आतंकवाद का कैसा रंग?


yaara naal bahara
जैसे हिंदू या भगवा आतंकवाद शब्द अग्राह्य हैं, वैसे ही मुस्लिम या इस्लामी आतंकवाद शब्द भी अग्राह्य होना चाहिए। इन शब्दों का प्रयोग करकेहम व्यापक समुदायों को जबर्दस्ती आतंकवाद से जोड़ने का आयोजन कर देते हैं।

क्याआतंकवाद का कोई रंग होता है? चिदंबरम ने उसे भगवा आतंकवाद क्यों कह दिया? आतंकवाद को भगवा रंग में क्यों रंग दिया? भगवा रंग तो त्याग का, तपस्या का, शांति का, अहिंसा का रंग है। भगवा रंग जो भी धारण करता है, माना जाता है कि वह संन्यासी हो गया। काम, क्रोध, मद, लोभ, मोह से वह ऊपर उठ गया। इसीलिए चिदंबरम बोलकर बिदक गए। उन्होंने उस शब्द को दोहराया नहीं। कांग्रेस पार्टी ने भी इस बयान से खुद को अलग कर लिया। अब चिदंबरम क्या करते? वे अपना-सा मुंह लेकर रह गए।

लेकिन कोई क्या चिदंबरम की मजबूरी समझने की भी कोशिश करेगा? पता नहीं वे तमिल कितनी जानते हैं, लेकिन संस्कृत और हिंदी से वे अनभिज्ञ हैं, यह सभी को पता है। उनकी शिक्षा-दीक्षा विदेश में हुई है। हालांकि वे लोकसभा के चुनाव जीतकर ही मंत्री बनते हैं, लेकिन भारत को वे कितना समझते हैं, कहना कठिन है।

उन्हें क्या पता कि भगवा शब्द की महत्ता क्या है? उसकी व्याप्ति कितनी है? भारतीय दिमाग पर उसकी पकड़ कितनी है? उन्होंने अंग्रेजी का ‘सेफरन’ शब्द प्रयोग किया। यानी केसरिया! केसरिया बाना कब धारण किया जाता है, केसरिया पगड़ी या केसरिया उत्तरीय का भारतीय संस्कृति में क्या महत्व है, यह भारत के गृहमंत्री को पता तो होना चाहिए।

भगवा और केसरिया रंग बिल्कुल एक-जैसे नहीं होते। फिर भी अंग्रेजी-भाषा की शब्द-सामथ्र्य की कमी के कारण दोनों शब्दों को एक-जैसा ही मान लिया जाता है। चिदंबरम ने उसे केसरिया कहा या भगवा, इससे कोई खास फर्क नहीं पड़ता। उसका अर्थ वही समझा गया, जो समझा जाना चाहिए था।

भगवा आतंकवाद शब्द पर भाजपा और संघ का भड़कना तो स्वाभाविक ही था, क्योंकि भगवा रंग पर राजनीतिक एकाधिकार किन्हीं संगठनों का अगर है तो इन्हीं का है। हालांकि कांग्रेस पार्टी के ध्वज में भी भगवा रंग सबसे ऊपर है, लेकिन भगवा रंग पर आप जब प्रहार करते हैं तो भाजपा, शिवेसना, संघ आदि संगठनों को ही आप अपना निशाना बनाते हैं। चिदंबरम के बयान का मतलब साफ था। वे इन्हीं संगठनों को इस नए आतंकवाद के लिए जिम्मेदार ठहरा रहे थे।

वे हिंदू आतंकवाद शब्द का प्रयोग करते तो और बुरी तरह से फंस जाते। उन्होंने सरल रास्ता चुना। लेकिन यह सरल रास्ता भी उन्हें भारी पड़ गया। यह तो स्पष्ट है कि जिस आतंकवाद की तरफ चिदंबरम इशारा कर रहे थे, उसमें इक्के-दुक्के साधु-साध्वी ही पकड़े गए हैं, लेकिन सिर्फ उन्हीं के कारण इसे भगवा आतंकवाद नहीं कहा गया है।

चिदंबरम यह मानकर चल रहे हैं कि यह जो जवाबी आतंकवाद चला है, उसके पीछे संघ और भाजपा का हाथ है, जबकि इन दोनों संगठनों ने बल्कि विश्व हिंदू परिषद ने भी समस्त हिंसक गतिविधियों की भत्र्सना की है। दूसरे शब्दों में चिदंबरम का बयान शुद्ध राजनीतिक था, लेकिन कांग्रेस भी उसे मानने को तैयार नहीं है।

आखिर क्यों? इसलिए कि यह बयान जितना नुकसान भाजपा और संघ आदि को पहुंचाता, उससे कहीं ज्यादा कांग्रेस को पहुंचाता। माना जाता कि कांग्रेस ने हर भगवाधारी के विरुद्ध अभियान चला दिया है। देश के साधु-संत और परम धार्मिक हिंदू लोग भी पसोपेश में पड़ जाते। वे आतंकवाद से घृणा करते हैं, लेकिन अब उन्हें लगता कि उन्हें आतंकवाद का समर्थक कहा जा रहा है। इस भावना के फैलते ही कांग्रेस के हिंदू वोटों में सेंध लग जाती। मुसलमान तो कांग्रेस से पहले ही बिदके हुए हैं, अब हिंदू वोटों के बिदकने पर कांग्रेस का सूपड़ा भी साफ हो सकता था।

गृहमंत्री की जरा सी भूल कांग्रेस को गहरे गड्ढे में उतार सकती थी। लेकिन कांग्रेसियों ने सही समय पर सही पैंतरा मार दिया। यदि कांग्रेस और भारत सरकार चिदंबरम के मुहावरे को उछाल देती, तो विदेश में भी भारत की छवि खराब होती। पाकिस्तान ने अपना आतंकवाद निर्यात के लिए बनाया था। भारत भेजने के लिए।

लेकिन भगवा आतंकवाद का इस्तेमाल तो भारत में ही होता, उसका निर्यात हम कहां करते। भारत की लड़ाई न तो पश्चिम के ईसाई देशों से है और न ही दुनिया के इस्लामी देशों से। भारत का भगवा आतंकवाद भारतीयों को ही मारता। उसमें हिंदू और मुसलमान दोनों ही मरते। भगवा आतंकवाद को भारतीय आतंकवाद के नाम से प्रचारित किया जाता और उसके मुकाबले पाकिस्तानी आतंकवाद को सही ठहराने के लिए नई तर्क-श्रंखला खड़ी की जाती। चिदंबरम का बयान अंततोगत्वा भाजपा-विरोधी नहीं, भारत-विरोधी सिद्ध होता।

अच्छा हुआ कि भगवा आतंकवाद शब्द का विरोध चारों तरफ से हुआ, लेकिन मेरा प्रश्न है कि बिल्कुल इसी तरह इस्लामी आतंकवाद शब्द का विरोध भी क्यों नहीं होता? इस्लाम का मतलब ही सलामती और शांति है। जैसे कि भगवा का अर्थ है। जैसे कुछ साधु-संन्यासियों के पकड़े जाने का मतलब यह नहीं कि आम हिंदू आतंकवाद के समर्थक हैं, ठीक उसी तरह कुछ मुसलमानों के पकड़े जाने के कारण सभी मुसलमानों को आतंकवाद का समर्थक कैसे मान लिया जाए? जैसे हिंदू या भगवा आतंकवाद शब्द अग्राह्य हैं, वैसे ही मुस्लिम या इस्लामी आतंकवाद शब्द भी अग्राह्य होना चाहिए।

इन शब्दों का प्रयोग करके हम व्यापक समुदायों को जबर्दस्ती आतंकवाद से जोड़ने का आयोजन कर देते हैं। यह काम चाहे अज्ञानवश ही होता है, लेकिन होता है, जरूर! आतंकवाद किसी के भी द्वारा किया जाए, उसकी खुली भत्र्सना होनी चाहिए। यह नहीं हो सकता कि तुम्हारा आतंकवादी तो आतंकवादी है और मेरा आतंकवादी क्रांतिकारी है। आतंकवाद हताशावाद की संतान है। वह वीरता नहीं, कायरता है। वह दृढ़ता नहीं, पलायन है।

जो बहादुर है, वह मारकर भागता नहीं है। सीना तानकर लड़ता है। और जो सचमुच वीर है, वह बम फेंक कर या बंदूक चलाकर छुट्टी नहीं पा लेता। वह अपने अधिकार के लिए, न्याय के लिए, बेजुबानों के लिए लंबी लड़ाई लड़ता है। वह राज्य की पाशविक शक्ति के मुकाबले नागरिकों की मानवीय और दैवीय शक्ति को खड़ा करता है। अत्याचार का मुकाबला करते-करते वह स्वयं अत्याचारी नहीं बन जाता। अंधा नहीं हो जाता। निहत्थे लोगों को मौत के घाट उतारने वाले लोग कोई भी चोला पहनें, भगवा, हरा, लाल या सफेद.. वह अंदर से काला ही होता है।


Prime VIP
Apni apni daffli aur apna apna raag.....

Kabhi ye raag Sikho ko ugarwadi sabit karne ke liye gaaya to kabhi islami aatank ke naam par dafli bajai gai. Ik samay tha jab sikh aur atankvadi ke vich ka farak hi mita diya tha. 15 saal wo dafli bajai gai. Aj jab bhagwe ki baat hui to yaad aaya ke nahi ye aatank kisse dharam ya majhab ka nahi.

Teek hi gal aa, Jiss tann laage so hi jaane.........
Hun na kehna ke bhul jo 1984 nu, kyunki jiss tann laage so hi jaane.


^^sai aa 22.....muslmaan jehaadi ....hindu bhagvi..te sikh criminal terrorist ............
jado bhukhe lokaa nu roti naa millo te oo naxali ee bannega........jado kise engineer nu job nai milugi discrimination karky te oo bambb ee banauga.......apne desh da koi part ee nai jehra peaceful aa...eni jayada majority de hundea v .....kithey galti hoi ethaass kolon??
north ch kashmeer di movement chal rai aa
west ch naxalite movement chal rahi aa "red corridor"
south ch tamil movement chal rahi aa.....
east vich oda ee pakistan aaa .....yan dannge hunde rehnde aa..kadi delhi yan gujraat
aukha 22 aukha


yaara naal bahara
sarkara nu te wkh-wkh partiya nu ta sirf press conf. ch beaan dene aunde haan .......... janta de darda nu oh kya samjhan...... ethe her chez te her dharm te rajniti hundi ae...... :sad


Prime VIP
Mahaj;1716019jado bhukhe lokaa nu roti naa millo te oo naxali ee bannega........ aukha 22 aukha[/QUOTE said:
kamal di gal aa ke aj de jug ch roti nahi mildi par banduk mil jaandi aa.

Ho sakda eh banduka v jaan ke muhaiya karwai gaiya hon, enna banduka de asre hi ta neta lok di roti chaldi aa.

Apne kolo ek car di chabi nahi gum hundi shettin dene, te sarkar kolo asla/barood de bhare trucks da pura kafila ghum ho jaanda........ki aa sachiyo ghum hunda ya fer esde piche v koi mansube ghade jaande aa?


~!Tu Mere Muh Na Lag!~
atwad da koi religion ni hunda
oh sirf extremists hunde ne jo sab kuch apne acc. chalauna chaunde ne te ess layi oh hathiyar uthan toh vi piche ni hatde


yea .....support taan hundi aa ...kise na kise di ......govt di ...yan kise agency di yan kise hor country di........but gal aa ...k atwaadi koi bann kyu janda???....
kisda jee nai karda raat nu razai ch araam naal saun nu...no one is born terrorist ......chalo terrorist te fer religion orinted hunde aa.....naxali loki kyu bann jande a.a....kisda jee nai karda araam naal jindgi jeun nu ......


Dhillon Sa'aB™
Staff member
^^ Victims of Kanishka bombing, 84 riots and 9/11 etc. would disagree.
Fanatics don't need reasons, razai to bahr aake lok marn layi...


Prime VIP
^^ Victims of Kanishka bombing, 84 riots and 9/11 etc. would disagree.
Fanatics don't need reasons, razai to bahr aake lok marn layi...

84 was not riots, it was planned massacre/genocide and it was state sponsored. Don't make it Hindu-SIkh issue by naming it as riot.

Kanishka Bombing is always seen with doubts regarding its conspirator, they might look Sikh but there is a doubt about govt. hand in it. This doubt deepens more when Police and intelligence staged the encounter of Talwinder Singh Parmar who was alleged as conspirator behind attack.

Source: Tehelka:: Free. Fair. Fearless
Fifteen years after Babbar Khalsa International leader Talwinder Singh Parmar, one of the two alleged masterminds of the mid-air bombing of Air India’s Kanishka airplane, was shown as having being killed in an encounter in Punjab, retired Punjab Police DSP Harmail Singh Chandi, who nabbed Parmar from Jammu in September 1992 and interrogated him for five days before he was killed along with five others, has come forward with the claim that Parmar was killed in police custody on the orders of senior police officers, who also asked his confession record to be destroyed. In his confession, Parmar had named Lakhbir Singh Brar “Rode”, nephew of the late Bhindranwale and head of the banned International Sikh Youth Federation, as the mastermind of the bombing. Rode, who is now said to be holed up in Lahore, has never figured in the investigations of either the CBI or the Canadian authorities.

Now this Lakhbir Singh Rode has joined hands with Badal, the CM of Punjab, for jointly contesting the SGPC and other general elections. GOI never punished Rode, why?? Another ISYF member Inderjit singh Ryait is acquitted by Canadian Court, why?? Is someone saving them, those savers have to be government.

I don't support any killing or bombing, I condemn them. An innocent life lost on earth is sin for all of us who allowed or allows it to happen in future. But the actual perpetrators should be brought out in light, instead of blaming it on one group and others silently enjoying the political powers.


pharasing "jabey baann lageyeo, tabey ross jageyo"
suppressing sum1 will made him to follow fanaticism mr dhillon
y 13 sikhs were killed during 1978 masscare
y thrs not right to speech to everyone??
y sikhs are not sikhs according to indian constitution
why beard and hairs of sikhs were burned during 1982 Asian games?
who supplied the kerosene oil .. rods...weapons ..and house numbers of the sikhs to the mob during 1984 genocide??
y govt didnt followed rajiv longowal act ?
rahi gal kanishk kaand di every sikh is against that thing ...ee te sabb nu pata ee kisne karwaea c....babbraa da naam lag geya...j babbraa karvaea v aa te oo bara hi shameful act aa....fanatic banda kyu ho janda??.......ode piche v barri lambi kahni hundi aa.....bhindrawala ik din ch bann geya c??(he wasnt fanatic thou)....40 saal laggey kaum nu ik bhindrwala banun lai ....fair game means fair game on both sides....!!
pharasing "jabey baann lageyeo, tabey ross jageyo"
suppressing sum1 will made him to follow fanaticism mr dhillon
y 13 sikhs were killed during 1978 masscare
y thrs not right to speech to everyone??
y sikhs are not sikhs according to indian constitution
why beard and hairs of sikhs were burned during 1982 Asian games?
who supplied the kerosene oil .. rods...weapons ..and house numbers of the sikhs to the mob during 1984 genocide??
y govt didnt followed rajiv longowal act ?
rahi gal kanishk kaand di every sikh is against that thing ...ee te sabb nu pata ee kisne karwaea c....babbraa da naam lag geya...j babbraa karvaea v aa te oo bara hi shameful act aa....fanatic banda kyu ho janda??.......ode piche v barri lambi kahni hundi aa.....bhindrawala ik din ch bann geya c??(he wasnt fanatic thou)....40 saal laggey kaum nu ik bhindrwala banun lai ....fair game means fair game on both sides....!!

tahi aaj kal aapne aap nu vade sikh sardar khaan wale..... bhindrawale atankwadi de photo nu matha tekde ne....... fer tusi kehnde o k sikh janta babeya de lad lag rhe ae.......eh tahi ho reha ae.......


Prime VIP
tahi aaj kal aapne aap nu vade sikh sardar khaan wale..... bhindrawale atankwadi de photo nu matha tekde ne....... fer tusi kehnde o k sikh janta babeya de lad lag rhe ae.......eh tahi ho reha ae.......
What is the proof with you that Bhindranwale was aatankvadi?? Which court convicted him or issued his warrants under TADA, NSA or whatever rules your govt made???

On the contrary, he is declared Sant and Shaheed ay Sri Akal Takht Sahib. He has been honored by putting his life size picture in Central Sikh Museum.

Kehre gurdware ch ohdi murti lagi aa metha tekan nu, jitthe osdi puja hundi hove??
Lokaan da ki aa, lok da jane-khane murre jhukki jaande aa, Bhindranwala ta fer Sant-Sipahi aa lok ta Gandi warge lucche bande nu rashatarpita banai firde aa.


mere khyaal naal ...mere personnel views ne ....ho sakda galat hoon.....j ajj punjab ch marri motti sikhi bachi aa...ik do pagga diss jandia turey jandea te oo 84 wali movement karkey aa......nai te hun nu ee kise majortiy naal rull mill janne c......hun v ralle ee a ik hissab naal......moreover chandigariya read wut he demanded......a new rail to amritsar .....radio broadcast of gurbani .....chandigarh .....te eda de ee hor......so ...nalle jado hindu millitants ne 38 sikh marey aa kashmeer ch march 2000 vich ode ch te koi terrorism nai disda hunna hanna?
What is the proof with you that Bhindranwale was aatankvadi?? Which court convicted him or issued his warrants under TADA, NSA or whatever rules your govt made???

On the contrary, he is declared Sant and Shaheed ay Sri Akal Takht Sahib. He has been honored by putting his life size picture in Central Sikh Museum.

Kehre gurdware ch ohdi murti lagi aa metha tekan nu, jitthe osdi puja hundi hove??
Lokaan da ki aa, lok da jane-khane murre jhukki jaande aa, Bhindranwala ta fer Sant-Sipahi aa lok ta Gandi warge lucche bande nu rashatarpita banai firde aa.
main ta khud kehnda haan k gandhi nu rashatepita nahi bnana chahida c......rahi gal bhindrawale de....... mainu dasn de kya lod ae ...... loka nu pata he hai...........
mere khyaal naal ...mere personnel views ne ....ho sakda galat hoon.....j ajj punjab ch marri motti sikhi bachi aa...ik do pagga diss jandia turey jandea te oo 84 wali movement karkey aa......nai te hun nu ee kise majortiy naal rull mill janne c......hun v ralle ee a ik hissab naal......moreover chandigariya read wut he demanded......a new rail to amritsar .....radio broadcast of gurbani .....chandigarh .....te eda de ee hor......so ...nalle jado hindu millitants ne 38 sikh marey aa kashmeer ch march 2000 vich ode ch te koi terrorism nai disda hunna hanna?

main ta kade nahi keha k mainu terrorism nahi disda........

jo v atankwale ne...... chahe oh kise v dhrm, jaat ya firke nal sbandet hove......... ohna nu sakht to sakht sza milni chahide ae...........


- dEsPeraTe cRaNky -
What is the proof with you that Bhindranwale was aatankvadi??

On the contrary, he is declared Sant and Shaheed ay Sri Akal Takht Sahib.

Q : Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale A TERRORIST?

Answered by sm1 :-

I am a Sikh - i think that if you are a kid you must read this, and think in peace within yourself about what the truth is ..

( Am a Kid , that's why reading , :an )


1 - Bhindranwale 'mocked Gandhis concept of non violence.
2 - Bhindranwale threatened to kill 5,000 Hindus in an hour if the police did not give into his political demands.
3 - Bhindranwale bluntly demanded 'that all Hindus should leave Punjab.
4 - Bhindranwale incited his followers to kill a Hindu Newspaper editor. When he was arrested in this connection an Indian Airlines plane was hijacked and his release was demanded. In a speech, Bhindranwale 'praised his young lieutenants' for the hijacking
5 - i have personally heard a tape where Bhindranwale has said that each Sikh should kill 36 Hindus.


Bhindranwale was a power hungry madman who was against other Sikhs as well. His pet hatred was for Nirankaris – another sect of Sikhs. Bhindranwale incited the assassination of Nirankari leader Gurbachan Singh, and said that he would weigh the killer in Gold. He openly stated that his followers would cut Nirankaris to pieces. They made an attempt on the life of the Nirankari’s propaganda secretary .

Bhindranwale had Surinder Singh Chinda, beheaded in the pursuit of violent and personal Sikh politics.


Some Sikhs who support Bhindranwale dont know that he would have ruined our lives with his fanatic religious mentality. Sikhs are the biggest drinkers in India but arfe not aware that Bhindranwale had stated - 'If a true Sikh drinks, he should be burnt alive.’ Look at what the Taliban has done to Afghanistan.

While he professed the highest standards of Sikhism, he practiced gender discrimination.


Bhindranwale threatened 'political and physical end' of anyone who didn't press for his demands. Bhindranwales followers attacked the police if they ever took action against him.


In the siege of the Gurdara these terrorists had defiled the Gurdwara by defecating in the food vessels and donation boxes of the Gurdwara. They turned the Gurdwara into a fortress by stocking bombs, ammunition and made holes in the walls to shoot bullets.


One argument goes that if the Indian Govt could successfully cordon of 100’s of kilometers the Indian Pak border, why could they not cordon off a km of periphery around the Gurdwara and starve out the terrorists. After all, within a few years Muslim terrorists laid a similar siege to a Masjid and were fed chicken Biryani with negotiations. Sikhs were brutally discriminated because they consist only a 2% minority in India.

The opposite argument is that Bhindranwale’s consistent stand had been that if the Indian Government would invade the temple, it would help the cause of Khalistan. The Indian government was worried that if this fact would be openly declared before the invasion, a large section of the Punjab police and religious Sikhs might have crossed over to support Bhindranwale. A protracted siege would then help create Khalistan into a reality, and tens of thousands of innocent Hindus in Punjab and Sikhs outside Punjab would be ethnically cleansed, if not killed.

As a Sikh i feel that the Indian Government is allways facing difficult seige attacks, and had enough experiance, recources and Goodwill amongst Sikhs to have found an easier way out. They should have handled the matter more sensitively. The Congress should not have ordered the invasion, they should have found a better way out.

We all know that last Nov , only 4 Pakistani terrorists held out in Taj for 3 days against numerous highly trained Indian commandoes. Then how could 100's of Sikh terrorists fall like 9 pins ? Becuase the pakistani jehadis were religiously doctrinated, and had zeal behind their training. Most of the Sikhs in Operation Blue star were at best, petty thugs out to make a quick buck, at worst they were murderers. They miscalculated, they were trapped by mistake in the Golden Temple and many of them surrendered like cowards. They are an insult to the real Sikhs in the Indian Army.


Indira Gandhi was assasinated because Sikhs felt she should not have invaded the Gurdwara but negotiated a settlement. Hindu thugs led by the criminal, Rajiv Gandhi's implicit orders went on a pogrom and killed 3000 sikhs in return

The criminal Rajiv Gandhi then said ' When a big tree falls, the ground will shake ' Nobody should ever forget this one statement. But its time to forgive and forget all else......... Rajiv Gandhi is NOT india. The people who killed Sikhs do NOT represent India. The politicians of the congress who did not care about Sikh bodies on the roads do NOT represent the Hindu community


We Sikhs dont realise that we had criminals in our community too who did enough damage in return.................. The reason for this is that Hindus don’t challenge us Sikhs on on this topic. Hindus feel that their bigger problem in the country are Muslims so they try not to rake up controversial topics with us Sikhs. Because we don’t hear their viewpoint we Sikhs tend to think that 1984 was a big one sided crime. Please, lets soul search and be more realistic.

The primary tragedy is that a man has died. How he dies, how many died in one day, who killed them are important issues, but secondary issues. We say that Hindus were killed by terrorists, BUT Sikhs were killed by Congress ( Rajiv Gandhi’s orders ) We say that Hindus were killed by bullets, BUT Sikhs were killed by burning tires around their necks. We say that 3000 plus Sikhs died in 3 days, conveniently forgetting that 3000 plus Hindus have died too, over 3 years.

What I am repeating is that the primary tragedy is death. What I am stating is that there are still, today, thousands of Hindu widows, daughters, mothers crying the same way as there are Sikh widows, mothers and daughters. Both sides were wrong


this Congress party has committed atrocities against Hindus too. BJP has killed Muslims. The politicians ( not Abdullahs though ) in the Kashmir valley have been instrumental in the ethnic cleansing of Hindu Pandits. Lower castes get raped all the time. Nowadays even the Christians are gating an occasional pasting by saffron outfits. That is politics.

But Sikhs got justice from the PUCL and PUDR, all of whom were Hindus.. Hindus went overboard screaming for justice for Sikhs. We Sikhs have got a very good deal in India, we are first class citizens, a thriving successful community. We are not minority or majority - we are mainstream. WE are India.

The average Hindu and Sikh on the road probably hated each other for a few years, that all is thankfully over, this hatred only remains in the heads of a low IQ Khalistanis and Hindu lunatics.

Just Thought To Share :an


Prime VIP
Q : Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale A TERRORIST?

Answered by sm1 :-

I am a Sikh - i think that if you are a kid you must read this, and think in peace within yourself about what the truth is ..

( Am a Kid , that's why reading , :an )


1 - Bhindranwale 'mocked Gandhis concept of non violence.
2 - Bhindranwale threatened to kill 5,000 Hindus in an hour if the police did not give into his political demands.
LOTS OF PEOPLE in India have threatened others to kill but never killed. Is all of them are terrorist. What about all those Indian leaders who ACTUALLY KILLED 5000, even 10000 or 20000??
3 - Bhindranwale bluntly demanded 'that all Hindus should leave Punjab.
4 - Bhindranwale incited his followers to kill a Hindu Newspaper editor. When he was arrested in this connection an Indian Airlines plane was hijacked and his release was demanded. In a speech, Bhindranwale 'praised his young lieutenants' for the hijacking

5 - i have personally heard a tape where Bhindranwale has said that each Sikh should kill 36 Hindus.


Bhindranwale was a power hungry madman who was against other Sikhs as well. His pet hatred was for Nirankaris – another sect of Sikhs. Bhindranwale incited the assassination of Nirankari leader Gurbachan Singh, and said that he would weigh the killer in Gold. He openly stated that his followers would cut Nirankaris to pieces. They made an attempt on the life of the Nirankari’s propaganda secretary .

Bhindranwale had Surinder Singh Chinda, beheaded in the pursuit of violent and personal Sikh politics.


Some Sikhs who support Bhindranwale dont know that he would have ruined our lives with his fanatic religious mentality. Sikhs are the biggest drinkers in India but arfe not aware that Bhindranwale had stated - 'If a true Sikh drinks, he should be burnt alive.’ Look at what the Taliban has done to Afghanistan.

While he professed the highest standards of Sikhism, he practiced gender discrimination.


Bhindranwale threatened 'political and physical end' of anyone who didn't press for his demands. Bhindranwales followers attacked the police if they ever took action against him.


In the siege of the Gurdara these terrorists had defiled the Gurdwara by defecating in the food vessels and donation boxes of the Gurdwara. They turned the Gurdwara into a fortress by stocking bombs, ammunition and made holes in the walls to shoot bullets.


One argument goes that if the Indian Govt could successfully cordon of 100’s of kilometers the Indian Pak border, why could they not cordon off a km of periphery around the Gurdwara and starve out the terrorists. After all, within a few years Muslim terrorists laid a similar siege to a Masjid and were fed chicken Biryani with negotiations. Sikhs were brutally discriminated because they consist only a 2% minority in India.

The opposite argument is that Bhindranwale’s consistent stand had been that if the Indian Government would invade the temple, it would help the cause of Khalistan. The Indian government was worried that if this fact would be openly declared before the invasion, a large section of the Punjab police and religious Sikhs might have crossed over to support Bhindranwale. A protracted siege would then help create Khalistan into a reality, and tens of thousands of innocent Hindus in Punjab and Sikhs outside Punjab would be ethnically cleansed, if not killed.

As a Sikh i feel that the Indian Government is allways facing difficult seige attacks, and had enough experiance, recources and Goodwill amongst Sikhs to have found an easier way out. They should have handled the matter more sensitively. The Congress should not have ordered the invasion, they should have found a better way out.

We all know that last Nov , only 4 Pakistani terrorists held out in Taj for 3 days against numerous highly trained Indian commandoes. Then how could 100's of Sikh terrorists fall like 9 pins ? Becuase the pakistani jehadis were religiously doctrinated, and had zeal behind their training. Most of the Sikhs in Operation Blue star were at best, petty thugs out to make a quick buck, at worst they were murderers. They miscalculated, they were trapped by mistake in the Golden Temple and many of them surrendered like cowards. They are an insult to the real Sikhs in the Indian Army.


Indira Gandhi was assasinated because Sikhs felt she should not have invaded the Gurdwara but negotiated a settlement. Hindu thugs led by the criminal, Rajiv Gandhi's implicit orders went on a pogrom and killed 3000 sikhs in return

The criminal Rajiv Gandhi then said ' When a big tree falls, the ground will shake ' Nobody should ever forget this one statement. But its time to forgive and forget all else......... Rajiv Gandhi is NOT india. The people who killed Sikhs do NOT represent India. The politicians of the congress who did not care about Sikh bodies on the roads do NOT represent the Hindu community


We Sikhs dont realise that we had criminals in our community too who did enough damage in return.................. The reason for this is that Hindus don’t challenge us Sikhs on on this topic. Hindus feel that their bigger problem in the country are Muslims so they try not to rake up controversial topics with us Sikhs. Because we don’t hear their viewpoint we Sikhs tend to think that 1984 was a big one sided crime. Please, lets soul search and be more realistic.

The primary tragedy is that a man has died. How he dies, how many died in one day, who killed them are important issues, but secondary issues. We say that Hindus were killed by terrorists, BUT Sikhs were killed by Congress ( Rajiv Gandhi’s orders ) We say that Hindus were killed by bullets, BUT Sikhs were killed by burning tires around their necks. We say that 3000 plus Sikhs died in 3 days, conveniently forgetting that 3000 plus Hindus have died too, over 3 years.

What I am repeating is that the primary tragedy is death. What I am stating is that there are still, today, thousands of Hindu widows, daughters, mothers crying the same way as there are Sikh widows, mothers and daughters. Both sides were wrong


this Congress party has committed atrocities against Hindus too. BJP has killed Muslims. The politicians ( not Abdullahs though ) in the Kashmir valley have been instrumental in the ethnic cleansing of Hindu Pandits. Lower castes get raped all the time. Nowadays even the Christians are gating an occasional pasting by saffron outfits. That is politics.

But Sikhs got justice from the PUCL and PUDR, all of whom were Hindus.. Hindus went overboard screaming for justice for Sikhs. We Sikhs have got a very good deal in India, we are first class citizens, a thriving successful community. We are not minority or majority - we are mainstream. WE are India.

The average Hindu and Sikh on the road probably hated each other for a few years, that all is thankfully over, this hatred only remains in the heads of a low IQ Khalistanis and Hindu lunatics.

Just Thought To Share :an

Oh all these were mere thoughts. There is big difference between thought and proof.
Every person has his own thinking and thought process.

I think Gandhi was LUCCHA, used to sleep nude with two girls.
Reason given by Gandhi to sleep with two girls, not her wife. He wants to test his Brahmcharya. There are/were tons of Brahmchari in India, do they all testify their brahmcharya by sleeping nude with two girls. that too change them from time to time, like pav bhaji today and dum biryani tomorrow. He was a sex-eddict who missed to enter into strip clubs in South Africa......hahahaha. He might even be a pedophile if one of those girls age less than 18 years. In US, govt sentence such people to long term jail and register them as sex offender for life.

My other though is that Gandhi was a big LIAR. He lied to whole country saying he adopted Freoz Khan and so become Feroz Gandhi. There was no rule to adopt medically fit adult (18+). Feroz was more than 18 when he married Indira because they were already court married in UK.

My another thought is that Gandhi was STUPID. He said his followers to maintain abstinence from sex, even if they are married. He all will maintain abstinence from sex then will the kids fall from heaven....hahahaha

One more thought is that Gandhi was a TRAITOR who always helped britishers by starting his own revolution and breaking people from Gadar lehar and then shutting down his revolution in half.

I think Gandhi was RACIST HINDU, he always talk about RAM-RAJYA, so from inside he was happy that Indian is partitioned and muslims will leave india or wiped off and his RAM RAJYA will come into existence.

Not only he was racist in terms of religion, he was racist in terms of color too. He felt bad because he was called Black and thrown out of train in south africa, so he started a movement to prove that he or other Indian are not black. What the hell is that??? This means he thought Indian are better race then black so should not be treated as blacks.
Basically one can have many thoughts that doesn't help in proving anything unless there are facts, stats and record to prove it.

BTW from your post I think you don't even have an iota of knowledge about discussing any topic with logic or reasoning.


bhindrawala never said all hindus leave punjab ....the article needs to be revised......koi chuddu nai hunda k hatyiaar chukk lainda......jado kise di bhen da balaatkaar shareyamm keeta janda te fer nangi kakrey ghumaea janda sirf ess kakrey k oo sikh aa ...udo hathiyaar appe chukkea janda
choon kar aj haman heelte dar guzashat
Halal asat burdan ba shamsheer dast

When all modes of redressing a wrong having failed
Raising of sword is pious and just. ~Guru Gobind Singh

lok babbari masjid thaa sakde... akal takht te bomb challa sakde.....te asi apnia bhena di ijjat v nai bacha sakde??

loki keh te barri sheti dinde aa k bhindrawala terrorist c .....par ee koi na dekhda k so called o terrorist bann kyu geya ??
guru hargobind baggi..... guru gobind singh baaggi ...banda bahudur baggi ...ranjit singh baggi ..bhaggat singh baggi ...udham singh baggi.....bhindrawala v baggi