Face Exercises


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Wrinkles on face add years to your visual age, whereas firm and smooth skin can make your face look younger than your actual age. To swank such beautiful skin throughout your life, all you need to do is facial exercises which tone-up the facial muscles. In fact, facial exercises are good for all because those who have saggy or wrinkled skin can make their skin firmer and those who don’t have loose skin, can maintain their skin by following face exercises. These exercises must be done once a day, or at least thrice a week after finishing a month of daily exercises. Moreover, Facial exercises can be carried out at any place as you are not required to have any specific equipment.

Facial Exercises to Make Your Face Look Younger

With age or habitual facial expressions, fine lines and wrinkles appear on our face. Saggy and creepy skin further disfigures the face. Given here are some popular facial exercises that help skin muscles to get tightened and thereby making your skin beautiful.

Facial Exercises for Neck and Throat

  • Sit straight and lean your head towards back. Look at the ceiling, keeping your lips closed and after that, start a chewing movement. You will experience that muscles in your neck and throat area are working. Repeat the exercise for 20 times.
  • Sit straight and lean your head towards back. Look at the ceiling while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Begin puckering your lips jointly in a kiss and stretch the kiss, as if you are trying to kiss the ceiling. Keep your lips in the same position for 10 counts. Relax and return your head in the same position. Repeat the exercise for 5 times.
Facial Exercises for Eyes

  • Sit upright and keep your eyes closed and relaxed during the exercise. Lift your eyebrows, while try to stretch your eyelids down as much as possible. Stay in this position for 5 counts. Relax and repeat the exercise for 5 times.
  • Sit upright, keeping your eyes open and looking ahead. Firstly, look up and then down, while keeping your head still. Repeat it for 10 times. Afterwards, start looking left and right in the same manner. Repeat it 10 times.
Facial Exercises for Forehead

  • To the maximum possible limit, frown and bring your eyebrows over your eyes while pulling the eyebrows toward each other. After that, lift your eyebrows maximum possible, while opening your eyes as much as possible. Repeat the exercise for 5 times.
  • Sit straight facing forward and bring your eyebrows down over your eyes. Wrinkle up your nose as much as possible, while flaring your nostrils. After a count of 10, relax a little. Repeat the exercise for 5 times.
Facial Exercises for Lips

  • Sit straight facing forward and pucker your lips together. Lift your puckered lips towards your nose and keep there for 5 counts. Relax and repeat the exercise for 5 times.
  • Bring your lips into a puckered kiss. While relaxing the kiss, keep your lips closed and then curl your lips into your mouth across your teeth. Hold the position for 10 counts. Repeat the exercise for 5 times.
Facial Exercises for Cheeks

  • Sit straight facing forward, while keeping your lips closed and relaxed. Using the cheek muscles, pucker and pout your lips. Hold the position for 10 counts. Relax and repeat the exercise for 10 times.
  • Keeping your lips closed, smile in a relaxed manner. Suck in your cheeks towards and on to your jaws. Hold this position for 10 counts. Relax and repeat the exercise for 10 times.