A controversial BBC film about the Indian Army storming Golden Temple in 1984, which depicts late Sikh leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale "in a similar way to Osama Bin Laden", has provoked a furious response from many members of the community in Britain, a media report said.
A number of Sikhs have condemned the documentary, 1984: A Sikh Story, which they see as nothing but a slur on Bhindranwale, who was killed during the 'Operation Bluestar' ordered by the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, The Daily Mail reported.
Dr Sadhu Singh, the Chairman of the Council of Sikh Temples, said many viewers were angered that "the BBC showed him (Bhindranwale) looking like bin Laden".
He said, "They used pictures of him wearing a turban and holding a gun. To someone who doesn't know what Sikhism is about, it would be very misleading. Sikhs were attacked after September 11, but Sikhs are nothing to do with bin Laden.""Some people are very upset that the documentary also showed Sonia Deol dancing with Hindus as if there is no problem between Hindus and Sikhs. The feeling is still there that people who were responsible for 1984 have not been brought to justice."
A number of Sikhs have condemned the documentary, 1984: A Sikh Story, which they see as nothing but a slur on Bhindranwale, who was killed during the 'Operation Bluestar' ordered by the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, The Daily Mail reported.
Dr Sadhu Singh, the Chairman of the Council of Sikh Temples, said many viewers were angered that "the BBC showed him (Bhindranwale) looking like bin Laden".
He said, "They used pictures of him wearing a turban and holding a gun. To someone who doesn't know what Sikhism is about, it would be very misleading. Sikhs were attacked after September 11, but Sikhs are nothing to do with bin Laden.""Some people are very upset that the documentary also showed Sonia Deol dancing with Hindus as if there is no problem between Hindus and Sikhs. The feeling is still there that people who were responsible for 1984 have not been brought to justice."