Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2016


Dhillon Sa'aB™
Staff member
Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2016 - Main Points

1. Pedestrians also have Rights

Pedestrians have them rights and protection. The bill talks about having separate lanes for bicycles, skaters, push-carts and other non-motorised transport.

2. Children Safety

Safety of children in/on vehicles by enforcing stricter use of seat belts or a child-restraint system in cars and school-buses. Children older than four and travelling on a motorcycle have to wear a helmet.

3. Safer Roads

Contractors, consultants and civic agencies will be accountable for faulty design, construction or poor maintenance of roads leading to accidents. Those found guilty would be penalised up to Rs 1 lakh.

4. Driving licence system to be computerised to tachke fake licences.

All regional transport offices will be computerised to set up a ‘National Register for Driving Licences and all licences will be linked to Aadhaar to solve that problem.

5. Insurance

liability of third party insurer for road accidents is unlimited. According to a report of PRS India legislative, the maximum liability for third party insurance in case of motor accident has been capped at Rs 10 lakh in case of death and at Rs 5 lakh in case of grievous injury.

The bill provides for a ‘Motor Vehicle Accident Fund’ to provide compulsory insurance cover to road users in India for certain types of accidents.

6. Repeat traffic offenders

Correction home-like institution for people who violate traffic rules repeatedly. Their names will be put in public domain and they will have to undergo a “driver refresher training course” to get their licences back.

7. Fines

Heavier fines
The fines will increase @ 10% annually every April 1.