The Red, White And Blue Prayer For Peace


Staff member
red is for blood shed from our slain soldiers and not for them alone...for the pow's and those missing in action, who never made it home.

I light this candle in your honor, to keep your memory alive. I won't forget your laid down your life for mine.

White is the symbol for innocent people who've died at the hands of war.
A high cost of freedom unwillingly paid, that's what this candle's for.

So pray for those whose lives were lost and ones that could be saved...heavenly father protect your children and keep them from harm's way.

Blue represents courage from our brave men and women, that may be called to war. They'll fight for our future, our freedom and children, from land, air, sea and shore.

So light a candle in a soldier's name,
and to god our father pray.. Please guide and protect our beloved troops and god bless the u.s.a.

Light these candles and say a prayer, that hate and war may cease, and love your enemy as you love yourself, so that we all may live in peace.