Healthy Detox Recipe

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Celery are extremely low in calories and high in fiber that makes it a perfect vegetable for weight loss. Being rich in fibers, it helps keep the tummy satiated for a longer time and prevents mindless cravings, which is one of the main reasons for weight gain.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in strawberries help to reduce inflammation of the joints, which may cause arthritis and can also lead to heart disease.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Raisins contain a considerable amount of iron which directly helps in the treatment of anemia. It also contains many members of the vitamin-B complex that are essential for the formation of new blood.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Eating a hearty breakfast is known to help kick-start your metabolism, so why not give your body an extra boost by making this good-for-you smoothie part of your morning routine? Packed with B vitamins and magnesium, Bananas help boost metabolism.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
One of these nutrients is beta-carotene, of which spinach leaves are excellent source of beta-carotene, a powerful nutrient that helps to decrease asthma symptoms.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Hemp seeds help regulate stress hormones and utilize the body’s stores of fuel to nourish the brain and body.It provides a wealth of most all major B vitamins.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Apricots are rich source of Vitamin C.vitamin c is vital for building bone and overall health. It works synergistically with Vitamin D to nourish and build bone.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Potassium relaxes the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.It also reduces the presence of stress hormones in the body which helps in reducing the symptoms of anxiety.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6.B vitamins help break down homocysteine—an amino acid that at high levels is related to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Aloe vera improves the quality of the blood and helps rebalance the blood chemistry in a way that lowers cholesterol and total triglycerides.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Stinging nettle is a natural source of quercetin, a plant-derived flavonoid that supports the body's response to allergens and inhibits histamine release that causes bothersome sneezing, itching, and respiratory complaints.

Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been scientifically proven to help lower blood pressure levels.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Bananas contain high amounts of rutin, a compound that complements the activity of vitamin C and possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It also helps to maintain strong, flexible blood vessels.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Apples are high in potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure, they also help reduce the risk of stroke


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Flavanols an anti-inflammatory and heart protective antioxidant found in raw cacao may protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Coconut is suggested for its anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-bacteria effects, and medium fatty acid chains that help to prevent high cholesterol and CHD.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
It lowers blood pressure: An active compound called phthalides in celery has been proven to boost circulatory health. Raw, whole celery reduces high blood pressure.


Miss Alone

Prime VIP
Pineapples contain romelain which has blood thinning properties and help prevent and dissolve blood clots and plaque within arteries.
