Indian-Americans shine in US politics

im proud of her being the first Indian and woman SC Governor and all but still im indian american and if i married a white Christian girl i wouldnt convert and if i did friends and family would think less of me

Shouldn't we be proud of her when she does something good for the people of carolina rather then her being indian or brown or non white?...even though she identifies herself as christian ..LOL

By the logic being propogated people from bush's constituency should be proud of him....even though he plunged US into the iraq war.LOL..

Judge people from the work they do not from being first non white or brown elective.


she converted so she aint sikh anymore so i cant call her one of my ppl// i aint proud of her or nethin nd iff ne1 gah problem wit tht hit me up on aim itz panj3zero nd we;ll talk dere