How Facebook Affects u & ur Relationship.....

Facebook has opened up a whole new dimension for Social relationships. It’s a new venue to spy on your partner, to potentially find love, get rejected or even cheat. A beautiful infographic by Online Dating University tells us How Facebook Affects You and Your Relationships.

Few Points to observe :-

  • The five countries with the highest percentage of users reporting a relationship status are the United States, South Africa, Iceland, the United Kingdom and Canada.

  • Jordan has the largest percentage of Facebook users who report their relationship status as single.

  • Finland has the greatest percentage of Facebook users reporting that they're in a relationship of any kind (in a relationship, married, etc.).

  • About 60 percent of Facebook users set a relationship status on their profile. Of those, 37 percent are currently listed as single, 24 percent are in a relationship, 31 percent are married and five percent are engaged. There are some other options, too. Among them: in a civil union, separated, it's complicated, in a domestic partnership, divorced and widowed.

  • Spending too much time on Facebook can make you acutely aware of your love interests' posts. Overanalyzing what every post means to your relationship can lead to feelings of insecurity.
The infographic isn’t all bad. It offers some advice on how to solve your Facebook relationship problems, most of which involve open communication and connecting in real life as well as online — shocker there! Social media is awesome, but if you want your relationship to have the best chance, it’s always better to meet face-to-face.


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