Musings.......A Passing Thought


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Conscience goes through the variations of speech, memory, thought, emotion, pulse, tranquility, peace (wisdom) and bliss (reality). All these variations are because of the attachments, it acquired while passing through these variations!


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We must share in other's grief and joy and forget their deficiencies. It is the way for enriching our emotional treasure, sensitivities and energy channels stretched to the optimum levels, thereby enlivening pleasure fields which would next lead us to joy state!


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So long we identity with different personalities and identifications, ego is there to ratify their superficial existence. Neither of them exists. Ego is state of mind that exists for sometime but the moment (mind) elevates itself to the higher state, it (ego) vanishes!


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Can you control rain, flow of rivers, growth of mountains/trees or any other thing which is part of the evolutionary process? You cannot! You can mutilate some parts of the nature but can’t stop or divert it from its predestined goal!