Sardar Kartar Singh Sarabha Hanged to Death

Yaar Punjabi

Prime VIP
November 14, 1915 Sardar Kartar Singh Sarabha Hanged to Death

One of the Early Revolutionaries who gave up his education at University of California at Berkeley in 1914 to Free India from British Rule. One of the lesser known Freedom Fighters who quickly became one of the Leaders of the California Based Ghadar Party which led Campaigns to Revolt against British Rule. Their Slogan was"Put at stake everything for the freedom of the county". Their Newspaper "Ghadar" Drew attention of Sikhs all over the world, and was published in 7 Languages as it looked to unmask the slavery of the Indian People to the British Rule. Kartar Singh Sarabha led the work for this newspaper. They all left for India and started efforts to start a armed revolution. in 1915, they were arrested for conspiracy of starting an uprising. Sardar Kartar Singh Sarabha Hanged at just 18 years of age
