What language do carrots speak?


on off on off......
1. What did the lonely banana say?
Ans: I'm a'kela'

2. What did the green peas say?
Ans: Nothing. They just 'mutter'ed

3. What did the potato say when it answered the phone ?

4. Where do cabbages hang out?
Ans: In the Gobi desert

5. What are call-boxes for ghosts called?
Ans: B(h)ooths

6. What did the flower say to its girl friend?
Ans: Why do phools fall in love?

7. What did the fat car say?
Ans: I'm a mota car

8. What did the confused egg say?
Ans: I don't unda-stand

9. What do shrimps sing on Christmas?
Ans: Jhinga Bells

10. What did the half eaten naan say?
Ans : I wish I was puri

11. What language do carrots speak?
Ans: Gajarati.