

Staff member
A fire flickers about in a fireplace
Tends to take the mind on a race

A race through time, a race through dreams
A race through thoughts of other things

Dancing flames bring back memories you hold
Memories of the past, of times of old

Camping trips with friends gathered 'round
Fire searing the dark, crackling the only sound

Until someone conjures up a ghost story
A tale of adventure, of times of glory

A story of romance, with a dramatic end
The laughter dies away; all's quiet again

The sudden sound of a wolf from afar
Howling up at the moon and the stars

Content smiles of glowing faces circle 'round
Wandering eyes gazing at anything but the ground

A friendly stick provokes sparks to fly high
Into sliver jewels that dot the mountain sky

Another story begins now, its words carefully laced
Around the gatherers it travels, carefully traced

From mind to mind, from thought to thought
The story evolves; each new person brings out the plot

The story unfolds; each one putting in their share
Laughter erupts as some simply stare

Blatant remarks of a playful scheme
What's been sought is now redeemed

Yawns and tired eyes escape into darkness deep
Young children (and even older) need their sleep

Some stay awake, letting conversation wander
Their words dance like the flames,

As they ponder; of days of old, of times past
Little do they realize how time can go so fast