Mirza - sahiba

Mandeep Kaur Guraya

Mirza - Sahiba is a treasure of Punjabi literature. :bakIt is a romantic tragedy. Sahiba was a love-lorn soul. Shayer Pillo raves about her beauty and says," As Sahiba stepped out with a lungi tied around her waist, the nine angels :wdied on seeing her beauty.":o
Mirza and Sahiba were childhood playmates, as mentioned in many books and folk tales in punjab,and they fell in love with each other. But when this beauty is about to be wedded forcibly to Tahar Khan by her parents, without any hesitation she sends a taunting message to Mirza,:help whom she loves, to his village Danabad, through a Brahmin called Kammu.
"You must come and decorate Sahiban’s hand with the marriage henna....."
Mirza Khan was the son of Wanjhal Khan, the leader of the Kharal tribe in Danabad, :soa town in the Jaranwala area of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Sahiba was the daughter of Mahni, the chief of Khewa, :soa town in Sial Territory in the Jhang district Punjab, Pakistan. Mirza was sent to his relatives' house in Khewa to study, where he met Sahiba and they fell in love. Her family opposed the relationship, and instead arranged a marriage with a member of the Chander family.
This is the time you have to protect your self respect and love, keep your promises, and sacrifice your life for truth. Mirza arrived on his horse, Bakki the night before the wedding and secretly carried her away, planning to elope. Sahiba's brothers got to know about this and decided to follow them. On the way, as Mirza lies under the shade of a tree to rest:zzz for a few moments, Sahiba's brothers and chanders caught up with them.
Sahiba was a virtuous and a beautiful soul :medwho did not desire any bloodshed to mar the one she loved. She did not want her hands drenched in blood instead of henna. She thinks Mirza cannot miss his target, and if he strikes, her brothers would surely die. Before waking up Mirza, Sahiban breaks his arrows so he can't use them. She presumes on seeing her, her brothers would feel sorry and forgive Mirza and take him in their arms. But the brothers and chanders attack Mirza:thappar and kill him. Sahiban takes a sword and slaughters herself and thus bids farewell to this world.
Out of all the legendary stories, mirza sahiba's story is the only story where the guy's name comes first and then the girl's.:wah:wah:wah