Anonymous threatens attack on Chamber of Commerce


Prime VIP
'Anonymous' threatens attack on Chamber of Commerce over censorship bill

The hactivist group Anonymous is threatening a new round of DDOS attacks against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to protest the anti-piracy bill that would give U.S. law-enforcement agencies the right to force ISPs and search engines to erase sites accused of violating copyright protections.

They're mad about the titularly anti-piracy bill Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property' Act (PROTECT-IP, which must have been named not just by a committee, but a committee of committees made up of lawyers representing other committees).
The main power in the proposed bill it to allow the U.S. Justice Dept. to declare a particular Web site contenta non-grata, which would allow it to order the ISPs hosting it to take it down and Google, Bing and other search engines to delete it from their search results.

Anonymous doesn't like the Chamber much, or the vigor with which the Chamber has been promoting and campaigning for what Anonymii -- and a good number of simple Americans who are able and willing to read the definition – consider to be a violation of the most basic Constitutional right – the right to speak.
You can understand the venom behind Anonymous' response, even if its solution – aside from being illegal and inconsistent with arguments in favor of free speech – is a little lacking in subtlety.
