Which is da best place 2 Drop da person above ya??

Which is da best place 2 Drop da person above ya??

wHiCh Is Da bEsT pLaCe To DrOp Da AbOvE PeRsOn according to ya???

Just say where would you like to drop the person above you out of these or any other place where u wish

01. In Hell
02. Heaven
03. Jail
04. Restaurant
05. Nursery
06. Movie Hall
07. Zoo
08. Dustbin
09. Bar
10. School
11. Hospital
12. Shopping Mall
13. Park
14. Space
15. Bermuda Triangle
16. An ocean
17. A forest
18. Temple
19. Desert
20. On a big black buffalo
21. Andaman
22. North Pole
23. Indo-Pak border
24. Barber
25. Toilet
26. Beauty Parlour

or anything else u imgine....:)