Rajnikanth facts


Sachin Tendulkar a.k.a God: Boost is the secret of my energy..
Boost: Rajnikanth is the secret of our energy..!!

When we are in trouble we say "Oh my God..!!"
When God is in trouble He says "Oh my Rajni..!!"

Behind every successful man there is a woman.. Behind every dead man there is Rajnikanth..!!

Rajnikanth had once got 99/100 in English dictation in school because he could not get the spelling of 'Fear' right.. He didn't know the word at all..

What would've been the story if it had been Rajni Potter than Harry potter??
A. The story would've ended in the first 3 pages of the first book with baby Rajni killing Voldemort with just a stare..


Saini Sa'aB

:lol2 :lol2 Rajnikanth had once got 99/100 in English dictation in school because he could not get the spelling of 'Fear' right.. He didn't know the word at all.. :lol2 :lol2