Musings.......A Passing Thought


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I want to indulge because I want to create those ecstatic feelings in objective company, I want to infuse that beauty in gross bodies and through their medium I want to have those ecstatic feelings. I am in physical form, so I understand only physical world!


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Intellect can produce scholars and geniuses but a not artist, that is why scholars are barren of love.
Persons who love the work, they are engaged in, are the real artists. Scholars work like machines, hence devoid of love!


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As there is only one cosmic mind, so there is only one mind to an entity. An individual may have many personalities still it has one Master (mind) and that master is the ego!


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So long we identity with different personalities and identifications, ego is there to ratify their superficial existence. Neither of them exists. Ego is state of mind that exists for some time but the moment (mind) elevates itself to the higher state, it (ego) vanishes


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Finding no way further the elite possessed beauty of body, wealth and highly charged energies and had reached the optimum level in their chosen fields. Beyond that, they stared at dead ends., their charged energies began to consume them.


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As all elite r used to competitive life, and have reached their acme by sheer doggedness of purpose, now feel incapable to stretch any further and their brimming energies r dammed!


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Eyes and tongue have their reactions. Eyes react to all the elements, wind, cold, heat, water, etc. and they flutter accordingly.
It is mind which enjoys food. In food also when we eat some dish, tongue only tastes its sweetness/sourness & immediately sends message to the brain!


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Materially, mentally, sensory and physically, man is creating a superficial world around him, that is vitiating his inner as well as outer environment. Simultaneously man in his earnest quest, is unraveling the secrets of Nature!


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Had there been no transformer centers en-route, there would have been no satisfactory transmission of power from the power houses to distant cities. Transformers transfer the energy and channel it further. All elements of Nature work on the same principles.


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When we come to the end of our tether
Suddenly a trap door opens, from under our feet
We fall in light, new beginning ushers
Knowledge of self, awareness in conscious beckons.



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Flowers, fruits, fountains mountains, rivers, snow-capped peaks Roaming planets, sparkling stars distant galaxies going deep in furthest void Beauty abounds in beauty!


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We can sing dance yell at our home, whereas I can't discharge these acts in society openly: It shows within four walls we have freedom from society to act freely. Similarly when we think, we are intellectually free to act anyway, then from whom our intellect gets freedom to act ?


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If there is bondage, only then we seek freedom! We have the urge to satisfy our desire of singing, dancing, yelling or crying! That is merely satisfying our desires. It is not freedom, as there is a difference between the satisfaction of our desires and freedom!


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Every religion has three components: rituals, culture and spirituality; of which (spirituality) is a scientific path to Self-realization. Give it an honest try and see the results!


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Satisfaction of our desires is bondage, whereas freedom is spontaneous expression, coming from our hearts for any object or any individual. It comes not from the confines of a bonded mind, but from a free mind, which enjoys equal mindedness, hence a state of freedom!


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Freedom is a state which is not achieved but it is simply there. As our consciousness unshackles the bonds (influences) of body - senses - intellect combine, wisdom reveals in us the freedom that is already there!


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Only good suffers “through the ordeals, trials, tests and problems, whereas the wicked goes scot-free. As for a bad there are no restraints for he believes in none and has no respect for any kind of norms.


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Only human beings have mastered art of sound - variation and created languages, whereas all other categories of life, like insects, crawlers, and birds animals interact, by emitting peculiar sounds, by which they identify themselves and convey their physical wants!