Punjabi Culture


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Punjabi Culture is the culture of the Punjab region. It is one of the oldest and richest cultures in world history, dating from ancient antiquity to the modern era. The Punjabi Culture is the culture of the Punjabi people who are now distributed throughout the world. The scope, history, sophistication and complexity of the culture are vast. Some of the main areas include, Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, science, technology, military warfare, architecture, traditions, values and history.

  • Ancient Punjabi Culture

Ancient Punjabis’ were renowned for their architectural excellence and gave their civilization a highly distinct look with baked-brick urban architecture. The written alphabet of the Ancient Punjabis is yet to be cracked and deciphered; it remains one of the few ancient cultures whose literature remains unread and unknown.

Ancient Punjabis’ enjoyed and were fascinated with games, this is supported by the very large number of games artefacts, such as dice, excavated by archaeologists.

  • Middle Age Punjabi Culture

Middle Age Punjabi Culture, during the period of foreign invasions, saw the already very high number of layers and complexity of the Punjabi Culture increase to another level. During this time contributions from Greek, Persian, Mongol and Afghan influences were incorporated into the enormous complexity and sophistication of the Punjabi Culture. During this period saw the birth and rise of a new world-religion in Punjab, Sikhism, this had a dramatic effect on the culture and gave it an additional dimension. This further increased the martial and military dimensions of the Punjabi culture and of the Punjabi People.

  • Modern Punjabi Culture

Due to the large number of Punjabi People distributed throughout the world, Pakistan and India, many people are increasingly experiencing the culture and becoming influenced by it. Traditional Punjabi culture is being strengthened and expanded in the Western world (e.g. U.S., UK, EU, Canada and etc), the scope is huge, ranging from Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, architecture and etc.

  • Punjabi Culture: A Big Melting Pot

People of different languages, cultures, customs and races came to Punjab for good life and it was the strength and superiority of Punjabi culture and language that these all immigrants forgot their native culture and became Punjabi.

  • Punjabi Culture in the Western world

Due to the values and heritage of the Punjabi Culture, the Punjabi people have become one of the most successful and wealthiest sections of society in the west, this is in addition to on average being the wealthiest in Pakistan and India.