GET PREACHY: Bringing Sexy ‘Back’

Miss Alone

Prime VIP

Want to wear that backless choli for the upcoming festive season but acne on the back getting you down? Read on to find out how you can get a sexy back with a little TLC. ‘Bacne’ – acne on the back or body (back/body + acne) – is a very common condition, and while it is bothersome, can be cured easily. Your back, unlike your facial skin, is much thicker and oozing with sebaceous glands (responsible for oil secretion), thus making it prime estate for acne, whiteheads and such.

What causes it?

Bacne occurs because the pores in your skin that release oil get clogged up with dead skin cells. This further causes inflammation, ergo causing pimples, blackheads, pustules and cysts, which are painful and form deep under the skin’s surface. If not treated correctly or in time, this could develop into a more serious condition called sebaceous cysts, which is a bigger form of Bacne and can cause scarring. If you’re noticing a lot of acne and/or it’s itchy and painful – please consult a dermatologist immediately. Some of the other things to watch out for:

Don’t wear tight, sticky clothing: Our humid weather makes it hard enough to maintain oil-free skin, but wearing tight or synthetic clothing could worsen the situation. Try and wear loose cotton clothes at all times, and always, always shower and change immediately after a work out (or if you’ve been out and sweating all day).

Do clean thoroughly and apply calamine after waxing: A lot of us choose to get our back waxed, especially when expecting to flaunt it, but this could be a major cause of a bad back breakout. So, insist that the beautician uses a clean spatula, and cleans up thoroughly after the process but does NOT rub too hard. Also, apply a thick layer of calamine right-after, and take a bath immediately.

How to treat it?

Gently exfoliate: Use a good brush or loofah and exfoliate atleast twice a week to maintain a clean back. The Body Shop makes some great loofahs/brushes/sponges that you could use. But remember, don’t rub too hard. Also, make sure to thoroughly clean your loofah/brush after each use so as not to retain any germs or bacteria.

Use an antibacterial cleanser: Wash your back with an antibacterial cleanser like Cetaphil (I LOVE this product!), instead of soap or your regular body wash. You could even look for a body wash that contains salicylic acid. If you’d prefer an all natural treatment, use tea tree oil, which works wonders with acne-afflicted skin.

Dab acne medication cream: What works for the face, will work for your back – use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide on the affected area(s) and leave on overnight to dry out the acne. If you have sensitive skin, try a 10% sulphur solution instead. Alternatively, retinol cream works just as well too.

Drink enough water: The cure to everything, it would seem, is getting enough water in your system, and for good reason too – staying sufficiently hydrated reduces the body’s oil and bacteria release. Reason enough to reach out for that bottle of water?

Get treated: If your condition seems worse, or isn’t getting cured, you should see a doctor and get prescribed pills or a topical medication. Bacne can get serious if not treated correctly.

Royal Singh

Prime VIP
menu hogye c kafi chir pehla soft drinks bahut pee hoge c, now fine don't need to go doc just drink water as much you can, exercise too if possible!!