- The most Energetic Unpian - Jay
- The most hilarious UNPian - Sonia_nz
- Best at leg pulling - jatti_sydney & munda_wakhri_tyde_da
- At critical stage of luvaria infection - Niki_Grewal
- Fantastic Uploader - Jatt_on_Jaunt/ Marjana
- Best of friends - dhana_jatt, guywidattitude
- Limited to few threads - Jatt_Scotch_da_Shokeen
- The laughing machine - Pardesan Punjaban
- Laffad Master - Genie_in_a_bottle
- Shout box poster - can_jatti
- Nikama Unpian - Itz_Jatt_Style
- Sensible Poster - full_taur
- Proud Lallu - Rajeev