Prime VIP
26th February
Seventh Patshash, Guru Har Rai Ji came to this planet. He was born at Kirtapur in the house of Baba Gurditta, eldest son of Guru Hargobind, and Mata Nihal Kaur. He was the second grandson of Guru hargobind, the first being Baba Dhir Mal. Today is the actual date of birth, although it is observed on a different date by Guru Khalsa Panth (Please NOTE the contention on the actual date. Some have suggested Jan. 16, 1630.).
==> Sri Guru HAR RAI (1630-1661) actual date of Awtar is 26th Feb. 1630 (20 Magh Sunmat 1686) in Baba Gurditaa Ji and Matta Nihal Kaur's home at Kiratpur. On 12 Chaet Sanmat 1701 in City Anup, Jilla Bulandh, UP, Guru Sahib married the daughters of Daya Ram. Two sons, RamRai was born to Mahala Kotkalyani (in sunmat 1703) and Guru Har Krishan Ji were born to Krishan Kaur.
Seventh Patshash, Guru Har Rai Ji came to this planet. He was born at Kirtapur in the house of Baba Gurditta, eldest son of Guru Hargobind, and Mata Nihal Kaur. He was the second grandson of Guru hargobind, the first being Baba Dhir Mal. Today is the actual date of birth, although it is observed on a different date by Guru Khalsa Panth (Please NOTE the contention on the actual date. Some have suggested Jan. 16, 1630.).
==> Sri Guru HAR RAI (1630-1661) actual date of Awtar is 26th Feb. 1630 (20 Magh Sunmat 1686) in Baba Gurditaa Ji and Matta Nihal Kaur's home at Kiratpur. On 12 Chaet Sanmat 1701 in City Anup, Jilla Bulandh, UP, Guru Sahib married the daughters of Daya Ram. Two sons, RamRai was born to Mahala Kotkalyani (in sunmat 1703) and Guru Har Krishan Ji were born to Krishan Kaur.
On 8th March 1644 (12 chaet Sanmat 1701) Guru Sahib ascended to the Gur Gaddhi and devoted extensive effort towards preaching the message of Guru Nanak. Upon assuming Guruship, Guru Sahiban extended the tradition of Guru Ka Langar beyond where our Guru's resided. Essentially, Guru asked all followers of Guru Nanak, no matter where they happen to be, to prepare and serve Guru Ka Langar for the needy and the destitute. During sanmat 1703, he traveled to meet with the Malwa Sangat.
Aurangzeb accused Gur Sahib for helping DaraShikoah (Aurangzeb's brother but arch-enemy) and sought his appearance in Delhi. Instead, Gur Sahib sent his eldest son, Ram Rai, to Delhi. Ram Rai was well received by Aurangzeb. He not only satisfactorily responsed to all charges but also impressed Aurangzeb with his cleverness. As a result, Ram Rai was asked to stay on as a state guest for some period. One day, Aurangzeb questioned (under influence from others), why Sri Guru Nanak had criticized Islam in salok "Mitti Musalman Ki"? Ram Rai satisfied the assembled muslims by saying that the actual writing is "Mitti Baimaan Ki" and not "musalman ki". Though Ram Rai was well-blessed with all powers and strictly instructed only to explain Guru's position, he choose to change Sri Guru Nanak's writings and further performed miracles for Aurangzeb's pleasures. When Sri Guru Har Rai Sahib heard of this incident, he forbid Ram Rai from ever returning home. Guru's word in GurSikhism is absolute divine revelation and not subject to any modificatoions by anyone. Miracles although recognized by Sikh faith, are actively discouraged. Their exposition or display is considered arrogance (competing with Vaaheguru's order). Though Ram Rai managed to please Aurangzeb, Guru Sahib forbid all GurSikhs from ever associating with Ram Rai. As a consequence Ram Rai obtained some jagir from Aurangzeb and settled north of Harduwar in Duun. He died there in sunmat 1788. Because of Ram Rai's Dehra, Duun came to be popularly known as Dehradun. A historical katha suggests that when Ram Rai was engrossed in meditation, the neighboring masands mistook him for dead and cremated his body. For this reason, Matta Punjab Kaur sought punishment of masands from Kalgidhur patshah. Today there is a small following of Ram Rai. However, by Sri Guru Har Rai's hukam, all GurSikhs are forbidden any association with Ram Rai's followers.
On 6th Oct. 1661 (7 Katak Sanmat 1718), after bestowing the Guruship upon Gur Har Krishan, Guru Har Rai left our world in Kiratpur at the age of 31 years, 8 months and 17 days. Guru Har Rai served as the 7th Guru of GurSikhims, for a total period of 17 years, 5 months and 8 days. "Simro Sri Har Rai" (Chandi 3)
1822: General Hari Singh Nalwa reached Hajara with his forces. ==> Sardar HARI SINGH NALWA was born to father, Sardar Gurdayal Singh Uppal and mother, Mata Dharam Kaur at Gujrawala in 1781. Besides being a valiant soldier, Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa also served as Governor of Kashmir, Hjara, and Peshawar. He joined Maharaja Ranjit Singh's forces in his early youth and established himself to be one of the most popular Khalsa generals. Among the Sirhadhi Pathans, his name brought immediate fear and respect. He is part of their folklore to this day. He won numerous wars for the Khalsa Panth and died, on Vaisakh 19 sunmat 1894, in the battle near Sirhadhi Jamraud. A place is established within Jamraud fort in remembrance of PanthRattan Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa.
Kishan Singh Gargaj was arrested from Pindori Mahal. He was the chief architect of the Babbar Akali Movement, who had steered the Babbar Akalis clear of the murderous assaults. But after his arrest, the Babbars resorted to indiscriminate murders. Their objective was to expel the British rulers by violent means.
Gandhi visited Sees Ganj Gurdwara to offer his sympathies to the Sikhs at the firing incident of May 6, 1930. Visibly moved at the marration of poilce highhandedness and sacrilege of the Gurdwara, Ghandhi made an important announcement which was later qouted by the Harimandir Sahib defenders (during Operation Bluestar) as an authority to take up arms against the government. He said,
"Truth and non-violence have no room for fraud or falsehood. . In phyiscal warfare even chicanery and fraud have a place but non-violence precludes the use of all other weapons except that of truth and justice."
he went on to add, "I venture to suggest that the non-violence creed of the Congress is the surest gurantee of its good faith and our Sikh friends have no reason to fear betrayal at its hands. For the moment it did so, the Congress would not only seal its own doom but that of the country too. MOREOVER THE SIKHS ARE A BRAVE PEOPLE, THEY WILL KNOW HOW TO SAFEGUARD THEIR RIGHT BY THE EXERCISE OF ARMS IF IT SHOULD EVER COME TO THAT."
Further that, "why can you have not faith? If the Congress should play false afterwards YOU CAN WELL SETTLE SURELY WITH IT, for you have the sword. I ask you to accept my word. let God be the bond that binds me and the Congress with you."
Akali conference passed resolution for a Punjabi speaking state (NOTE:- further information sought on this event).
and Feb. 27, an All India Akali Conference (Sarb Hind Akali Conference) was held at Jalandhar, Punjab. At this conference Master Tara Singh taunted the Sikhs with Brahmin-thinking that they are not beggars and cannot live as slaves. He asked the Sikhs, "Are we the Singhs, Sikh Soldiers of Guru Gobind Singh or jackals? We do not trust these [Hindus] ungrateful people. We need to fulfill the goal of "Raj Karega Khalsa. [Khalsa Shall Rule]." According to the famous line of Guru Granth Sahib,[SIZE=+1] "Bar Praye Baisna Sai(n) mujhe na deh," [/SIZE]a resolution was unanimously PASSED in favor of SIKH HOMELAND. Giani Bhupinder Singh, president Sharomani Akali Dal, was authorized to outline the next program.