that way, overwhelming all the qualms of conscience, which I soon reconciled with the growth of his seed in me. But when he was gone, even before the birth of Sheetal, my daughter, I found my love and his physical absence did not pain me at all.
Angelee Didi, what is the difference?
Umeshwari You sought love from him, I found it in myself.

Angelee Didi, it is so difficult to reconcile to this reality!
Umeshwari My dove, forget the charms of his body, open the springs of love in your heart, then you will realize, it is not the body, mind, intellect combine that gives you love, but the latent ocean of compassion embedded deep in our cells in the form of waves of emotions, enlivened by cosmic-consciousness!
Angelee Didi, could I also not have emboldened myself, by eschewing the qualms of conscience and kissed the embers of his love? Please forgive the nakedness of my thoughts. I am emotionally surcharged and being ruined deep down.
Umeshwari You know he is not my personal property. For us, he is not a man of physical charms but a conscious entity whose inner and outer conscious is united. For all practical purposes, he perceives no difference in genders and sees all living beings as one. He encompasses all in his love ...
Please Umesh, stop eulogizing me


Umeshwari O. K. man, then tell me, do you have any special love for me?
Shantnu My dear, love is never confined to a person, it is...
Umeshwari Do you now see my point, Angelee? He is a universal entity not a personal man anymore. He can’t belong to anybody, all belong to him.
Shantnu You are over exaggerating about this person. It is the commonest of the common, humblest of the humble. Pray, attach no importance to this body; it has no other attainment except that it is humane.
Umeshwari And this is all, that a scripture-full of knowledge can't bring out in us. Being a normal human being, is the most difficult of a thing.
Shantnu Please forgive me, I have to go in (the cottage).
Angelee Is he lost to us, Didi?
Umeshwari No, he is nearer to finding himself.
Angelee You mean, he is about to regain his past self.
Umeshwari Of that he is already aware. Actually he is nearer to becoming his Real-Self again
Angelee Didi, if he has regained the memory about his past, then why is he staying with us here?
Umeshwari Because realization has dawned on him, any place is as good as anywhere else.
Angelee Has he given you some inkling about his past?
Umeshwari No but I know. His daughter also knows. He often shares long talks with her. Like me he also wants to go to the South.
Angelee In search of his past
Umeshwari No to seek his future
Angelee Didi, do places have past - present - future like us human beings?
Umeshwari They have history as old as Nature. But some places like some special persons have gravitational pull, which draws us to them.
Angelee Please Didi, don't leave us alone or take me also with you, as my destiny seems attached to both of you. ,
Umeshwari Don't worry, we are not leaving this place. Anyway not yet, as something very significant is going to-happen here. I am preparing myself to bear the aura of that 'happening'.
Angelee Would I also be witness to that, Didi?
Umeshwari If you want to witness, you should then continue to be in his presence. Take your lessons from him seriously and digest his 'words' well. His words may sound simple but in them is contained the wisdom of his consciousness.
Angelee Didi, is he really conscious?
Umeshwari Not in the way you think. But he is wide awake.
Angelee Do you find him a complete man?
Umeshwari I don't know about that, but I have found myself a complete person in his presence. By complete, I don't mean, I have acquired some super-natural powers, but I do have found my peace and contentment. And that is enough for me - the end of my journey.
Angelee No Didi, that is not enough. You have your daughter, your University, your students and a vast estate to look after. You simply can't desert us like that.
Umeshwari I don't entertain thoughts to be a non-productive entity. As long as I have this body, I am bound to my duties. I don't consider them as responsibilities because performing my karmas (actions) is not an obligation but a duty, which we have to discharge, without the least inhibition of their fruits.
What I actually meant was that I have found my hearth and I am no longer a ship floundering aimlessly in the ocean of life.
Angelee Didi, could I ever be like you?


Umeshwari Not only you, everyone are like me. The simple panacea, for all deficiencies of body, senses, mind and intellect is love; find it and be happy.
Angelee Is love impersonal?
Umeshwari It is as 'personal' as the body you possess. It is as real as the Reality you search. Don't mess it up with the definitions of personal or impersonal. It is the surest of the entity that is immanent in a human life. Don't you fret about it? Search in, eliminate all doubts and open up the latent floodgates of subdued emotions, they shall release gushing waves and waves, pervading not only the livings but the inert mass too, creating an aura, that permeates the entire cosmos in a single unit of one-entity, which is love.
Angelee Take me Didi, in thy embrace, I may also find my hearth.

Shantnu If you are done with me I may join you again?
Umeshwari Angelee is in the search of her peace.
Shantnu Her peace Do you mean to say, her individual peace is different to ‘general’ peace?
Angelee I always thought peace is an individual attainment.
Umeshwari I also believed it so. But from your differentiation between individual and general peace, the facts appear otherwise.
Shantnu Peace, happiness or joy, appear to be individual as their reactions are symbolically registered through individuals. Peace is a lull between the two opposite pairs of joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, gain and loss etc. It is a condition of non-turbulent times. Like religion, it is not individual.
Angelee Is religion not personal?
Shantnu Religion is not personal; it belongs to all, hence universal.
Angelee You mean, religion and peace, are impersonal.
Shantnu No, they are not impersonal but universal in nature.
Angelee But these are professed individually.
Shantnu My dear religion is not an idea that fosters in an individual and spreads all-over. It is a philosophy that is the perfect representation of humanity. And when an individual follows that philosophy sincerely, peace is the fruit he attains.
Angelee While describing religion, you had said of it 'Religion of humanity', and 'mental discipline' now you describe it as a philosophy! What exactly is religion?
Shantnu It is as I said the perfect representation of humanity, the essence of human values
Angelee Kindly tell us what truly is that essence?
Shantnu Love - my dear. Humanity has only one religion and that religion is of love. And it is universal not personal in nature.
Angelee But individuals too experience love.
Shantnu Since in its composition is the essence of human values, its fostering in 'individual self’s' is natural. It is a Universal tree, which has fostered billions of seeds, whose roots have merged in its body. Now the tree, seeds and the seedlings sustain on each other. There is no visible difference between the three.
Umeshwari As the universal tree of love is called as religion, has any name been given to its seeds?
Shantnu Spirituality
Umeshwari You mean, religion is universal-tree (body; spirituality is individual seed (body).
Shantnu Yes, religion belongs to humanity, spirituality is individual.
Angelee It has been a long afternoon and you gave us a big mouthful of morsel, which needs a long time for digestion. So I beg your leave, Dada.
Shantnu Sit down a while Tell me, what kind of 'peace' you want? There is no such thing as personal peace. Or you want to be at peace, internally. That indicates your present state of mind is in confusion. There are contrasting intrusions in it, which are creating imbalance in your conscious. What precisely is that which is creating this imbalance?


Angelee I once thought I had attained the state of bliss. But now I realize it was my fallacy. I had misconstrued a physical level of pleasure as the state of bliss.
Shantnu The ecstatic bliss that you once felt momentarily is not attainable to you anymore. That is why you feel either you have degenerated permanently from the attained state or you had wrongly perceived that 'state' as blissful. Neither is correct. The so-called bliss you once experienced was in fact a state of liberation your gross-conscious achieved. At that particular time your mind had completely mastered your senses and your mind had also surrendered itself before superior force of love. Your body, mind, intellect in unison, disassociated from their master - the ego and merged in love You felt elevated, liberated and blissful but the moment your ego emerged, your conscience became tainted and it gave you signals, which your ego thought were immoral and you desisted from that love. Love is never this or that. It is ever and everlasting. It is never embodied, it permeates the body (bodies) of the universe.
Angelee Then what is my solution - the panacea for my disembodied-self?
Shantnu The panacea of balance
Angelee Balance in what?
Shantnu Balance in your perspective
Angelee What can bring about that?
Shantnu Conscience. The parameter that weeds out germs of irrelevancy from your consciousness and brings out a balance of peace, which is the precursor of bliss, as joy and happiness are the precursor to peace, tranquility is preceded by peace.
Angelee What Dada is the difference between peace and neutral zone?
Shantnu There is absolutely no relationship between the two. Neutral zones are the transitional zones when one is disassociating from the lower level of the mind and elevating to the higher one. These mental zones which exist between the levels of the mind, are actually the transitional states of the mind, where the contrasting pulls of the lower and. the upper levels are nonexistent. But peace is the penultimate state of happiness of mankind that is ancient than the time and space, which is the material that causes the creation of mind.
Tomorrow we shall enquire into other aspects of conscience.



Student Dada is peace not an internal factor or is it something external that relates to humanity?
Shantnu Anything that is conferred upon belongs to the external world.
Student Dada, can’t it be brought about internally?
Shantnu Internal upon what?
Student Naturally on the turmoil minds
Shantnu Your understanding about peace is, it is something which subdues our troubled minds!
Student Of course, Dada,
Shantnu What are the factors those cause trouble/turmoil in our minds?
Student Desires, Dada.
Shantnu How do we mitigate them?
Student By feeding the diet of knowledge
Shantnu Then it is the knowledge that pacifies the mind.
Student It is logical, Dada.
Shantnu But our knowledge is limited, so is limited our mind, because of its limited vision, any intrusion (of desires) would entirely predominate its conscious-self.
Student Dada, if we remove the cause of that trouble, shall it not bring peace to the mind?
Shantnu A momentary peace and what shall happen if our mind is possessed by another desire? Obviously, you will remove its cause too. So each time your mind buys a momentary pause you call it as peace. Whatever is of temporary nature belongs to the material world.
Student That is why you relate the peace to the external world, Dada.
Shantnu Not to the external world, but to humanity
Student Any difference Dada.
Shantnu Peace is a state not a stage.
Student What is the difference Dada?
ShantnuState refers to the subtle (mind), stage connotes to the many layered material - self (gross-mind)
Student Pray, define the difference
Shantnu Peace refers to the constant-integrated-mind, whereas momentary pauses, which you call as peace, relate to the various stages of the gross-mind (composite).
Student Dada, what is the difference between constant-integrate mind and composite-gross-mind?
Shantnu The former is the eternal-conscious mind that not only pervades the cosmos and the elements composing it, but also that, which caused it. The later relates only to gross (material) level consciousness of humanity.
Angelee Please explain to them the gross-level-conscious (ness) so that they may understand better about the composite-mind.
Shantnu Tell me, dear students, what controls the body?
Student Our mind, Dada.
Shantnu So body on its own is unable to perform any act, without the direction of the mind
Student Yes Dada
Shantnu What is a mind?
Student Activated (conscious) state of memory cells.
Shantnu Does this mind represent the integrated (knowledge) stored in memory chambers.
Student No, Dada our present conscious state of the mind represents only a fraction of the knowledge.
Shantnu What kind of knowledge is stored in the cells, which are stacked in the memory chambers (centers).
Student Current, past and genetic, Dada.


Shantnu Do all the chambers, which contain subjective data, are simultaneously activated and become conscious, with all the knowledge stored in them?
Student No, Dada, just a fraction
Shantnu That shows our conscious mind represents only a fraction of the total sum of knowledge, stored in our memory chambers, whereas the major part remains latent that is, in inactivated condition.
Student This means, our conscious (mind) represents only a fraction of knowledge that lies in latent condition. This indicates we are pygmies’ not intellectual giants, as is fallaciously assumed!
Shantnu Now tell me, is our mind truly representative, that is, fully conscious, in proclaiming itself as a competent and authoritative agency to pass judgments.
Student What to talk of passing judgments Dada, it is not entitled, even, to speak on subjects, whose knowledge remains latent in its memory chambers.
Shantnu There, is it a competent master to control the body?
Student In its immature state, it is a dangerous entity and should not be allowed to have a say on the affairs of the body. Its decision/directions would be valueless as these are based on the ‘minority’ knowledge.
Shantnu If this is the state of our conscious mind, what would be the validity of intellect, which is its gist?
Student Obviously, it too would be very limited.
Shantnu Now tell me, a body mastered by a fractured mind, whose master is the pygmy intellect, can it be relied upon to pronounce the parameters of conscience, which is the harbinger of wisdom? Or is our conscience in its present form, the truest embodiment of intellect, competent to confer peace on us?
Student Dada, we really are in a dilemma. A body whose senses are strayed because of the directionless guidance from a partial mind; an intellect, whose origin is from immature mind, can't generate a perfect conscience!
Dada, in our present state of limited conscious, limited intellect and imperfect conscience, where do we stand in the supra-conscious state of the integrated-mind?
Shantnu Before attempting that, let us understand the basic factor of conscious.
Student We are eagerly wanting to know that Dada.
Shantnu You know, conscious is apart, I mean, different from knowledge.
Angelee We always thought you had told us, conscious-knowledge-mind is all one and the same thing.
Shantnu Truly said, when we are interacting with Nature, its knowledge is our conscious mind. And when it is not involved with Nature, it is apart, separate from the mind.
Angelee Very interesting, kindly explain.
Shantnu There is hardly anything to explain about it. It is all very clear. Take it this way. It is like a plain clear screen above our memory chambers. When memory is activated, it creates impressions and sounds on the screen. As soon as our mind is in non-active state, the screen of consciousness again resumes its original state of purity (plainness).
Student Does this screen of inner-conscious have any relevance to the external consciousness?
Shantnu Each inner state has its reflection in the external world, or we can say there is no difference between the internal and the external world.
Student You mean, Dada, both are one?
Shantnu Yes.
Student But Dada, both are distinct by their separate identities!

Shantnu They may appear separate entities, but are only the outer-shells (bodies) which contain in them a common entity that has one nature and discharges similar functions.
Tell me do you find any distinction between your gross-conscious (mind) and the gross external world?


Student The difference is only that of an image and the object that reflects that image, but logically both are one in nature.
Shantnu Not only in nature but in form and composition their source too is one.
Student Dada, tell us how may we eliminate their distinction of separateness?
Shantnu By coming out of their orbit of influences
Student Please explain.
Shantnu The vibration of sounds and images of roaming worlds, which make up the total bodies of cosmos, are etched only on the screen of space that surrounds them.
Student That means the range of particles, which contain sounds and image of the cosmos, is limited within the orbit of space that encloses the cosmos. It indicates there are other levels of space, which are more subtle than the one, our universe is composed of!
Shantnu You can put it this way; each object has its energy field that orbits around it, and the range of its energy field is the screen of space which circles it. As the comity of universes increase, the screen of space too enlarges, and in the end, the shield of spaces that encircle the cosmos, is the composite energy field, within which is confined the total sum of influences (impressions) released by the material worlds. Thus the space that surrounds the cosmos is the screen of gross consciousness of the material worlds (cosmos). This screen is similar to the one that surrounds our mind.
Now to get out of the area of influence of one planet (one memory chamber) the way out is to enter the area of influence of another planet (another memory chamber), till the entire cosmos becomes one unit, and the space (conscious screen) that surrounds it, is its true representation and we (conscious) leap beyond that barrier or the space absolves itself of all the influences of energy-fields (sounds/images).
Student Dada, is it possible for the mind to go beyond its area of influence (its range)?
Shantnu Yes, by purifying itself of irrelevant materials and keeping only the purest state of conscious (ness)
Student In other words, we should keep the world out and retain the conscious-self. Dada, how is it possible when it has been accepted, there is no difference between the mind and the material worlds?
Shantnu But you are also awake to the fact, each object has its subtle body (sound/image), that is, memory. In human body it is stored in memory cells but in space it is contained in the particles. These subtle bodies too go through transformation and assume purest state of consciousness. The simple solution lies in realizing the subtle state (innate nature) of each object, living or inert.
Student Dada, what is the best purifier of the mind?
Shantnu Our conscience.
Student And in Nature, Dada!
Shantnu It is beauty. The way our conscience purifies the gross-conscious and make it attain the state of pure consciousness, same way beauty in Nature has similar effect in the surroundings and only positive vibrations predominate the energy field and the space screen is inhibited with the minimum of influences.
Student Does Nature have opposite tendencies (nature) of positive/negative, too?
Shantnu Nature is the personification of beauty only.
Student But Dada, the energy fields which it generates around its material objects (planets, stars etc.) are composed of, both positive and negative (energies) and ugliness connotes its negative object.
Shantnu Mind; there is no ugliness in Nature!
Student Then Dada, what is its negative aspect?


Shantnu Its destructive factor
Student Dada, there is so much ugliness around, isn't it the part of nature?
Shantnu Tell me, what ugliness is!
Student That, which is opposite of beauty or that, which is offensive and repulsive to the eyes.
Shantnu That is a relevant expression. Anyway, explain about the ugliness of Nature.
Student Any imbalance in the combination of its elements creates destructive forces which wreck havoc not only to its scenario but to the humanity as well.
Shantnu But these forces are the natural consequences of the counter-balancing acts that the phenomenal world is always engaged in to maintain its stability and continuity.
Student Besides these natural phenomena, like black-hole, pulsar, meteorites, earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, storm, blizzard, floods, and thousands types of harmful germs/bacteria and a variety of rays pollution, and man made war machines, chemical weapons, pesticides etcetera are causing immeasurable damage to the human race.!
Shantnu Who is at the back of these forces?
Student Nature and man
Shantnu Nature evolves around its cycle of creation, sustenance, destruction, but what compels man to unleash destructive weapons to harm nature and life1
Student His misdirected senses, Dada, Is man capable of harming Nature?
Shantnu He is definitely disturbing the ecological balance of Nature. By doing so, he is only hastening his immature evolution.
Man today is engaged in perfecting his intellect to master Nature. He will succeed in this respect, there is no doubt about that, but in the process he would annihilate biological evolvement and shall also stint his growth.
Student How Dada?
Shantnu In the pursuit of intellectual perfection, he is by****passing the proper channels and ‘targeting’ the intellect directly.
Student How is that possible Dada, as the way to intellect lies via senses and mind?
Shantnu But to channel and concentrate your entire energies of senses- mind-intellect to one objective of scientific advancement is not a healthy and sound proposition because without bringing about perfection in all the disciplines of senses and mind, intellectual perfection would be partial, immature.
Student How should we attempt that Dada?
Shantnu Intellectual advancement without the inculcation of human values is like maturing the parched lands, without the irrigation of water! The right course is the simultaneous enrichment of emotional reservoir and uplifting of gross-conscious. This can be done by the growth of compassion and love and their application in the discharge of our knowledge. As there is mind's evolvement from gross-conscious to intellect to conscience, there is the parallel physical evolution from pleasure (senses) to joy (emotions) to happiness-peace (beauty). For the, attainment of perfection of life, these two have to evolve (advance) simultaneously otherwise one sided attainment would be partial, thus immature.

Student Dada, in the advancement of pure-intellect, irrelevant data has to be weeded out from the gross-conscious (active memory cells), ugliness from physical world has also to be eliminated!
Shantnu Does ‘your’ ugliness exist in man made world or in Nature?
Student In both---Animals kill animals, man kills man!
Shantnu Is killing ugly?
Student It is as ugly as the pollution.
Shantnu Is death ugly too?


Student Oh yes, but there is difference between willful killing and natural death.
Shantnu Killing by human being is induced by cruelty, which is the consequence of negatively charged senses. This is due to evil (animal) nature in man. But there is no evil in Nature.
In animals, killing is the source of living. You see what is evil in man is natural in animals. Therefore, what comes natural and is not willful, is not evil. In human being, it is self-induced. And whatever is self-induced, due to self-interest, can very easily be eliminated. So evil, in man is ugly which is self-induced. It can also be removed by rising above self-interests; it is not physical infirmity but the sensual outcome.
Student Dada, whatever in Nature or man, decays, dies or disintegrates gives repulsive feelings.
Shantnu What about life?
Student It flourishes so it is beautiful!
Shantnu Nature too flourishes so it too is beautiful. So too man should be beautiful as he is sustained by life and he flourishes like Nature.
Student Yes, Dada
Shantnu But he has element of evil tendencies in him that compels him to kill and annihilate. This indicates he is not beautiful.
Student But Dada, as the combination of any two or more of elements creates materials, that infuse energy fields around them, similarly, enrichment or partial maturity, of fewer number of senses, also create an energy fields of negative vibrations, around a person, which do not make a person or an object look beautiful.
Dada, what are the factors which make them beautiful?
Shantnu The perfect combination (balance) of all the senses and elements in man and nature!
Student Dada, what about the decaying factors in Nature?
Shantnu These only add to accentuate its beauty.
Student And evil in man!
Shantnu When negative tendency is annihilated man chisels like diamond.
Student Dada, evil in man may annihilate but the fact remains that nature decays and man dies! This aspect in them both is ugly.
Shantnu In nut-shell, according to you, death is ugly and life is beauty!
Student Dada, how can one conquer the ugliness of death?
Shantnu Physically or mentally
Student Both.
Tell me, why do you want to be immortal? Are you afraid of the death?
Student We are certainly afraid of death. And we want to be ever beautiful.
Shantnu Both are not possible as long as we live in the phenomenal world.
Student Dada, is there any chance that we may out-live this phenomenal world?
Shantnu Yes, by mastering it.
Student How can we master it, Dada?
Shantnu By mastering your mind
Student By mastering our mind, we may master the physical worlds but can we also make our physical selves immortal?
Shantnu Again the answer is the same. Living in the four dimensional sphere how can we imagine to conquer other worlds which generate more than four dimensions. This is only possible if we are able to activate in us the latent dimensions and cultivate the wherewithal which are able to absorb their effects.
Student If our mind is that powerful that it contains all the dimensions found in other/outer worlds, why it is engaged in petty things, whereas it could sway its powers over the cosmos?
Shantnu This is the tragedy, my dears. It has willfully confined as a midget whereas its size is sustainable in the whole cosmos.
Student Dada, now we get your point in regard to our physical limitlessness and mind's limitness!


Shantnu Whether in physical world or physical sciences, the word is caution. And that caution is the conscience, which evaluates our judgment and corrects our direction. As beauty in Nature brings peace, conscience in man grows tranquility.
Student We still don't understand how peace is related to the external world?
Shantnu Thus for we have understood, there is no difference between the external world and the mind. That whatever exists outside, mind is the reflection of that, so whatever factors influence them, positively or negatively, are thus related to the external world.
Student Then like the phenomenal world and the mind, peace is not eternal.
Shantnu No, it is not.
Student Then, Dada, at what state or level the mind begins to have glimpse of permanent calm, equanimity or peace?
Shantnu When mind (consciousness) enters the level of tranquility.
Student And that level is conscience, Dada?
Shantnu My dear’s conscience too is not a 'level' (state) of mind!
Student Dada, if it is not a state or level of mind, then what is it?
Shantnu When an entity exists, it exhibits characteristics, both in physical and subtle forms. And these are measured according to the dimensions known at a given time. Conscience is the measuring instrument not the entity (mind) itself. It measures the qualitative structure of (level) of the mind.
Student Dada, what exists has qualities of good and bad, right and wrong but when the mind passes through the filter of conscience these qualities of opposite nature are weeded out and only pure thoughts (mind) remain, which go by the name virtues.
Shantnu Virtues are their practical aspect.
Student Whose Dada?
Shantnu Of pure thought.

Student Then conscience is not an aspect of mind?
Shantnu We have good and bad, right and wrong, virtuous and evil aspects of life (mind) but not a conscientious (aspect of) life.
Student When these aspects (of opposite nature) become the practical part of our life, how our body-mind intellect complex reacts quality wise?
Shantnu At physical level, the reactions are in pleasure and pain; at mind's level is in the form of joy and sorrow, and at intellects level, the reactions are peace and turmoil (tension).
Student Dada, there must exist a level, where the distinction of opposite (nature) vanishes.
Shantnu Beyond intellect, there exist only states, not levels. Actually there is only one state that is perceived by the mind, others are the states of consciousness, which are attainable to the conscious (pure) state of the mind.
Student Dada, what is the conscious-state of the mind?
Shantnu Wisdom, my dears.
Student Dada, what is the one word definition for that?
Shantnu Truth.
Student Then truth is beauty and beauty is truth.
Shantnu Exactly
Student Then Nature is not truth, though it is beauty (full), as truth is eternal whereas nature is transient
Shantnu How nature is not eternal?
Student Because it is phenomenal, and subject to change!
Shantnu What is subject to change? I mean, what is it that changes!
Student Whatever it is comprised of, Dada.
Shantnu You mean the things which are involved in its evolutionary process. Or in other words, its elements or the entities which are made of these elements!
Student Yes, Dada.
Shantnu Tell me, is beauty eternal?
Student Yes, Dada, because truth is beauty.
Shantnu The things (entitles) you perceive in nature, are they beautiful?
Student Yes, Dada, like Nature its creations are beautiful.
Shantnu But, my dears, these entities or creations of Nature, are subject to the laws of change, so these can't be beautiful?
Student By beautiful, we beg to mean, pleasant to look at?
Shantnu Whatever pleases you, is beautiful is that so?
Student Yes Dada, whatever is good, in nature, is pleasantly beautiful.


Shantnu Rightly said, as like positive tendencies, correct combination of elements, give fruitful (good) results, which are pleasant to behold. Do you know how a scene or an entity of Nature looks pleasant (beautiful) to our mind (via senses)?
Student When the combination of elements is right, Dada?
Shantnu Then the beauty lies not in the limbs of the (elements) of Nature but in their correct (right) combination.
Student What is it that creates the right combination in Nature?
Student The hidden beauty in Nature, expressed through its elements, in the shape of its creations.
Shantnu Or its sense of righteousness that brought about a correct (right) combination, and that is beauty, according to you!
Student Yes, Dada.
Shantnu You are right. Whatever is pleasant is good, right, virtuous, truth (full) and beautiful. And beauty in nature is not an aspect but its conscience that unfolds for us its nature of right (-eousness). Beauty is not an aspect of Nature, nor of its creation but it is an instrument made of sweetest juices churned by its supra-conscious (state) that makes its creations conscious of the Bliss, hidden (latent) in it. Beauty does not change but transform Nature into Bliss (eternal) joy. Similarly conscience of man transforms his mind into wisdom that makes us conscious of the hidden bliss which abounds in us, as in nature, and put us like nature, in permanent Bliss - the source of nature and us.
Thus conscience is the gist of the senses of perception which perceive only pleasure-joy-bliss, not only in the objective world but in its subtle world (mind) too, and whatever pleases us, gives us joy - is always beautiful.
You were right in saying that beauty is transient like the objects it is perceived in. But it has the quality to transform them into bliss, which is eternal.
Student Dada, how the sense of righteousness transforms itself into truth?
Shantnu When a conscientious person becomes virtuous.
Student What brings about this transformation, Dada?
Shantnu As soon asthe sense of righteousness becomes a way of life.
Student Dada, what is the difference between right and moral.
Shantnu As is the difference between a scholar and man of character.
Student Isn't the scholar a man of character?
Shantnu A scholar is not always a man of character. A person automatically becomes a person of character if conscience is awakened in him.
Student Then it is an accepted fact that only a conscientious person is the man with impeccable character.
Shantnu Only to the extent his conscience is cognizant.
Student Dada, what is the epitome of moral values?
Shantnu Character.
Student Dada, what is the epitome of character?
Shantnu : Virtue-morality.
Student How a man becomes a perfect epitome of virtue and-morality, Dada?
Shantnu : By following the dictates of his conscience.
Student Dada, what is the perfect science of conscience?
Shantnu : Religion.
Student Dada, is religion an inner science?
Shantnu : There is no such thing as inner or outer science. There is absolutely no distinction.
Student But we have not attained to that state as yet.
Shantnu : In that sense, religion is an outer science.

Student Then, which is the inner one parallel to it?
Shantnu : Spirituality.
Student What is the difference between these two?
Shantnu : Spirituality is individual, whereas religion is the conscience of (outer) humanity.
Student But there are as many religions as there are the different groups of people. Each group is pertinent to one particular religion. That indicates Dada; conscience of each group is different.
Shantnu : Conscience and religion cannot be partitioned or divided. Only their interpretation and subsequent application in practical life, dilute their originality and their distorted (partial) forms come into being.
Student Dada, how this dilution takes place, when each religion is the creation of Masters.


Shantnu : Whichever religion was founded by the Masters, was not a complete religion.
Student That should not be so, when these Masters were the perfect personification of Truth.
Shantnu : Because these Masters were themselves partially realized and their conscious was not fully in tune with cosmic consciousness.
Student You mean, Dada, Reality itself was not fully awakened!
Shantnu : Had it been so, they might have realized, there is only one conscience and that represents whole humanity. There is only one religion, and that is of love. There is only one caste and that is of humanity, and there is only one language and that is of the heart.
My dears, only partial knowledge, conscious, 'sees' the difference, the distinction, the separateness. Otherwise knowledge represents Totality - that is Cosmic - Consciousness, which does not dilute and divide.
Student Dada, how this delusion of partial-realization occurred in the consciousness of the Masters?
Shantnu : As each level of the mind has a physical entity through which it expresses itself, the states of consciousness, too assume subtle bodies, whose spheres are limited to the extent of their conscious (ness), which they presume, is the Reality. It is not that they are unable to extend the spheres of their consciousness, but they, simply, put a stop to further extend the limits of their awakening, presuming temporarily, that it was all that they had to know about Reality.
Student Why temporarily, Dada?
Shantnu : Because, these stops are temporary blocks (of ego) which they could have removed at will, had they desired so.
Student Ego and that too, in the Masters! It is a strange combination, Dada!
Shantnu : Their ego was of identities, which they projected by establishing new faiths (religion).
Student But each generation wants to up-date the ancient concepts and this is done by the advent of a Master, who synthesize the thought of the generation through a new (fresh) religion!
Shantnu : Then, religion according to you, is the age-wise conception of Reality. Or it is the generation-wise interpretation of Reality?
My dears, Reality never changes, only its concepts undergo changes, dilution or distortion. But concepts are not the Reality. They merely represent the partial perceptions of Reality.
Student Dada, each Master professed to have realized Reality in Totality, so on what authority can it be said now that their conception of Reality was partial? Please do not mind our impertinence, but since your views are likely to change the very bases of the concepts on whose strength old Masters had founded new faiths, so it is our moral duty to make enquiry, this may enlighten us of Reality.
Shantnu : The authority and the competency, this mind draws from, is the same consciousness that our Masters of yore, were equipped (part of).
Student Dada, is your mind more knowledgeable, refined and purer than the Masters?
Shantnu : No. The state of consciousness, that this mind is able to activate is negligible and hence stands no chance of comparison.
Student Then Dada, how could you comment on the state of consciousness (realization) they (Masters) had achieved


Shantnu : Reality is one and its nature is truth - awareness -bliss. If it is one, it is indivisible---Thus whole. Whenever it is divided, its wholesomeness is diluted, therefore, its original nature, too, is not truthfully understood.
Student How it is divided, Dada?
Shantnu : When distinction is made?
Student From whom, Dada?
Shantnu : From It (-self).
Student But no distinction from Reality is possible as it is one.
Shantnu : You are right. There is one Reality and the subject that shed light on its three aspects, is therefore also one.
Student What is the name of that subject Dada?
Shantnu : Religion.
Student You have also defined religion, as the collective conscience of the humanity.
Shantnu : That is right.
Student If it is the conscience of people, how does it also deal with the different natures of Reality? Or there is no distinction between the nature of Reality and the conscience of people.
Shantnu : You are perfectly right.. Reality and religion are one. The former is the object, whereas the later is the subject.
Student Dada, how the distinction between the two came into being?
Shantnu : The three aspects (nature) of Reality, are inter-related as they define three aspects of one-Reality. Somehow, a distinction between the three was willfully created and these aspects were segregated into three different subjects.

Student But this is a willful dissection of Reality, Dada?
Shantnu : Reality can not be divided, segregated or diluted. The distinction develops as soon as there is a distinction between the state of our consciousness and supra-consciousness.
Student You mean, Dada, the moment 'we' get separated from supra-consciousness (Reality - consciousness) and identify ourselves as separate entities with different conscious levels, we come down from the conscious state of Reality to conscious level of body-mind intellect.
Shantnu Yes. That it is how Religion got to be labeled differently. Every distinction in the conscious-state of Reality denotes a variation from Reality. The distinction is not in Reality but in the subsequent states of consciousness which create the delusions of distinctions.
Student So it is the delusion or incomplete comprehension of Reality that causes these distinctions. Dada, how the element of ignorance (delusion) crepes in the other-wise perfect state of consciousness of our Masters?
Shantnu : Distinction from Reality, is the cause.
Student Why this distinction from Reality occurs, Dada?
Shantnu : Because we have brought down the level of Religion from the state of Reality-consciousness to that of the level of conscience.
Student Dada, what is the difference between conscious and conscience?
Shantnu : Conscious represents Reality, whereas conscience represents humanity.'
Student Dada, is humanity different from Reality?


Shantnu : Humanity is the creation of Nature, Reality subsumes Nature. Let us stop it here, and confine ourselves to conscience aspect of humanity which was our subject matter of discussion.
Student Dada, tell us frankly to which class of Masters, you belong to, as your wisdom is of astonishing magnitude.
Shantnu : Your impression is erroneous. I am a thinker not -a wise.
Student Dada, what is the difference? ~
Shantnu : A thinker is an infant, who is yet to develop ' convictions, whereas a wise is a living example of His life, by which he lives upon his convictions.
Student What do you mean by convictions, Dada?
Shantnu : As we have standards for measuring the quality of a commodity, similarly there are parameters by which we assess the outcome of our actions.
Student What are those parameters Dada?
Shantnu : At mind's level, it the sense of righteousness that assesses the quality of our actions; at conscience level, moral values are the measuring agency that determines the character of a person; finally human-values, are the basics, which indicate the conscious state of a person vs-a-vs supra-consciousness.
Student Dada, what is the difference between the sense of righteousness and morality?
Shantnu : When the tenets (moral values) of religion are applied to the sense of righteousness, qualitative transformations in the character is brought about.

StudentDada, you had told us religion is the conscience of humanity, then what do the numerous religions represents which are in existence during our time?
Shantnu : These represent the group-conscience.
Student That indicates collective conscience has been segregated into as many groups as there are the number of religions, But Dada, you had told us, religion is not divisible!.
Shantnu : Religion has not been divided, only humanity has been segregated into different groups of conscience.
Student But you had told us conscience too can't be divided.
Shantnu : It too has not been divided, but different groups of people have been segregated into as many spheres of consciousness according to the level (quality) of their consciences.
Student Who determines the level of their conscience?
Shantnu : Obviously, their Masters


Student Dada, one man, who happens to be their Master, is the connoisseur of conscience of each group, as it is he, who does the distinction from Reality and identifies reality in a different order, and that order comes to be known as a religion. But this is not a religion, it is a philosophy of personal-convictions which, that person develops, according to the level of his consciousness (realization) he has attained.
Now we begin to see your line of thinking and can safely surmise how so many religions came into being. Not because of dilution of Reality, but due to delusion, however, insignificant, that creeped in the pure state of consciousness, deciphered slightly in a distinct order and that distinction, however slight, created a delusion of separateness from Reality.
Surely, we see your point and shall, now, confine ourselves to religion, the way it is understood presently. Dada, thanks for clearing the fog of delusion in us, in respect of at least one aspect of human nature, that plays truancy, to which, even the wise become prey which we call by the name of ego. It is the most dangerous personality cult that ensnares even the wise, what to talk of us humble beings.




Dada Tell us now about religions.
My dears, yesterday it was of religion you wanted to talk about, isn't so?
Student Yes Dada provided you accept us good subjects, ready for higher education.
Shantnu : All the five of you, possess top-class minds, earnest sense of inquiry, therefore, it is now, time for you to move further, beyond the gross-mind level and be ready to have the glimpses of conscious (ness).
Student Dada, which of us, shall be a thinker like you?
Shantnu : All the five of you are earnest seekers, don't particularize just on one subject and limit yourselves. Do not try to be like the present day masters who specialize only in one philosophy (aspect) of life (religion) and profess it as the reality.
Student And they propagate their idea of philosophy as the truly representative religion!
Shantnu : That's right, but religion is not only a philosophy (subject).
Student Then is it the spiritual science, Dada!
Shantnu : No. Spirituality is highly self-centered that evolves round self-realization whereas religion belongs to all.
Student Then is it the science of karmas (actions)?
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Science of good conducts Dada!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Science of righteousness!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Science or morality!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Science of conscience, Dada!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Of nature!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Of creations!
Shantnu : Not alone.
Student Dada, if it is not any of these sciences, then what does it relate to?
Shantnu : It is all of these plus the Reality which not only branched out all of these, but abounds in them also. It is composite of all the sciences there were in existence, are in existence or likely to come into existence.
Student In nut-shell, it is Dada, the science of Reality!
Shantnu : It is not a science but Truth, which is not a subject or science but the totality - that is Eternal.
Student Now we see your point Dada. Reality is one, therefore, its truth is one and that truth is religion. It is really a vast definition, Dada.
Shantnu : Vast enough to comprise and subsume all that was, that is and that will be.
Student But present day masters are selling its wares very cheaply.
Shantnu : Mind your language. It is not a saleable commodity and no one, absolutely no one, has the authority to be its spokesperson.
Student There have been genuine masters, in past, who spoke of it with authority based on personal experiences. And they have left us an invaluable legacy in the shape of scriptures.
Shantnu You see there is not one scripture but tons of scriptures. Not one common experience but innumerable…..


Student Dada, it is natural, each master experienced Reality differently, and gave their interpretations of reality, in different ways.
Shantnu Not natural but obvious, and that is why, there are as many interpretations as were the number of these masters .Tell me just one thing, can Reality change or undergo through changes?
Student No, Dada.
Shantnu Then my dears, if Reality can't change, how its interpretations can undergo a change? These different interpretations or experiences were willful. It is understandable that each one of these masters confronted Reality, according to the state of their conscious but was it necessary for them to erect mansions of their experiences and dilute Reality to the levels or states of their conscious!
Student You mean their state of consciousness was not commensurate to Supra-consciousness-Reality. Dada, it is a highly objectionable conjecture.
Shantnu Tell me, what is the difference between the word God and Reality?
Student None at all Dada.
Shantnu But these masters have made a willful distinction between the two.
Student How so Dada?
Shantnu-There is one class of Masters, who deny or ignore the existence of God but believe in its impersonal Reality. The other class believes in its existence and calls it as God. We shall leave alone the Godly aspect of Reality for the time being and concentrate only on Reality.
Student But Dada, there ought not to be any distinction between the two!
Shantnu The distinction in itself speaks volumes of differences among the hundreds, perhaps thousands of religions those came into existence. Majority of them have blown with the winds but many still survive. Their very existence was the bases of differences which existed in their formations, as a result of different interpretations of Reality.

Student But, Dada, it is said there is no difference among the religions as each religion believes in the existence of God!
Shantnu Not all the religions believe in the existence of God, moreover not two are alike. Each maintains a distinct identity. Therefore, each one is different from the others.
Student They may be preaching different gospels but each one advocates the same human and moral values.
Shantnu But these values become the cause of destruction.
Student Dada, the fault lies with the spokespersons, not with the religions.
Shantnu That is why I said no one has the authority to be a spokesperson of religion. Different religions are there, because of the different interpretations of Reality. Tell me, when does whole becomes a part?
Student When a part separates from the whole.
Shantnu Is it possible to divide the whole?
Student No, but whole can duplicates itself into as many parts as it wills.
Shantnu But the characteristics of both, the whole and its duplicates will remain the same.
Student Yes Dada