Love is not blind - It sees more and not less


we cant see love..
we cant touch it....
we can only feel it and when it felt thats feeling cant explain
even no one can explain what is love


What a girl wants to hear?

Girl:Thanks 4 the fun day.
Boy: No prob.
Girl:Can i ask u a few quest.
Boy:Sure o.o
Girl:And be honest.
Girl:have I ever crossed ur mind?
Girl: Do u like me?
Girl:Do u want me?
Girl:Would u cry if i left?
Girl:Would u live 4 me?
Girl:Would u do anything for me?
Girl:Choose me or ur life.
Boy:My life.

The girl ran away in shock depression
The boy ran after her and told her....
The reason u never crossed my mind coz... U R alsways on my mind.
The reason why i don`t like u is coz... I LOVE U.
The reason i don`t want is coz... I NEED U.
The reason y i wouldn`t cry if left coz... I`ll die if u left.
The reason i wouldn`t live for u is coz... I would die for u.
The reason i`m not willing to do anything for is coz... I would do everything for u.
The reason i choose my life is coz... U R MY LIFE.