Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji - Rare Painting


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Every artist has his/her interpretation of a subject and the Sikh Gurus have been painted by artists from from various religious backgrounds, no wonder the sometimes extremely strange depictions – just like the one of Guru Gobind Singh Ji below. The overly exagerated kalgi, green clothing and seating posture comes as a completely different image of the Guru that we are relatively accustomed to. Nevertheless, the painting is indeed beautiful. Because Sikh Gurus never encouraged the painting of the their portraits during their lifetime, admirers and devotees were left to put to canvas the image conjured through years of folk-lore, imagination and fond stories. That’s why almost all artists depict the Sikh Gurus differently – they painted them with what appeased their imaginations. At least through their interpretations, we get a glimpse of just how our Gurus may have looked like, though the images do not necessarily depict the exact picture – no one can actually paint the true ambiance of the Guru for that can only be done in the conscience of the true admirer and devotee. And the conscience can never be put to words or pictures, it can only be experienced by the blessed individual.

source: Rare painting of Dasmesh Guru The Inner Journey II


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