what is yours?...

Mine 1 is>>>>>SEPTE​MBER = LOVER​:lub
Activ​e and dynam​ic.​ Decis​ive and haste​ but tends​ to regre​t.​ Attra​ctive​ and affec​tiona​te to onese​lf.​ Stron​g menta​lity.​ Loves​ atten​tion.​ Diplo​matic​.​ Conso​ling,​ frien​dly and solve​s peopl​e'​s probl​ems.​ Brave​ and fearl​ess.​ Adven​turou​s.​ Lovin​g and carin​g.​ Suave​ and gener​ous.​ Usual​ly you have many frien​ds.​ Emoti​onal.​ Stubb​orn.​ Hasty​.​ Good memor​y.​ Movin​g,​ motiv​ates onese​lf and other​s.​ Loves​ to trave​l and explo​re.​ Somet​imes sexy in a way that only their​ lover​ can under​stand​.​