To YoU

You say the future is unclear
I say the future is certain
You say you can't look back at the past
I say the past is our hardship
You ask do i forgive you?
I ask do you forgive me?
You say you committed wrongs
I say it wasn't you, it was all on me
You say you love me
I say i love you too
Some say love never finds another
I say they are wrong!
Some say sweet hearts can't exist
I say they are wrong!
Why? is what they ask me
I reply that years make tears and laughs
They say i'm not in love with you
I say i'am
They say let you go
I reply NO! !
Why? they ask
I say you are the love of my life
They ask who
I say you
They ask who is you?
I reply the one who is always next to me and who got
my heart.
And that is you...
...Always .............................:ir