Bollywood actor-producer Arbaaz Khan, who has been on a high ever since his debut production Dabangg turned out to be a blockbuster, will now take the reigns as the director for the sequel of the masala action movie.
Director Abhinav Kashyap, who helmed the movie, has decided against directing the sequel.
"Hey guys it true, I will be directing the sequel of Dabangg. Abhinav for some personal n professional reasons opted out [sic]," Arbaaz recently posted on his Twitter page.
"Scripting has already started, the filming starts by early January. Start sound, camera, action. Inshallah Dabangg 2 will live up to all the expectations and be a huge blockbuster because of you all. God bless. Allah hafiz. Dabangg ho!" added the 43-year-old.