Be Positive, Be Happy


Staff member
  1. Admit that you have a problem. You can't change if you don't admit your faults. Accept the fact that you are being negative. This will just make it easier for you to become positive!
  2. Have goals. Goals give you a more positive outlook on life. Those who are bored with their lives and feel stuck usually feel depressed.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people! Our lives are shaped by the company we keep. This step is very important. Negative people will just weigh you down and ruin your goal. Let go of any friend whose behavior is holding you back from achieving your goal. It could simply be time to make new friends.
  4. Realize that it is really all in our mind! What goes on in your mind can really determine your actions and decides whether you're positive or negative. If you always think negative thoughts, you're always going to turn out to be a negative person. It is better to think about positive thoughts.
  5. Avoid negative influences. Even if it's a family member or close friend, do not tolerate their bad behavior. Steer clear from it so that it will not rub off on you.
  6. Find an optimistic quote or saying and keep it in your wallet or pocket at all times for a quick reference.
  7. Focus your imagination and efforts on becoming that new positive person. It is much easier to effect change if you just put your mind to it and change your thoughts. We can't always control things that happen in your life, but we can, with some effort, control what we think in our minds.
  8. Create your life from within. If you want more success, focus on all the ways that you are already successful. If you want more love, focus on all the people that already care about you and the abundance of love you have to give to others. If you want to create greater health, focus on all the ways that you are healthy, and so on and so forth.
  9. Imagine that you're already a positive person and you love your life. The only thing between you and your desire to be happy is one single fact: You are not happy because of how you think. This little known fact keeps many from reaching their goal of happiness. If you keep thinking things like "My life sucks!" than your life will seem like it really is that bad.
  10. Smile at strangers. Although this may seem a little weird, it actually makes you feel more positive and happy. You may even brighten that other person's day with just a smile.
  11. Listen to positive music. It's a great way to remain positive.
  12. Volunteer or help others. Helping others leads to a happier outlook on your own life. You'll feel great at the end and make you feel like a good person.
  13. Replace negative thoughts with something positive. Look for the good in every situation. There are pros and cons to most situations and you get to choose which you will focus on. If you're thinking something that isn't pleasant, think the opposite. If you do this long enough, it will make a huge difference. Say "I can!" more than "I can't!".