sehaj ! there was no need to give warnings to B. shah. And there is no harm or hurt intended by asking this question. You will see...there are views on this subject.
WHAT I THINK: Hairs were not identity of 'sikhs' [ There was no formation by then ] unless G. Gobind Singh Ji initiated KHALSA.
This was multipurpose move. I would like to quote that Guru ji and Shivaji Maratha were from same period but there is no evidence that both met in Maharashtra. But there is lot...lot of resemblance between methods of both.
Hairs give not only a identity but also save head from a good amount of sword attack.
Hair and turban-gives a dramatic influence + full beard to enemy. This again gives enemy a confusion about exact identity of a person.
WHY SIKHS KEEP HAIRS: This is sentimental and has been under practice since then. I do not know [ I am not sure] that Guru Gobind Singh made this mandatory by providing any guidline in HOLY SCRIPTURE but identity of SIKH becomes HIS HAIRS. This is entirely a sentimental and religious values of SIKHS.
I do not think that if someone has not kept hairs...he is less sikh than one who keeps. Religion or faith comes from conviction. Keeping hairs and doing against the master is worse than NOT keeping hairs but following masters path.
WHAT I THINK: Hairs were not identity of 'sikhs' [ There was no formation by then ] unless G. Gobind Singh Ji initiated KHALSA.
This was multipurpose move. I would like to quote that Guru ji and Shivaji Maratha were from same period but there is no evidence that both met in Maharashtra. But there is lot...lot of resemblance between methods of both.
Hairs give not only a identity but also save head from a good amount of sword attack.
Hair and turban-gives a dramatic influence + full beard to enemy. This again gives enemy a confusion about exact identity of a person.
WHY SIKHS KEEP HAIRS: This is sentimental and has been under practice since then. I do not know [ I am not sure] that Guru Gobind Singh made this mandatory by providing any guidline in HOLY SCRIPTURE but identity of SIKH becomes HIS HAIRS. This is entirely a sentimental and religious values of SIKHS.
I do not think that if someone has not kept hairs...he is less sikh than one who keeps. Religion or faith comes from conviction. Keeping hairs and doing against the master is worse than NOT keeping hairs but following masters path.