The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Fathers!


1. Keeping stress to yourself.
Children shouldn’t have to be burdened with adult problems.
They have enough to deal with just being kids; growing,
learning, exploring, and evolving. Instead of sharing your
difficulties with them, keep your time with them about them.
Try to keep your stress to yourself and don’t let it affect
your attitude when you’re around your kids.

In order to do this, find a different outlet for your stress
that you can use before you see them. Go to the local gym
on the way home and let it out on a punching bag or stop at
your favorite coffee shop and spend a few minutes
unwinding with a good book. Whatever it takes, your kids will
appreciate seeing a fresh face and a positive attitude when
you get home.
2. Leading by example.
A successful father is above the old “do as I say, not as I
do” credo. He’s not smoking if he doesn’t want his kids to do
it, and definitely not drinking heavily. He teaches them to
deal with conflict with a family member and with others by
being firm but reasonable at the same time.

A good father also illustrates how significant is affection by
professing his love for their mother in front of them. And he
won’t fight with her in their presence. In all, he adheres to
the values he’d like his kids to follow.
3. Being consistent.
Ensure that what you say is actually what you do. Every
child needs to believe he has a dependable father, so if you
promise you’ll make it to that basketball game or take him to
the zoo or make his favorite dinner, it’s important to follow
through no matter what comes up in the meantime. If your
child believes your word, trust will soon follow.

Another important point about consistency is structure in
discipline. Remember that your kids aren’t perfect — despite
what you may think — and they need guidance. It can be
hard to discipline your children because you’re ready to
stand at their defense no matter what. But remember that
rules and structure are important in life and the earlier they
learn that, the easier their lives will be. Rules are there for a
reason and you need to make sure your children understand
4. Staying involved.
Being involved with your kids is often twisted to mean that
you ought to do the morning carpool and attend sports
games. Although this is true, there is much more to
involvement with your kids than just being a personal driver
and cheerleader to them. Watch the soccer game, but also
listen to school stories. Hear what your kids have to say,
know their interests and their friends. Being involved seems
like a no-brainer when it comes to parenthood, but it’s so
easy to forget.

If your kids feel important enough to garner your interest,
this will raise their confidence, their trust in you and their
willingness to share the details of their own lives with you.
All these things will give you more opportunities to guide
your children and keep them out of trouble.

5. Scheduling family recreation.
I know how all-important it is to work hard all week, but you
also have to schedule some fun activities for downtime and
stick to them. It is far too easy to just assume that family
time will come naturally when the weekend arrives.
Unfortunately, work spillover, visits from family members or
home improvement projects — just to name a few scenarios
— can easily take that time away.

Not to mention that as your children develop their own social
schedules, they’ll quickly let quality time with their families
slip away. For this reason, planning ahead is decisive in
maintaining this important aspect of your family life. Just like
you’ll keep New Year’s resolutions more often if you write
them down as a promise, making appointments with your
family will make time with them a priority — for both you and
6. Teaching.
There’s something especially touching about learning.
Learning something new boosts self-assurance and is a lot of
fun. For the teacher, there is a unique feeling of pride in
seeing how you helped create ability.

If you show your children how to do things you will develop
a unique bond between the two of you. You may assume
you don’t know that much, but whatever tidbits you can
pass along will be highly valued by your kids. Do you play
guitar? Are you a chess master? Your children may learn this
stuff in life anyway, but if you’re the teacher, they’ll not
only remember the skill, they’ll remember the great master
who gave them that knowledge.
7. Creating family rituals.Because kids are so impressionable, structure can be very
important to how they learn and grow. It can also instill a
sense of significance in what goes on in the home.

Establish a firm supper time (when the whole family gathers
around the table), a time for a story before bed, game night
or even an evening where the entire family watches a TV
show together. Doing this will ensure that the event will be
known as “family time” and that it will stick out as something
sacred for your children.