The Time Of Test


Staff member
By Jami Pepe

Like the boastful crescent moon,
that sails the star stricken sky
She begins her journey,
through time and Test

Orbiting something greater than herself
Trapped against her will
Slowly moving away but still attracted
She creates waves of sin
and seasons of forgiveness

One side is dark
the other light
but not the source,
Only a reflection of the one more important

One day she will be full,
by an illusion of this reflection
Never truly satisfied,
with the things of this world

Scars of craters pierce her soul
Never disappearing
No wind or water to wash them away
Pain will fade as memories remain

During a time of dreaming
She becomes more visible to herself
Idealized in every way
An escape from truth and reality

The journey will never end
Her time of Test is a second in eternity
Yet the most important second of her fate