Virgin Broadband keep screwing me around with my mobile broadband stick, I am lucky if I get any connection at all but when I do it usually gives me between 4 and 25 Kbs. I'm in a rural area of Australia but this does not excuse the fact that i'v been waiting for this suposed hardware upgrade as they say that in my area the tower that I am going through is seriously congested. Then they winge at me because I want them to disconnect me.
$40 a month for the broadband plus $80 a month in calls complaining about the crap internet, I might as well just go back to dial up, at least I would be able to get a solid conection and the speed would probly be just as good.
Any one else having the same problem with these idiots?
$40 a month for the broadband plus $80 a month in calls complaining about the crap internet, I might as well just go back to dial up, at least I would be able to get a solid conection and the speed would probly be just as good.
Any one else having the same problem with these idiots?