Sheena Bora Murder case..

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
शीना बोरा हत्याकांड में एक नया मोड़ आ गया है. इंद्राणी मुखर्जी ने बुधवार को खार थाने में अपनी वकील गुंजन मंगला को बातचीत के दौरान बताया कि उसने बेटे मिखाइल को गोद लिया था. इंद्राणी की पैरवी करने वाली लीगल टीम को अभी तक यही पता था कि शीना और इंद्राणी दोनों उसके बच्चे हैं. लेकिन इस खुलासे ने लीगल टीम को हैरान कर दिया है.

जुर्म नहीं कबूला
सूत्रों के हवाले से पता चला है कि इंद्राणी ने हर लिहाज से शीना की हत्या का जुर्म कबूल करने से इनकार कर दिया है. इंद्राणी का कहना है कि मैं उस अपराध को क्यों कबूल करुं जो मैने किया ही नही. इंद्राणी ने इस संबंध में अपने वकीलों से बातचीत भी की.

इंद्राणी के वकीलों ने बताया कि कई स्थानीय समाचार पत्रों ने बुधवार को लिखा कि इंद्राणी ने अपना जुर्म कबूल कर लिया है. जिसका हम पूरी तरह खंडन करते हैं. इंद्राणी की लीगल टीम उसके बचाव कर रही है. इंद्राणी की लीगल टीम ने जोर देकर कहा कि जब वह अपराध में शामिल ही नहीं थी तो वह बेगुनाह है.

वकीलों से अकेले में हो बात
जब इंद्राणी अपने वकीलों के साथ बातचीत कर रही थी तो वहां पांच पुलिसकर्मी मौजूद थे. उसके वकीलों ने इस बात को रिकॉर्ड में डालते हुए कहा कि वे अपने क्लाइंट के साथ निजीतौर पर बातचीत करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन पुलिस इसके लिए तैयार नहीं थी.

इंद्राणी के वकील अब अपनी मांग को लेकर बंबई उच्च न्यायालय जाने की योजना बना रहे हैं. उनकी मांग है कि इंद्राणी से उसके वकीलों की बातजीत के दौरान कोई भी पुलिस वाला भीतर मौजूद न रहे. उन्हें अकेले में बात करने दी जाए.

इंद्राणी की इजाजत बगैर नार्को नहीं
इंद्राणी के वकीलों ने उसे बताया कि पुलिस उसकी इजाजत के बगैर उसका नार्को टेस्ट नहीं करा सकती. और न ही उसके लिए मजबूर कर सकती है. उन्होंने इंद्राणी को बताया कि नार्को टेस्ट केवल आरोपी की अनुमति के साथ ही किया जा सकता है. शीना मर्डर केस में पुलिस इंद्राणी का नार्को टेस्ट कराने की योजना बना रही थी. इंद्राणी के वकीलों का कहना है कि उनकी मुवक्किल को यह जानकारी नहीं दी गई कि उनकी इजाजत के बिना नार्को टेस्ट नहीं हो सकता.

मिखाइल की हत्या की कोई साजिश नहीं
इंद्राणी की लीगल टीम ने दृढ़ता से इस आरोप का भी खंडन किया कि वह मिखाइल की हत्या करने की योजना बना रही थी. वकीलों ने कहा कि इंद्राणी की ऐसी कोई योजना नहीं थी. सवाल यह उठता है कि अगर उसे अपनी जान का खतरा था तो मिखाइल तीन साल से चुप क्यों था.

ठीक से पेश आ रही है पुलिस
इंद्राणी ने अपने वकीलों को बताया कि अब पुलिस उसके साथ ठीक बर्ताव कर रही है. पिछली बार उसने अपने वकीलों को इशारा किया था कि पुलिस उसके साथ दुव्र्यवहार कर रही थी. इंद्राणी ने उन्हें बताया कि उसने कभी ​भी ​भोजन या कपड़ों के लिए शिकायत नहीं की.

संजीव और इंद्राणी के बीच पैसे के लेनदेन की जांच
इंद्राणी की लीगल टीम ने पीटर और इंद्राणी का सामना होने की खबरों का खंडन किया है. उन्होंने कहा कि पीटर से पूछताछ अभी भी चल रही है, और पुलिस संजीव खन्ना और इंद्राणी के बीच वित्तीय संबंधों को स्थापित करने की कोशिश कर रही है.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP

Mumbai: Mumbai resident Sheena Bora, who was murdered in his situation and so many Kdia get the rest. But Sheena's diary show how much he hated his mother Indrani Mukherjee. In fact, in situations where Sheena was brought up, his childhood, according to a child's mental level went extremely difficulties. Sheena beginning of the parents love, affection is so far from. Other common age at which children receive care that parents have not ever Sheena. For a child to grow up in Guwahati Sheena was a diary in which she made ​​every good and bad experiences of my life was written diary in which he wrote about his love for Sheena Indrani first but gradually towards mother Love turned to hate it how its story is also written in the diary

Sheena the study notes in his diary, friends slam notes, phone numbers, and the father had saved the written accounts. Sheena people said she was saddened by the fact his biological father stayed with Siddhartha Das, Sheena Currie insisted several times he came to his father and met him. However Sheena Siddhartha's father told the media he had met a few times Sheena.


"I really hate your mother Hun"

Sheena also says he does not know much about his mother. She does not know her mother Sheena miss or not but that's why his mother Indrani Kyuki he exists in some corner of my heart. Sheena his mother Indrani Mukherjee INX going on a tremendous post with Indra Nooyi in the list of the WSJ's list of powerful women to be involved in every media report said monitors.

But as a child was alone Bikul Sheena. Sheena writes Oh! Happy Birthday to Me .. It is nothing left in my life ,, nothing ,,, my future is very bleak. Depression is surrounded me on all sides ,, it is a loathsome life, my mom hates it Hun, she Bloody b *** h ,, she is not my mother, she is a witch.

Sheena was not happy with the fact Indrani Mukherjee Peter was married. Sheena writes and now he's an old man (Peter Mukerjea) is married. Sheena of the work of his father grandparents feel very honored, very sensible but not in my case. Who to hate him. Who's going to pray for his soul in hell also concurrently sorrow.

I have much sorrow, so many tears in my eyes, but them when, where and against whom to tell.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
शीना मर्डर केस में पहली बार शीना बोरा की एक डायरी सामने आई है. इसमें उसके हवाले से कई राज सामने आ रहे हैं. वो 2003 से डायरी लिखती थी. इसमें मां इंद्राणी के प्रति प्यार और नफरत है, तो पिता सिद्धार्थ से उम्मीदें और हल्की नाराजगी भी. शीना एक जगह लिखती है, 'मुझे नहीं पता कि मां मुझे याद करती है या नहीं, लेकिन वो मेरी मां हैं. मैं उन्हें चाहती हूं.'

मां को प्यार करने वाली शीना के दिल में जल्द ही मां के लिए नफरत पैदा हो गई. अपने एक जन्मदिन के मौके पर उसने डायरे में लिखा, 'हैप्पी बर्थडे टू मी, लेकिन मैं खुश नहीं हूं. ऐसा लगता है कि मेरी जिंदगी में कुछ भी नहीं है. मेरा भविष्य अंधकारमय है. मुझे अब मां से नफरत है. वह मां नहीं है, डायन है.' डायरी में शीना के पिता सिद्धार्थ से संपर्क में रहने के भी सबूत हैं.


शीना लिखती है, 'डैडी, मैं आपसे बहुत नाराज हूं. आपने मुझे खत क्यों नहीं लिखा? मैं भी बहुत दिनों बाद लिख रही हूं, लेकिन आपको समझना चाहिए कि मैं 10वीं में हूं. सुबह साढ़े सात से रात साढ़े आठ बजे तक स्कूल-कोचिंग में बिजी रहती हूं. वक्त नहीं मिल पाता. आपने कहा था कि पहले पढ़ाई, बाद में स्टाइल. आपके कहने पर मैंने नाखून काट लिए हैं. आप मुझसे दिसंबर में गुवाहाटी आकर मिलें.'


मां की शादियों और अपनी जाति को लेकर भी शीना काफी कन्फ्यूज़ रहती थी. उसने डायरी में एक जगह लिखा, 'मैं अपनी जाति क्या लिखूं? एक फॉर्म में जाति बताने पर मुझे स्कॉलरशिप मिल सकती है. पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ मेरा खर्च बहुत बढ़ गया है.' वह अपने पिता सिद्धार्थ दास से कुछ-कुछ नाराज रहती थी. उसकी डायरी में लिखी हुई कई बातें इस तरफ इशारा करती हैं.


शीना अपने पिता सिद्धार्थ को लिखती है, 'आप मेरे मामा के साथ काम क्यों करना चाहते हैं? अपना काम खुद क्यों नहीं शुरू करते? नाना-नानी आपको बुरा बताते हैं, लेकिन मैं ऐसा नहीं मानती. नाना-नानी मां और पीटर के शादी से खुश हैं. लेकिन मुझे ये ठीक नहीं लगा. मेरे भीतर दर्द, आंसू हैं. ये कब, कहां और किसके सामने निकलेंगे, मुझे भी नहीं पता है.

शीना की डायरी से सुराग मिलने के साथ ही मुंबई पुलिस पीटर मुखर्जी से भी दोबारा पूछताछ कर रही है. खार पुलिस स्टेशन में मौजूद पीटर मुखर्जी से पुलिस ने कल भी करीब 12 घंटे की लंबी पूछताछ की थी. उनसे तकरीबन 250 सवाल किए थे. हालांकि, पीटर का लगातार ये कहना है कि शीना के बारे में उन्हें उतना ही पता रहता था जितना इंद्राणी बताती थी.

हत्या का खुलासा होने से पहले तक उन्हें यही मालूम था कि शीना इंद्राणी की बेटी है. इंद्राणी ने उन्हें यही बता रखा था. पीटर ने पुलिस को बताया कि शीना के पास प्रॉपर्टी के नाम पर ज्यादा कुछ नहीं था. ना ही उनकी संपत्ति से शीना को बहुत कुछ मिलने वाला था. वो और इंद्राणी मिलकर शीना और उसके भाई मिखाइल के खर्चे उठाते थे. ऐसे में प्रॉपर्टी के लिए हत्या की बात हैरान करने वाली है.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
CBI का खुलासा: शीना नहीं दूसरी बेटी को चाहती थी इंद्राणी, विधि ने दी थी वॉर्निंग








शीना बोरा मर्डर केस में सीबीआई ने चार्जशीट दाखिल कर दी है। इसमें खुलासा हुआ है कि इस मर्डर मिस्ट्री का सबसे बड़ा कारण इंद्राणी मुखर्जी का दूसरी बेटी विधि के लिए प्यार और पहली बेटी शीना के लिए नफरत था। विधि इंद्राणी के दूसरे पति संजीव खन्ना की बेटी है जिसे पीटर मुखर्जी (इंद्राणी के मौजूदा पति) ने गोद ले लिया है। बताया जा रहा है कि शीना प्रॉपर्टी में हिस्सा चाहती थी और वह मुंबई में एक फ्लैट मांग रही थी जिसके कारण उसकी जान गई। घटना के दिन शीना से खूब लड़ाई हुई थी जिसके बाद उसका कत्ल कर दिया गया।
विधि ने पहले ही शीना को किया था वॉर्न
इंद्राणी शीना को अपने रास्ते से हटाना चाहती थी इस बारे में विधि ने पहले ही उसे वॉर्निंग दी थी। सौतेली बहन विधि ने 2011 मार्च में शीना को एक एसएमएस भेजा था जिसमें कहा था, ''मां, किसी को रास्ते से हटाना चाहती है। तुम्हें और राहुल (पीटर का बेटा) को सावधान रहना चाहिए। मां तुम लोग को लेकर ज्यादा ही चिंतित है। इसलिए मैं तुम दोनों को चेतावनी दे रही हूं। कुछ भी हो सकता है। इस बारे में कुछ मत कहना क्योंकि ऐसा हुआ तो मैं मारी जाउंगी। अगर नहीं मारी जाती हूं तो भी मां कुछ बहुत बुरा करने वाली हैं, मेरा भरोसा करो...क्योंकि मां ने कहा है कि वो कोई रिश्ता नहीं तोड़ना चाहती, वह किसी को रास्ते से हटाना चाहती हैं।''
शीना का गला दबाते वक्त कहा था- अब ले 3BHK फ्लैट
> जानकारी के मुताबिक, शीना मुंबई के बांद्रा (वेस्ट) में एक 3BHK फ्लैट मांग रही थी। इसी के चलते इंद्राणी ने शीना को अपने रास्ते से हटाया।
> इस मामले में अरेस्ट ड्राइवर ने अपने स्टेटमेंट में कहा है कि शीना का गला दबाते हुए इंद्राणी के बार-बार कह रही थी - 'अब ले बांद्रा में थ्री-बीएचके फ्लैट।'

शीना क्यों मांग रही थी फ्लैट?
> बताया जाता है को इससे पहले भी इस मामले में गवाहों और इंद्राणी के करीबियों से पूछताछ में पता चला था कि शीना उसे ब्लैकमेल कर रही थी।
> इंद्राणी के बेटे मिखाइल, पति पीटर मुखर्जी और राहुल से पूछताछ में पुलिस को इसी ओर इशारा मिला था।
> शीना पीटर के सामने किसी सीक्रेट लेटर को उजागर करने की धमकी दे रही थी। जब इंद्राणी ने उसे ऐसा करने से रोका था, तो शीना ने चुप रहने के बदले एक फ्लैट मांगा था।
> पहले इस मामले की जांच कर रही मुंबई पुलिस का कहना था कि जब शीना ने बताया कि वह राहुल से शादी करने से जा रही है, तो इंद्राणी परेशान हो गई। कई मौकों पर उसने शीना को राहुल से अलग करने की कोशिश की। लेकिन शीना इंद्राणी को पीटर के सामने एक्सपोज करने की धमकी देने लगी। हालांकि, पीटर को दोनों के रिश्ते से कोई दिक्कत नहीं थी।
और क्या है सीबीआई की चार्जशीट में?
> देश की इस हाईप्रोफाइल मर्डर मिस्ट्री की जांच कर रही सीबीआई ने 43000 पेज की चार्जशीट पेश की है।
>चार्जशीट में मर्डर के कारण और मर्डर के पीछे के कारणों का जिक्र किया गया है।
> इंद्राणी और खन्ना ने लाई डिटेक्शन और नार्को एनालिसिस टेस्ट से मना कर दिया है। हालांकि, सीबीआई का कहना है कि उनके खिलाफ पुख्ता सबूत हैं।
> चार्जशीट में कहा गया है कि इंद्राणी के दिमाग में शुरू से प्लान चल रहा था।
> राहुल के साथ सेफ और हैपी होने को लेकर शीना के मेल का भी जवाब इंद्राणी ने पॉजिटिव दिया था जो कि उसके स्ट्रैटेजी का हिस्सा था।
> अंग्रेजी अखबार टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया के मुताबिक, चार्जशीट में खुलासा हुआ है कि इंद्राणी ने मर्डर से डेढ़ महीने पहले इस मेल का जवाब जानबूझकर पॉजिटिव दिया था ताकि शीना उसकी जाल में फंस जाए।
क्या है मामला?
- शीना बोरा मर्डर केस में आईएनएक्स मीडिया की पूर्व सीईओ इंद्राणी को अगस्त में अरेस्ट किया गया था। इंद्राणी स्टार इंडिया के पूर्व सीईओ पीटर मुखर्जी की पत्नी है। इंद्राणी पर शीना के मर्डर का आरोप है। शीना उसकी बेटी थी, लेकिन वह उसे बहन बताती थी। इस मामले में इंद्राणी के पूर्व पति संजीव खन्ना और ड्राइवर को भी अरेस्ट किया गया है।
- शीना के मर्डर का राज तब सामने आया, जब इंद्राणी के ड्राइवर श्यामवीर को मुंबई पुलिस ने किसी दूसरे केस में अरेस्ट किया, लेकिन पूछताछ में उसने शीना बोरा मामले का भी खुलासा कर दिया।
- पुलिस जांच में अभी तक कहा गया है कि 24 अप्रैल, 2012 को इंद्राणी ने बेटी शीना को फोन करके नेशनल कॉलेज बुलाया। शीना उस समय पीटर मुखर्जी (इंद्राणी के मौजूदा पति) के बेटे राहुल मुखर्जी के साथ लिव-इन में थी।
- मां का फोन आने के बाद शीना को छोड़ने के लिए राहुल ही गया। राहुल उसे छोड़कर चला गया। इसके बाद इंद्राणी ने शीना को कार में बैठने के लिए कहा। उस वक्त कार में उसके साथ ड्राइवर और पूर्व पति संजीव खन्ना भी था। यहीं पर दोनों की खूब लड़ाई भी हुई थी।
- जब शीना ने कार में बैठने से मना किया तो इन लोगों ने उसे जबरदस्ती कार में बैठाया। आरोप है कि कार में ही हुई कहासुनी के बाद तीनों ने गला दबाकर उसे मार डाला। इसके बाद शीना की लाश को कार में रखकर इंद्राणी घर आ गई।
- जिस कार में शव रखा था, वह रात भर पीटर के गैराज में रही। अगली सुबह 25 अप्रैल को हत्या के तीनों आरोपी फिर जुटे। शव को लेकर रायगढ़ के जंगलों में पेण के पास गए। पहले शव को पेट्रोल डालकर जलाया गया और उसके बाद उसे वहीं दफना दिया गया।
- जब श्यामवीर की गिरफ्तारी हुई थी, तब उसने बताया कि 2012 में उसने पेण के जंगलों में शव को दफनाया था। पुलिस को माैके से एक बॉडी के अवशेष मिले थे। इन्हें फॉरेंसिक टेस्ट के लिए भेजा गया था।

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Media tycoon Peter Mukerjea's sensational Thursday night arrest in the murder of his step daughter Sheena Bora has put the scanner on another dramatis personae—a former cop known for his proximity to both Mukerjea and Rakesh Maria.

Assistant Police Inspector Sohail Buddha, 49, who took voluntary retirement from Mumbai police in 2003 to join Star TV as vice president, internal security, when Peter Mukerjea was the CEO, is the man who had employed the Mukerjeas' driver Shyamvar Rai after he left their employ. It was Rai's arrest in August while he was still working for Buddha, on the now seemingly flimsy charge of possession of an illegal gun that first blew the lid off the entire case and led to Indrani Mukerjea's arrest.

It is worth underscoring here that the initial illegal gun case against Rai was registered at the Khar police station where all of Buddha's former police colleagues, senior police inspector Dattatrya Bargude, assistant commissioner of police Sanjay Kadam, inspector Dinesh Kadam, inspectors Kedar Pawar and Nitin Alaknoor were posted. These are all men whose close allegiance to then-police commissioner Rakesh Maria is well-acknowledged in the police force.

What is lesser known but of great significance is Sohail Buddha's own proximity to the top cop. Buddha was a part of Rakesh Maria's hand-picked team which cracked the 1993 Bombay bomb blasts case. All the men from the same elite 1993 team, Sanjay and Dinesh Kadam, Alaknoor, Kedar Pawar and Dattatraya Bargude, were the men posted at Khar police station at the time of Shyamvar Rai's arrest. After the successful detection of the '93 blasts, all these men had gone on to work closely with Maria at Mumbai Crime Branch until the late '90s, and the team did some sterling work in this period. After Maria's transfer from the crime branch, the team dispersed but the men continued to retain a fierce loyalty to their boss.

Which is why Buddha's unique situation in the Sheena Bora case as the man with proximity to both Maria and Mukerjea is causing speculation in the police force. Also worth raising, now that he's been arrested, is the question that if Peter Mukerjea knew of Sheena's killing and no doubt of Shyamvar Rai's role in it, would he allow the driver too far out of his sights? Buddha was a man he trusted well and Buddha it was who employed Shyamvar Rai after he left the Mukerjeas in 2012.

But did Buddha also tip the Mumbai police and more specifically his former boss Rakesh Maria, about Sheena Bora's mysterious disappearance and death?

It is telling how various members of Maria's handpicked team of 1993, was strategically moved to Khar police station all in the period of one year before the Sheena Bora case broke. Senior inspector Dattatraya Bargude was posted to Khar police station on August 14, 2014 and two days later inspector Nitin Alaknoor joined him there. The two Kadams, Dinesh and Sanjay who work in tandem, or Kadam-taal as one could say, were transferred to Khar police station in the June of 2015. The last member of the team inspector Kedar Pawar was posted to Bandra police station in June 2015 and then unusually inducted into the investigation team of the Khar police station after Shyamvar Rai's arrest while still posted at Bandra. These transfers were all done in the time Rakesh Maria was police commissioner.

Sohail Buddha however evades the question if it was he who tipped off Maria about the Sheena Bora case. Certainly, the why he might do so, given his proximity to Peter also, remains a mystery. "In the 14 years of my police service I have earned 300 awards and have always helped the force," is all he will say on the matter. He says he hasn't been in touch with the Mukerjeas after leaving Star TV and that he only hired Shyamvar Rai as he was obligated to Peter Mukerjea who had given him a break in the private sector. Buddha maintains that Rai was a bad professional, irregular in his work and for months he kept leaving and rejoining work which naturally begs the question why Buddha retained him.

While these questions remain to be answered, what is well known is the price Rakesh Maria had to pay for his close interest in the case. The morning after September 7, when Maria had questioned Peter Mukerjea for well over six hours, he was summarily transferred out as CP and made director general home guards. After the humiliating transfer many of his former team members from Khar police station expressed a desire to come visit him at his new office but were fobbed off. With the exception of one man. Sohail Buddha remains a regular visitor at Rakesh Maria's homeguards headquarters.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Revealed: Sheena Bora's emails before and 'after death'

The CBI chargesheet against Indrani Mukerjea, her second husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shyamvar Rai contains a series of emails that the family exchanged and some sent by Sheena even after April 24, 2012 which is the date of her murder.

The CBI has registered case against Indrani for murdering her daughter Sheena on April 24, 2012. Indrani referred to Sheena as her younger sister till then.

Indrani's third husband Peter who she married in 2002, is now also an accused in the case and the CBI has accused him of being involved in the conspiracy with Indrani.

The CBI says Indrani hatched the plan as she objected to Sheena's relationship and engagement with Peter's son Rahul from his first marriage, technically her step-brother as she feared it would ruin the inheritance for Vidhie, her daughter from her second marriage with Sanjeev.

The mail sent by Sheena to Indrani in March 2012, before the murder, and to Peter, almost a year after are from two different mail addresses, the second one, which the investigation agency says is fake, created to hide the crime.

The first mail pleads with her mother that she is happy with Rahul and suggests that they "live a happy life without any manipulations." The last mail to Peter, has "Sheena' saying Indrani is neither her mother nor her sister.

Here are the transcripts of the emails.

Sheena to Indrani March 9, 2012, 19.17 (a month and half before her murder) from

Over the last few years lots of things happened ... I feel bad I never hear you out, not that it matter to you much but still feel I should not have rejected whatever you had to say without even considering it.

Always have been upset with you for the fact that you, as a mother left us and never even care to find out whether we were even alive. But I never tried understanding what made you leave home. Many things were all kept wrapped up which is all unwrapping now with time.

I judged you on the basis of what I have been hearing while growing up at home. Never thought there could be any scope for discrepancy.

Again what I don't comprehend is that why do you threaten to cut off financial aid to your own parents if I go to ghy with Rahul, If I get married to Rahul? Why do all that?

Why pressurise them into keeping me away from home. I thought you are the one pressuring aita/kaka till I suddenly got bombarded with texts today from Kaka saying:

This sms is a confirmation that we have decided to change our will and disinherited you from our property as a sign of disapproval of your relationship with Rahul...

I am confused. I don't know who is lying ... pl be straight. Is this from you or your parents? And why suddenly all of this? should have either not given birth to me or NOT left me with your parents. Why didn't you take me with you...All this has left me devastated once again.

I am very happy and safe with Rahul. Shouldn't that be the most important thing for parents/loved ones? You did whatever gave you happiness in life. Even I deserve the same. Why are you upset because of it. I am your daughter. I have some of you in me. I will find my way through and be just fine.

...Anyway life is too short for holding grudges, telling lies and being upset about stuff. Lets live a happy life without any manipulations.

I just wanted to get it all off my chest and clean my karma..I do not want anything from anyone. Please do not send me any angry hurtful email or any kind of response to this email...It will just leave me sad.

Indrani to Sheena March 10, 2012 19.21 hrs

My darling, I have been so waiting to hear from you and glad that you finally made contact. I will call you on Monday. We will sort everything out. I want you to relax and not worry about anything anymore. I am always there for you and always will be. I have always loved you and will continue to love you no matter how angry we are with each other. Love and hugsxx Best Regards Indrani Mukerjea

'Sheena' to Peter in March 2013 March 14, 2013, 04.11 am mail from to;

"It may all sound very bizarre to you but this and only this is the real truth. Indrani is neither my sister nor my mother but just a good Samaritan..." The mail which is few thousand words long, also mentions how Sheena's grandmother tried to "dissuade" Peter from marrying Indrani.

The email dated nearly a year after the date of the murder address him as "Dear Peter'' and seeks to come "straight to the point" "without getting into courteous niceties."

The mail says its in response to "an angry and very sad email from Indrani" which she "received" that day. "I realise I should do whatever I can to ease the pain that I have caused her. This is why I have taken a call... to come out clean with you so that the air between the two of you is at least cleaned up" says the mail.

"My legal parents UK Bora and DR Bora, who are actually my grand parents had a daughter and an only child Indrani Bora (your wife's namesake), who was my mother. My mother had me and Mekhail with some who she had eloped with as her parents had totally disapproved the relationship...They decided to return home when my mother was pregnant with grandparents were ashamed to acknowledge my father who was from a much lower caste...after her return she was treated very badly and she left when I was not even 2...''

"In 1991 when there was a major civil unrest in Assam and there were plenty of kidnappings a young girl was brought to our home unconscious and severely injured by my uncle who was in the IPS...She did resemble my mother.. She was taken away in a matter of weeks never to be seen again." She said she was told that her mother was her sister.

"The next we heard of our sister when there was a photograph of you and her n a newspaper. That was the time my mother/grandmother wrote to you to dissuade you from the marriage. But when the marriage still happened, they sat us down and told us all about what happened and who Indrani really was."

"Your wife Indrani is the girl who was brought to our home in that unconscious state...My uncle took care of her... when she left Assam, she was moved out to Kolkata (where Indrani lived and found her second husband Sanjeev Khanna) under my mother's identity in lieu of compensation that was paid to them. She had lost her memory completely and was living with a family in Kolkata... She was briefed with complete details of Indrani Bora and full new identity of her was prepared in 1991 under that name. If you have access to her birth certificate you will see it was made that year though it should have been made many years ago when she was born. After recovering, as this girl struggled to remember who she was but in vain, she embraced the identity slowly of Indrani Bora though she knew that was not who she was. She met Sanjeev through the family She was living with. She met and got married in the next couple of years. When Sanjeev's family contacted my parents to meet, they had to say that they had nothing to do with their daughter as she had left home after a fight and it was shameful for a girl to do but the reality was that she was not their daughter and apparently for some reason the police service for some reason did not want any exposure...''

When Indrani met you, she maybe should have disclosed to you all of this but either she was afraid that you would not believe her or maybe she was just Indrani by then and that was it. I had asked her this a long time ago and she said that she felt insecure to acknowledge to you or anyone that she did not know who she really was, where she came from and what her real name was. But once she married you, it was too high profile to keep Indrani Bora identity under wraps. Tracking Indrani worked well for my parents as my own mother Indrani's maternal grandparents had willed everything to her name and my parents could not touch anything till she came back.

They contacted her and blackmailed her to reveal all and tell the media that she was under a false identity unless she agreed to accept their terms and do all the paperwork to handover all the assets willed in the name of Indrani Bora to them.

On one of my trips to Guwahati my aunt told me that Indrani Mukerjea was not my sister but my mother but that is a closed chapter now that we are together so on and so forth...Over the next few years we continued as family as you are aware and Mekhail and I started associating and mingling with your family and friends not as a charade but as a normal process, but Indrani did not have the heart to introduce you to my parents as her parents as they were not.

Life moved on and then Rahul arrived in Mumbai...It was at the end of his trip that one evening when Indrani and you were out and we havd a few bottles of wine and got close. I never though it was going to turn into a relationship, he left the next morning and that was the end of it and I was back with Kaustav and Rahul was back with Sara. But Rahul did return after a couple of months and he was in touch with me during that period and seemingly his girlfriend has dumped him. We got close...along with my relationship I also started ...and in one of such high states, I blurted it all out to Rahul. I had sworn Rahul to secrecy... One night when he left with you he raised it again picking bits which were probably true but was not at all true of Indrani, your wife. Alas! He chose to concoct the story and tell you a complete lie when he was aware of the full truth which is why I denied it when you asked me about it. While you were in Amby Valley with him, I was trying to reach Rahul and meet him because I wanted to know why he lied about Indrani to you when he knew the truth.

I went to Guwahati then. Rahul was pursuing me and to be very honest I loved hm too...I was so much into Rahul by then...that I was willing to do and say whatever as long as I had Rahul and the other things I needed.

We had gone to Dehradun briefly after that and during that period I realised there was a full plan in place to frame Indrani as she was clearly not in position to disclose anything to you or to anyone. ...I was a party to all of that very selfishly blinded by my love for Rahul and the constant drilling into my head that Indrani was not even a relative and it was important that as I was in love with Rahul I should help them to destroy your marriage with Indrani. When I look back I am so ashamed to say what a horrible person I was then. It was only as time passed I realised I was living with a person who was not only lazy and selfish...but was surrounded by equally selfish people...Mekail took me to Dr and I started getting cleaned up.

I knew I had to get out of this evil mess and bad karma of destroying innocent people's lives because of some latent grudge Rahul and his mother had against you. I could no longer be a party to their mission to destroy you and in turn destroy Indrani and Vids. The rest you know what followed and by God's mercy I am out of all that evil. I was never planning to look back or every contact you. But today after receiving the sad email from Indrani, I knew that I had to do the right thing. I am copy pasting only one line from Indrani's mail to me. "It feels like my head is going to explode trying to remember my past...I just want to go into deep sleep and never wake up. When I wake up I want to wake up in heaven.''

She has no family apart from Vids and if in a state of despair anything unwarranted happens I will never be able to forgive myself, Rahul, his mother or you.

Pl do not reply to this email or share this with anyone including Indrani.

...though you do not need to take my advice, it maybe worthwhile you watching your back from your own son.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
How skull-face superimposition process identified remains

In the summer of 1985, three gravediggers sweated as they dug up a cemetery in Embu near Sao Paolo, and exhumed the remains of Josef Mengele who had drowned in 1979. A skull-face superimposition process by a US forensics team concluded with reasonable scientific certainty that the remains were of the Auschwitz doctor. The data became a legal and technological turning point.

Three months after Mumbai police led a team to dig out the skeletal remains of Sheena Bora, whose only 'crime' according to her mother - Indrani, was that she loved and was engaged to Rahul Mukerjea - the son of Peter Mukerjea from his first marriage, the central department of forensic medicine in Varanasi concluded that a skull-face superimposition test has identified the remains as hers.

The CBI chargesheet contains the two-page test report which is an additional conclusive forensic report, apart from the DNA reports, that establishes Sheena's identity from the sparse remains exhumed three years after the murder which reportedly took place on April 24 of 2012, for which the CBI has chargesheeted Indrani as the main accused, along with her former husband and father of her daughter Vidhie - Sanjeev Khanna, and Indrani's driver Shyamwar Rai.

The CBI had sought the skull-superimposition report on November 9.

Professor S K Tripathi of the Department of Forensic Medicine, IMS, BHU, Varanasi in his report on November 16, wrote that primary work relating to superimposition of photographs of Sheena provided by CBI and the skull with mandible (department of FMT, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New delhi) was carried out.

"In all, four sets of photographs were used for superimpositions (and) all the landmarks and facial characteristics along with teeth superimposition were found correctly matching which helped in establishment of complete physical/personal identification of the victim with help of the provided skull," he said in his report.

The copy prints of the matched superimposition photographs were taken by CBI as evidence in the case.

There were four sets of superimposition photos chosen for the process. They were live photographs of Sheena with different facial profiles and respective corresponding profiles' skull photographs.

"The computerised superimposition with the help of the set of live photographs of victim and corresponding photographs taken of the skull with mandible were processed for use in a software." The process involved cropping and additional preparing.

To bring exact superimposition, the department also used "forensic odontology" in this superimposition technique to compare exactness in superimposition over visible teeth of victim (in live photographs with smile and visible front teeth and the corresponding teeth in the skull were compared.

"The application of forensic odontology - application of dental science to administration of law and justice brings in greater accuracy due to individual biological variation which is never found to be similar from one individual to the other," the report, a copy of which TOI has, said. "With application of forensic odontology, complete physical identification is established," the report further said.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
In a fresh twist to the sensational Sheena Bora murder case, key accused Indrani Mukerjea's former driver Shyamvar Rai on Wednesday told a special CBI court that he wants to turn approver and "disclose certain truths about the commission of the offence."
Last week, Rai had written a two-page letter to the court stating that he wants to reveal the truth and had sought pardon in the case.
When Special Judge HS Mahajan called Rai in the box today, he said, "I am aware about the acts connected with the commission of the offence and was a participant to the murder (of Sheena)."

When the judge asked him about the case, he told the court that Sheena was killed by strangulation.
He also told the court that he was under "no pressure, threat or coercion" to reveal the facts in the case and was "repentant" for his act.
The court directed CBI to file its reply on May 17 over Rai's plea to turn approver in the case.
Rai was the first accused to be arrested in connection with the murder case in August 2015.
The killing came to light after Rai was picked up in connection with an arms case and later spilled the beans.
Two days ago, the court had castigated Thane jail officials for failing to produce Rai before the court and had warned of contempt proceedings while directing them to bring him today.
The court had also directed CBI to file its written submission on Indrani's husband Peter Mukerjea's bail plea on May 13, failing which the court said it will fix the matter for passing the order.
Peter's bail application had been rejected in the past.
Indrani, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna and Rai had allegedly strangled Sheena (24), Indrani's daughter from earlier relationship, inside a car in April 2012. The crime, which came to light in August, is allegedly linked to certain financial dealings.
The trio were arrested in August last year while Peter was arrested in November. According to CBI, Peter was part of the murder conspiracy.

While Peter (59), Khanna and Rai are lodged in Arthur Road prison, Indrani (43) is in Byculla womens' jail.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Shyamwar Rai, the driver and co-accused in the Sheena Bora murder case who turned an approver last year, deposed before the CBI court in Mumbai today.
He gave chilling details of the murder plot and told the CBI court that Indrani Mukerjea strangled Sheena Bora to death and sat on her face before burning her body in a remote location.

Shyamwar Rai's account is as horrific as it can get.

According to driver Shyamwar, in April 24, 2012, the three -- Bora's mother Indrani Mukerjea, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna and himself -- picked up Sheena Bora.

She was later given a spiked cocktail in the car and was "sitting quietly with her eyes closed".
In the rear seat of the car, Indrani's ex-husband grabbed Sheena's hair and Indrani strangled her. When Shyamwar tried to cover Sheena's mouth, she bit his thumb.

"Indrani Madam was strangling Sheena with her hands... I could hear Sheena gasping and making gagging sounds. After a while, everything was quiet. Sheena became quiet."

Shyamwar admitted in his confession how Indrani immediately after murdering Sheena asked him to drive to a hotel.

While on their way to the hotel, Shyamwar said that Indrani fussed about a 3BHK flat that was given to Sheena. According to him, Indrani later sat on Sheena's face in a fit of rage.

"Indrani Madam sat on Sheena's face and said - here's your three-bedroom flat," driver Shyamwar Rai said during his questioning at the CBI court.

And after reaching a remote location," Indrani madam applied lipstick on Sheena Bora and made sure that her hair looked good."

"Madam took a saree and a pair of gloves out of the bag, and kept them on the body. She even kept the bag on her. She then poured petrol over her and left the can there. Indrani madam took out matchsticks from her pockets and burnt her," Shyamwar said.

In a threatening reaffirmation to Shyamwar, Indrani told him to not to speak a word about it and threatened him with "dire consequences".


Before his statement at the CBI court, driver Shyamwar seemed restless and by the time he finished it he told the public prosecutor Kavita Patil that he was exhausted.

When Shyamwar's statement was being heard, Indrani along with her ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna and Peter Mukerjea were closely observant. However, Shyamwar avoided eye contact with his former employers.

Incidentally, when Shyamwar was narrating Indrani's deeds after the murder, the latter let out a chuckle in the court.

Shyamwar also told that Indrani had plans to kill Sheena Bora's brother Mikhail.

Shyamwar admitted in the court he conducted a recce on two remote locations one for each. Out of the two places, Indrani zeroed down on Raigadh.

Driver Shyamwar Rai's deposition will continue on Tuesday.