Try 4 Unique Search Engines


Regardless if you are on team Bing or team Google, using the same search engine day in and day out grows monotonous over time. But, these days lesser search engines—the ones that know they will never match the big boys—are taking unique approaches to delivering results. Here are a few to break the search engine doldrums:

1. Inframutt

Inframutt looks like Google for good reason—it uses Google’s search results, but with a twist. Inframutt’s philosophy is to promote democracy by offering the underprivileged, the downtrodden, the powerless, and the obscure a chance to thrive.
Instead of displaying the best matches for your keyword search using the complex Google algorithm, Inframutt shows the least popular matches first. In other words, it inverts Google’s search results, showing obscure Web sites no one would ever see otherwise.

2. Quintura

If mindmaps are more your cup of tea, Quintura is a good choice. Instead of just listing results that match a keyword search, Quintura displays other related keywords clustered together in various sizes. Hover your mouse over any of the generated keywords to see the top three Web sites using that keyword in relationship to the original topic.

3. Cranky

Cranky is search engine designed for Web surfers over the age of 50. Search results are listed according to a ranking system where editors (who are over 50) and surfers (who are also over 50) rank whether or not a site is relevant to their needs.
So, if searching for Paris, results should show information about traveling to the city rather than Paris Hilton’s daily shenanigans, at least according to Cranky’s CEO video on the homepage.

4. Searchbots

For the graphically oriented and creative, is a fun search engine. Users create a robot to search the Web on their behalf. Users choose everything about the robot, from its color to its personality.
Once registered, users can have the bot search the Web by Web site tags, colors, feeds or simply through asking a question. Results are displayed with graphical thumbnails of each Web site.