Why did Banda Singh Bahadur's army attack Samana ?
It was the residence of Sayyed Jalal-ud-din, the executioner of Guru Teg Bahadur, and of Shashal Beg and Bashal Beg, the executioners of the younger Sahibzadas at Sirhind. When was Samana conquered ?
November 26, 1709 A.D.
Name the ruler of Sadhaura who had tortured to death the great Muslim Saint, Sayyed Buddhu Shah, because he had helped Guru Gobind Singh Ji in the battle of Bhangani.
Osman Khan
Who abolished the Zamindaari (absentee landlord) system ?
Banda Singh Bahadur
When did Banda Singh Bahadur attack Sirhind, where the Nawab had ordered the live-burial of the younger Sahebzadas ?
On May 12, 1710 A.D. (The battle was fought at Chhappar Chiri, 20 kms from Sarhind.)
What did Wazir Khan do, and who killed him ?
Wazir Khan ordered the murder of the two younger sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Fateh Singh killed him in the Battle of Chappar-Chiri.
Name the Sikh woman who had been carried away by Sher Muhammed Khan of Maler Kotla and buried in a grave after she had committed suicide to save her honor.
Bibi Anup Kaur (Banda Singh's forces dug the grave to perform her last religious rites)
Whom did Banda Singh appoint as Governor of Sirhind after conquering Sirhind ?
Baaj Singh
Whom did Banda Singh appoint as Governor of Samana ?
Fateh Singh
What did Banda Singh Bahadur name the Fort of Mukhlispur after repairing it ?
Lohgarh meaning Iron Fort. (For all intents and purposes, it became the capital of the Sikh territories.)
After assuming royal authority at Lohgarh, what did Banda Singh Bahadur do ?
He struck coins in the name of the Guru. He introduced an Official Seal for his state documents and letter patent. He introduced his own Sammat or regnal year from the date of his conquest of Sirhind. He totally abolished the Zamindari (Landlord) System of the Mughals which had reduced the cultivators to the position of slaves
What did Banda Singh Bahadur's Official Seal read ?
Deg o teg o fateh o nusrat bedirang
Yaft az Nanak Guru Gobind Singh (The Kettle and the Sword, Victory and ready Patronage have been obtained from Guru Nanak - Guru Gobind Singh) What do Degh, Tegh, and Fateh mean ?
Degh means Kettle (symbol of charity or of the means to feed the poor) Tegh means Sword (symbol of power to protect the weak and helpless) Fateh means Victory
What was the green banner raised by the Mullas of Lahore ?
The Mullas raised a green banner, called the Haidri Flag, and proclaimed a crusade (jehad) against the Sikhs.
What was the new war-cry that Banda Singh Bahadur introduced ?
'Fateh Darshan' meaning Victory to the Presence. (It was later rejected by the Khalsa since it came to be used for and to replace the old Sikh Salutation of 'Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh'.)
Name the Sikh who sacrificed his life when he disguised himself in the garments of Banda Singh Bahadur and seated himself in his place, so that Banda Singh could escape from the fort of Lohgarh and retreat to the hills of Nahan.
Bhai Gulab Singh (on December 10, 1710)
When did Emperor Bahadur Shah die ?
February 18, 1712
Who ascended the throne for just 10 months after the death of Bahadur Shah ?
Jahander Shah
Who defeated Jahander Shah to take over the throne of Delhi ?
Farrukh Siyar
When were the Sikhs forced to evacuate Sadhaura and Lohgarh and take refuge in the Jammu hills ?
What was Banda Singh Bahadur's second wife's name ?
Sahib Kaur. (He had by her a son, named Ranjit Singh - not the same as Maharaja Ranjit Singh) Who was the Governor of Lahore who made the forces of Banda Singh retreat to Gurdas Nangal in April, 1715 A.D. ?
Abd-us-Samad Khan (father of Zakhriya Khan)
What was the Sikh Enclosure at Gurdas Nangal called ?
Fortress (Garhi) of Gurdaspur
After eight long months in the Fortress of Gurdaspur, who had a difference in opinion with Banda Singh ? What was the difference in opinion ? What happened as a result of this difference in opinion ?
Binod Singh had a difference in opinion with Banda Singh. Apparently, he proposed evacuating the enclosure and following their old tactics of cutting through the enemy's lines for a place of safety. Banda Singh was not in favor of it. Binod Singh, as per decision reached by his son Kahan Singh, left the enclosure.
When was the Fortress of Gurdaspur captured by the Mughals ?
December 7, 1715 A.D.
Why were the bodies of Sikhs ripped opened ?
The bodies of Sikhs were ripped opened in search of gold coins supposed to have been swallowed by them.
Where were Banda Singh and his companions taken from Gurdas Nangal ?
They were taken to lahore by Abdus Samad Khan and then despatched to Delhi under the charge of his son, Zakhriya Khan.
What was the name of the Sikh who broke the chains around his hands and feet when Emperor Farrukh Siyar taunted him and his fellow Sikhs ?
Baaj Singh
How many soldiers did Baaj Singh kill after breaking through the chains around his hands and feet ?
Name the son of Banda Singh Bahadur from his first wife. What was his fate ?
Ajai Singh. The executioner hacked the 4 year old child to pieces joint by joint with a long knife, dragged out his quivering heart and thrust it into the mouth of his father, Banda Singh Bahadur. How was Banda Singh Bahadur executed ?
His eyes were first removed by the point of a butcher's knife. His left foot and then his two hands were severed from the body. His flesh was then torn with red-hot pincers, and finally he was decapitated and hacked to pieces limb by limb.
What is meant by 'Chardi Kala' ?
Exalted Spirit
Who were the Bandeis ?
A division of Sikhs that apotheosized Banda Singh Bahadur and believed that he had inherited the succession of Guruship from Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They claimed that they should have an equal share in the management of the Gurdwaras and other affairs of the Panth.
What was the group of staunch followers of Guru Gobind Singh Ji called ?
'Tat Khalsa' as distinguished from the followers of other denominations who held that the personal Guruship had not been abolished by Guru Gobind Singh, and that their allegiance was still due to their respective preceptors.
What were 'Gurmatas' ?
In practice, the Sikh congregation (Sangat) would sit together, with the Holy Granth in their midst, and deliberating over questions of common interest would give their decisions in the form of resolutions, called 'Gurmatas'. All Sikhs were expected to receive them as decisions of the Guru and any attempt made to contravene them was looked upon as an act of sacrilege. Such meetings of the whole people, called the 'Sarbat Khalsa', were to be held twice a year, on the occasion of Diwali (October) and Vaisakhi (April).
Whom did Mata Sundri in Delhi send to Amritsar to resolve the dispute between the Bandeis and Tat Khalsa ?
Bhai Mani Singh and Kirpal Singh. Bhai Mani Singh was appointed Granthi (Head Priest) of Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple), Amritsar in 1721.
When was Zakhrya Khan appointed as Governor of Lahore ?
Zakhrya Khan, also known as 'Khan Bahadur', was appointed Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. when his father, Abdus Samad Khan was transferred to Multan.
How many men did Tara Singh Vaan have with him to face the Mughal army sent by Zakhrya Khan ?
22 men. All got martyred fighting the Mughal army in 1726 A.D.
In what year was the title of 'Nawab' and a 'Jagir' presented to the Sikhs by the Mughal authorities ?
What was the name of the Sikh Government Contractor who was entrusted with the task of negotiation of the Nawabship and Jagir by Zakhrya Khan ?
Subeg Singh. He was allowed to sit among the Khalsa assembly at Akal Takht, Amritsar, only after he had gone through the ceremony of exculpation, called 'tankhah', for having been a co-operator with the government.
Who was given the title of Nawab ?
Kapur Singh of Faizullapur
On what conditions did Kapur Singh accept Nawabship, when a Jagir was offered to the Sikhs by the Lahore Governor in an attempt to buy peace with the Sikhs ?
Under the conditions that (1) he should be permitted to continue to serve in Guru-ka-langar and (2) to look after the horses and (3) that five Sikhs should touch with sacred feet the Royal Command, both in order to reject it with contempt and also to sanctify it for acceptance
What were the two divisions of the Dal Khalsa ?
Buddha Dal (the army of the veterans) and Taruna Dal (the army of the young). The Buddha Dal was entrusted with the task of looking after the holy places, preaching the Gurus word and inducting converts into the Khalsa Panth by holding Baptismal ceremonies. The Taruna Dal was the more active division and its function was to fight in times of emergencies.
Who led the Buddha Dal ?
Nawab Kapoor Singh
Who was the head of the Taruna Dal, stationed at Amritsar ?
Charat Singh Sukarchakia
Who supervised both the Budha Dal and Taruna Dal ?
Nawab Kapur Singh
Name the 15 year old boy who was beheaded in 1734 for using disrespectful language for Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Mohammed.
Haqiqat Rai
When did Diwan Darbara Singh die ?
July, 1734 A.D.
When was the Jagir presented to the Sikhs confiscated ?
When did Bhai Mani Singh apply to the Governor of Lahore for permission to hold the Diwali festival in the temple of Amritsar ? What was the condition of the permission ?
1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh was to pay Rs.5000 after the fair, which was to last 10 days. Why couldn't Bhai Mani Singh pay the amount of Rs.5000 ?
Bhai Mani Singh hoped that he would be able to pay the sum out of the offerings to be made by the Khalsa attending the fair. The Governor, however, tricked him by sending a force under Diwan Lakhpat Rai to Amritsar on the day of the fair and scaring the Sikhs away.
How was Bhai Mani Singh martyred ?
His body was cut to pieces limb by limb.
Which famous Sikh martyr was one of the 52 'Darbari kavis' (poets) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji ?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji
How many immediate family members of Bhai Mani Singh got martyred for Sikh Panth ?
21 (Twenty One) : 11 brothers and 10 sons.
As a result of the renewed persecutions, where did the Sikhs retreat to ?
Most of the Sikhs left the plains and sought shelter in the Shivalik hills, Lakhi Jungle and the sandy deserts of Rajputana.
In what year did the Sikhs attack Nadir Shah on his way back to Persia and relieved him of much of his booty ?
1739 A.D.
What was Nadir Shah's prophecy about Sikhs ?
Nadir Shah told Zakhriya Khan that "The time is not far when these people (Sikhs) would raise their heads and become the rulers of this country."
What were the rewards offered by Zakhrya Khan for the capture and destruction of Sikhs ?
Ten Rupees paid to anyone giving information which lead to the arrest of a Sikh.
Fifty Rupees paid to anyone bringing the head of a Sikh.
What was Massa Ranghar known to have done during the persecution of the Sikhs in Zakhriya Khan's period ?
What did Massa Ranghar do when he was appointed the chief of Amritsar by the Mughal governor ?
He held charge of Golden Temple and banned Sikhs from visiting it. He had turned the holy precincts into a stable and the inmost sanctuary into a nautchhouse where he used to smoke and drink and enjoy dance of public women. He also started abusing Hindus and Sikhs of Amritsar. Who were the two Sikhs who killed Massa Ranghar ?
Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh
How did they kill Massa Ranghar ?
In August 1740, they reached Amritsar. Disguising themselves as Mohammedans and filling two bags with well rounded brick-bats, they entered the precincts of the temple under the pretext of paying their land-revenue. While Sukha singh watched the entrance, Mehtab Singh fell on the tyrant like lightening and cut off his head.
Where did Mehtab Singh and Sukha Singh take the head of Massa Ranghar ?
Budha Jorh in Deserts of Rajasthan.
How was Mehtab Singh martyred ?
Publicly broken on the wheel.
What was the name of the road that Bhai Bota Singh and Bhai Gurja Singh blocked and charged tolls to travellers using it?
Grand Trunk Road near Sarai Nurdin
What were the tolls charged by Bota Singh and Garja Singh ?
One Anna (6.25 Paise) per cart and one Paisa per donkey-load.
What was the fate of Bota Singh and Garja Singh ?
Since no one reported them to the Mughals and paid their tolls without complaining, Bota Singh himself wrote to the Governor of Lahore announcing himself and the tax he was levying on travellers. Zakhriya Khan sent a detachment of 100 horses to arrest him. Bota Singh and Garja Singh refused to surrender and died fighting.
When did Bhai Taru Singh achieve martyrdom ?
June, 1745 A.D.
Why and how was he martyred ?
He cultivated fields and whatever was produced, he offered to his Sikh brethren in exile. This was considered treason and he was reported by Harbhagat of Jandiala and executed. His hair was scrapped of his scalp.
June, 1745 A.D. Who was the successor of Zakhriya Khan ?
His son, Yahiya Khan.
Why and how were Subeg Singh and Shahbaz Singh martyred ?
Subeg Singh, who had contracts with government, was martyred under suspicion that he was supplying info to Sikhs. His 15 year old son, Shahbaz Singh was martyred because he refused to convert to Islam under the wishes of this Qazi at the Mohammedan school he studied at.
Subeg Singh and Shahbaz Singh were put on a wheel with slashing knives arranged around it and turned on it.
What was Diwan Lakhpat Rai's brother's name ?
Jaspat Rai, Faujdar of Eminabad.
When Jaspat Rai attacked the Sikhs visiting Eminabad, who killed him ?
Nirbhau Singh got onto the elephant of Jaspat Rai and cut off his head.
What does 'Ghalughaara' mean in English ?
In what year did the 'Chhota Ghalughaara' (First Holocaust) occur ?
In the 'Chhota Ghalughaara', what were the names of the Nawab and the Hindu Diwaan who led the sudden Mughal attack on the Sikhs as they crossed the Raavi River ?
Yahiya Khaan and Lakhpat Rai (Lakhpat was Hindu Diwaan)
How many Sikhs were killed in the 'Chhota Ghalughaara' ?
At least 7000 were killed and 3000 brought as prisoners to Lahore, where they were beheaded at the 'Nakhas', after being subjected to indignities and torture.
When did Yahiya Khan lose power ?
Yahiya Khan was ousted by his younger brother, Shah Nawaz Khan, the Governor of Multan, in March 1747. Lakhpat Rai was also thrown in prison.
June 8, 1747 A.D. Who ascended the throne of Afganistan after the assasination of Nadir Shah ?
Ahmed Shah Durrani (also known as Ahmed Shah Abdali)
Whom did Shah Nawaz Khan invite to invade India ?
Ahmed Shah Durrani, ruler of Kabul.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani establish his control over Lahore ?
January 12, 1748 A.D.
Who defeated Ahmed Shah Durrani ?
The Mughals defeated Ahmed Shah Durrani in the battle of Manupur, near Sirhind, in the middle of March, 1748.
After his defeat, when Ahmed Shah Durrani left Sirhind, who attacked the Durranis, looting and plundering considerable wealth and horses from the Durranis ?
Sardar Charat Singh Sukarchakia
Who became the new Governor of Lahore and Multan ?
Mir Mannu, on April 11, 1748 A.D.
When was Jassa Singh Ahluwalia born ?
May 3, 1718 A.D.
What was Jassa Singh's father's name ?
Badar Singh
How old was Jassa Singh Ahluwalia when his father died ?
Whom did Nawab Kapur Singh appoint as the new Jathedar of the Khalsa Panth ?
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia in 1753. Who laid the foundation stone of Harmandar Sahib when it was rebuilt by the Taruna Dal ?
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia
Name the Sikh warrior who was awarded the title Sultan-ul-Quam (King of the Khalsa Panth).
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia when he defeated the ruler of Lahore in 1761
When did Jassa Singh Ahluwalia occupy Kapurthala ?
In 1778, Jassa Singh occupied Kapurthala and assumed the title of king. He also issued coins.
What was the inscription on the coins minted by Jassa Singh Ahluwalia in the name of the Gurus ?
Deg o teg o fateh o nusrat bedirang
Yaft az Nanak Guru Gobind Singh
When Adeena Beg failed in his negotiations with Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, who refused to accept a share in political power or to have an independent state, whom did he manage to net in to serve under him ?
Jassa Singh Ramgharia, his 3 brothers and some associates.
When was Ram Rauni seized and for how long ?
The Ram Rauni was seized in October, 1748 by Adeena Beg and Jassa Singh Ramgharia and the seize went on for 3 months from October-December, 1748.
What did Jassa Singh Ramgharia decide to do ?
He decided to desert the royal army and join his brethren Singhs.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the second time ?
December, 1748 A.D., nine months after his first invasion in March, 1748.
Who made an offering of Rs.11000 for the service of the holy tank at Harmandir Saheb ?
Diwan Koura Mal made this offering. The holy tank which had been filled up by the orders of Lakhpat Rai in Yahiya Khan's time, was dug up and cleaned.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the third time ?
January, 1752 A.D. When was Diwan Koura Mal killed ?
March 1752 A.D. He was killed by a shot fired by an agent of Adeena Beg during the defeat of Mir Mannu at the hands of the Durranis.
When was the persecution of Sikhs by Mir Mannu renewed ?
March 1752 A.D.
How did Mir Mannu treat Sikh women ?
He tortured them in order to force them to abandon their religion. He ordered the children and babies of imprisoned Sikh women to be speared alive, or cut up into pieces and made into necklaces to be put around the mother's neck.
How many years did this slaughter of Sikh children go on for ?
Four years
During the persecution of Sikhs by Mir Mannu what price was paid for the severed head of a Sikh ?
Rs. 80 (equivalent to one year's pay)
During the persecution of Sikhs by Mir Mannu what happened if a person lost a horse in fighting a Sikh ?
The government replaced it with another horse.
When did Nawab Kapur Singh die ?
October 7, 1753 A.D.
When did Mir Mannu finally die ?
November 2, 1753 A.D.
When was Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia formally appointed as the political and religious leader of the Khalsa Panth in place of Nawab Kapur Singh ?
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the fourth time ?
January 28, 1757 A.D. When did Adeena Beg die ?
September 15, 1758 A.D.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the fifth time ?
October 25, 1759 A.D.
When was the historic battle of Panipat fought ?
January 14, 1761 A.D.
Why was Ala Singh condemned and fined by the Dal Khalsa ?
For his act of submission to the foreigner - in March 1761, Ala Singh was confirmed as a ruler independent of Sirhind in return for a tribute of five lakhs annually.
How many Hindu women were released and restored to their families when the Sikhs attacked the Durrani forces returning from Delhi ?
About 2200 Hindu women.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the sixth time ?
February 3, 1762 A.D.
On what date did the Wada Ghalughaara (Greater Holocaust) occur ?
February 5, 1762
In the Wada Ghalughaaraa, out of the 30,000 Sikhs, how many were massacred by the Mughal forces ?
10,000 (mainly women and children)
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani blow up Harmandir Sahib with gunpowder ?
April 10, 1762 A.D. The tank after being desecrated with the blood of cows was filled with refuse and debris. The 'Bunghas' (rest-houses) meant for pilgrims were destroyed.
As the buildings were being blown up, a flying brick-bat struck him on his nose and inflicted a wound from which he never recovered.
Who was Baba Deep Singh ?
Baba Deep Singh was incharge of the Gurdwara at Talwandi Sabo, called Damdama Saheb. He had received baptism from the hands of Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself. He was one of the most scholarly Sikhs of his time and had helped the tenth Guru, along with Bhai Mani Singh, in preparing the final version of the Adi Granth.
On hearing about the desecration of Harmandir Saheb (Golden Temple) by Durrani, he started at once to avenge the insult. In the battle of Goharval, he received a mortal wound, but supporting his wounded head, he went on fighting untill he fell dead in the precincts of Harmandir Saheb.
Why did Hari Singh Bhangi lead an expedition against Kasur ?
To free the wife of a brahmin of Kasur on april 10, 1763.
Who got the Gurdwara 'Fatehgarh Saheb' built at the place where the infant sons Guru Gobind Singh Ji were bricked alive ?
Jassa Singh Ahluwalia in 1764.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the seventh time ?
October, 1764 A.D.
When did Ahmed Shah Durrani (Abdali) invade India for the eighth and last time ?
November, 1765 A.D.
What caused Ahmad Shah's death in June 1773 ?
The brick-bat that hit his nose during his desecration of Harmandar Saheb made a wound that turned cancerous and eventually caused his death
When did Jassa Singh Ahluwalia pass away ?
October 20, 1783 A.D.
What city did Sardar Baghel Singh occupy in the year 1790 ?
Who did Sardar Baghel Singh's forces defeat in order to capture Delhi ?