Musings.......A Passing Thought


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To preserve energy and to prevent quarrels, embarrassment, spreading of ignorance, 'talking' should be used minimally only to convey what is most essential, not to impress others.


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Make Your Present Worthwhile
So always make your present worthwhile, productive and progressive. In it lie the future fruits. Make your present a lovable thing, future would, automatically become lovable. Time is not an entity but a perspective of your aspirations. Give them a shape; these will create a niche in the domain of nature, which in due course would find their dimensions, in the scheme of nature, which is called as time. Truth, factuality and reliability are the qualities of nature, which we assume as time. Reality subsumes them all. Seek reality and reality abounds in present. And that present is, you. So find yourself, but not by negating your present-self but by fully utilizing it and out of these travails you will find yourself.
When you feel an impasse in the extension of your thought process or when you are checkmated and there is a stony wall of static state when all that you had achieved appears illusory at the chasm of nihilism, how do you get your inspiration? At that critical juncture who supports you and tends you moral support? Because I know the agonies of a thinker; he is loner. He does not associate with the material world, he has uprooted the images and voices from his mind, and he shuns the shallow company of the so-called intellectuals, masters and saints. He is completely bereft of the external as well as of the internal worlds. Because all are of no avail to him! Nothing that is illusory or temporary attracts his attention. So where from you get your feed of encouragement for thoughts and strength of purpose?
Always look forward and seek new realms. Never be satisfied with your achievements, as there are still many more realms beckoning you yonder. Reaping the fruits of your achievements and feeling satisfied connotes further blockade of your progress. Whatever is done is past. Never look back, past is stagnant, non-productive; it is the present that makes a beautiful future. So always make your present worthwhile, productive and progressive. In it lie the future fruits. Make your present a lovable thing, future would, automatically become lovable. Time is not an entity but a perspective of your aspirations. Give them a shape; these will create a niche in the domain of nature, which in due course would find their dimensions, in the scheme of nature, which is called as time. Truth, factuality and reliability are the qualities of nature, which we assume as time. Reality subsumes them all. Seek reality and reality abounds in present. And that present is, you. So find yourself, but not by negating your present-self but by fully utilizing it and out of these travails you will find yourself.


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Our level of consciousness goes on expanding. As there is only one cosmic mind, so there is only one mind to an entity. An individual may have many personalities still it has one Master (mind) and that master is the ego!


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It is understood that conscious pervades the cosmos and particles are conscious because of it. It is also evident that through evolution, the particles also go through various transmutations of matter, elements, objective world, stars, suns, planets and the earth etc!


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Intelligence may relate to a class of persons with identical qualities: exact duplication of the mind, each entity consciously exhibits in grades of qualities, which correspondingly places them in their respective circles of identical radiations (colours) or the conscious-levels!


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A normal man can’t comprehended 108 dimensions splendor or amassed powers because he is used only to four plus one of space dimensional world. There is nothing abnormal about them, the differences lies in our state of dimensional levels of existence!


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Our creational Universe belongs to the fourth generation of consciousness (particles), which is its dilute (gross) form. Though it is ever pure and blissful but as soon as it takes on the creational impulses, it has to activate its latent energy and assumes gross form!


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The original purpose of speech was to communicate our needs and share our experiences. We graduated from sign language to talk and to present day languages!Now we go on talking and talking, blabbering out meaningless talk, which has no relevance to our existence!


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I want to be a permanent part of the beauty that lasts, speaks, smells and vibrates. When I come down to physical plane, my priorities change: I want to indulge because I want to recreate ecstatic feelings in objective company!


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Love impulses transformed into pulses and created a pure-conscious-state of images and sounds. encased itself into images and sounds. When it took the gross form of energy, it encased into solid bodies. But whichever state it encased into, it never lost its originality!


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Original impulses (urge) were of neither gender nor singular or plural. But as soon as they converted themselves into energy, acquired dual qualities of positive and negative: As everything in nature is combination of these two it is but natural that opposite attracts each other!


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No glutton has ever made into a genius or a master. So, we should take food according to necessity, only to satisfy our hunger of bodies, not quench the inexhaustible hunger of taste!


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Human birth is the only category of life which has the combined qualities of all the five elements and of Nature also. It is unique repository of impressions of all that exists, weather live or inert, thus, the only species that is capable to discharge impressions of past forms


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Eyes are meant to remove physical blindness of man and to enjoy the beauties of nature but we are also using them for petty and lower purposes. Now tell me, how do you use them?


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Once conscious activates to the level, where his/man's pulses (passion) are optimum charged, intelligence sources (knowledge) would trigger off whole knowledge of the material worlds automatically into his grasp!


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Beauty is transient like the objects it is perceived in, but it has the quality to transform them into bliss, which is eternal.


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Sight itself is incapable to decide whether a scene or an object is pleasing or displeasing. It is again the mind that enjoys the pleasure. In food also, it was the mind not the tongue that enjoys!


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t is of paramount importance; we must get rid of our animal tendencies, and come out the duality of pleasure-pain, hate-attraction, gain-loss, and happiness-sorrow. All of these are the direct outcome of lust, greed and anger!


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Masters incarnate on this planet, exhibit symptoms of super-natural powers, at their very birth, are conductor of divinity, the very physical store house of Truth, Existence and Bliss. In these small bodies as human beings they are compact entities, constricting in them the 108!