Jail Note Book of Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Page 70

To point out the mistakes of Karl Marx :-----

..... And it certainly looks as if Trotsky belonged to what Germans called the school of "real politics " and was as innocent as Bismarck of any ideology at all. And it is therefore rather curious to note that even Trotsky is not revolutionary enough to say that Marx had made mistake; but feels obliged to devote a page or so to the task of exegesis -- that is , proving that the sacred books meant something quite different from what they said.

Preface to The lessons of October 1917

by Trotsky

Preface by A.Susan Lawrence

Voice of the People :-----

The Goverment we know have all ruled , in the main, by indifference of people; they have always been gov’t of a minority of this or that fraction of the country which is politically conscious. But when the gaint wakes , he will have his way , and all that matters to the world is whether he will wake in time.


Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Page 71

" It so often happens." wrote Lenin in July 1917, " that when events take a sudden turn, even an advanced party cannot adapt itself for some time to the new coditions. It goes on repeating yesterday’s watch words which under the new circumstances have become empty of meaning and which have lost meaning ‘unexpectedly’ , just in proportion as the change of in events has been unexpected. "

Lesson of October P17

: 0 :

Tactics and Strategy : -------

In politics as in war , tactics means the art of conducting isolated operations ; strategy means the art of victory , that is the actual seizure of power.

P 18

: 0 :

Propoganda and Action :----

And it is an extremely sudden change, when the party of Proletriat passes from prepration , from propaganda and organisation and agitation to an actual struggle for power and an actual insurrection against bougeoisie . Those in the party who are irresolute or sceptical , or compromising, or cowardly ..... oppose the insurrection, they look for theortical arguments to justify their opposition, and they find them all ready made , among their opponents of yesterday.

Trotsky p 19

Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Page 72

" It is necessary to direct ourselves, not by old formulas but by new realities."

Lenin p25

He always fought for the future against the past.



But a moment comes when the habit of thinking that the enemy is strongest becomes main obstacle to victotry.

Trotsky p 48

...... But in such circumstances not every party will have its Lenin.

....... What does it means to loose the moment?

All the art of tactics consists in this to to match the moment when the combination of circumstances is most favourable......

( Circumstances had produced the combination and Lenin said ) The crisis must be settled in one way or another " Now or never" repeated Lenin.

P 52

Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Page 73

The strength of a revolutionary party grows to a certain point, after which the contrary may happen .........

" To hesitate is crime" wrote at the begining of October, " To wait for the Congress of Soviets is a childish playing with formalities, a disgraceful playing with formalities, it is betraying the revolution."

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Opportune Moment : -----

Time is an important factor in politics. It is thousand times more so in war and revolution. Things can be done today that cannot be done tomorrow. To raise in arms to defeat the enemy , to seize power, may be possible today and tomorrow may be impossible. But, you will say , to seize power means changing the course of history; is it possible that such a thing can depend on a delay of 24 hours? Even so, when it comes to an armed insurrection, events are not measured by long yards of politics but by short yards of war. To lose a few weeks , a few days , sometimes even one day , may mean giving up the revolution , may mean capitulation.

Political cunning is always dangerous , especially in a revolution . You may deceive the enemy, but you may confuse the masses who are following you.

Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Page 74

Hesitation :----

Hesitation on the part of the leaders, and felt by their followers , is generally harmful in politics; but in the case of an armed insurrection, it is a deadly danger.

War :----

......... War is war ; come what may, there must be no hesitation or loss of time.

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The inefficient Leader : ---

........ There are two kinds of leaders who incline to drag the party back at the moment when it should go fastest. One kind also tends to see over whelming difficulties and obstacles in the way of revolution and looks at them ----- consciously or unconsciously -- with the desire of avoiding them. They alter Marxism into a system for explaining why revolutionary action is impossible.

The other kind are mere superficial agitators. They see never any obstacle untill they can break their heads against them. They think they can avoid real difficulties by floods of oratory. They look at every thing with supreme optimism , and , naturally change right over when something has actually to be done.

P 80