
- dEsPeraTe cRaNky -
Your EYES attract attention more than any other part of your body and controlled by muscles. Use them too much , use them the wrong way and the muscles will get weak. Lack of sleep affects them. Eyes need rest to work their best ..And like the rest of the body, eyes need exercises too.


Why Eye Exercises?Long hours on the computer can lead to eye strain, dry eyes and blurred vision. Ultraviolet rays can hurt your eyes as much as they your skin.

Eye exercise will strengthen your eyes and improve muscle strength, circulation and promote healthy vision.


Eye relaxation

Take time to relax your eyes every few hours during the day to reduce eye fatigue. Sit comfortably, rub your hands till they are warm, close your eyes and cup your eyes using your palms without leaving any gap between your fingers. When you see nothing but blackness, remove your palms.

DID You know ?

Research shows that your eyesight can be affected by tension and imbalance that exists any where in your body 25% of the Oxygen inhaled with every breath and one third of your food intake nourish your visual system.


Right Posture --sit upright at a suitable height when you work. Right Distance --while reading or writing a distance of at least 12 inches must be maintained. Right Light --read in bright light. . Right Diet --have a balanced diet that includes foods rich in Vitamin A, such as tomato, papaya, carrot, watermelon.


Avoid reading under strong light or with the light shining directly into your eyes, in moving vehicles, reading small poor quality print and lying down and watching TV or reading.