make your computer a wireless router

Assuming your laptop has built-in wireless inside though. Even if it doesn’t, you can buy a cheap wireless USB.
Lets assume that you have. Why not use your laptop to redirect your ADSL modems internet to perhaps your grandma, who can’t move downstairs, and can only use her laptop?
It would makes sense. A wireless USB is far, far cheaper in comparison to a typical wireless router. A normal wireless USB is about 1/5 of the price of a regular router.
So, instead of wasting all your money, I’ve found out a way to save your money and make your laptop/computer into a router, whilst still being able to use that computer as a normal computer, with all the functions is previously had.
So, here’s how you use a computer or a laptop to act like a router.

First things first, set up the computer that’s connected to the modem to be the HOST. All this means is that this is the computer that will be used to share the internet, not the computer that doesn’t have internet currently. To do this, go:
Start > Control Panel > Network Connections.
This should show all the connections you are or have been connected to.

Now do the following:
Step One: Right-Click the connection you are currently using to access the internet. Click Properties. Go to the Advanced tab and check “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection”.
Step Two: Click the drop down menu and select “Wireless Network Connection“. Click OK.
Step Three: Go back to Network Connections, right click Wireless Network Connection and select Properties. Click on the Wireless Networks tab.
Step Four: Click on the Advanced button, and select Computer-To-Computer (Ad-Hoc) Networks Only. Also, make sure that Automatically Connect To Non-Preferred Networks is unchecked. Close box.
Step Five: Click on the Add button, enter all the information required. Make sure Network Encryption is disabled.

Step 6: Right click the Wireless Connections icon in the bottom-right toolbar, and connect to the Wireless Connection you just created.

You’ve now successfully made your computer/laptop into a HOST computer, and it will now act as a router for other computers/laptops to connect to.
You can now use any computer around the house to connect wirelessly to the internet, without a router!
It’s quite a handy little tip, and not one most people generally find out by themselves. It’s not recommended if you need to connect a lot of people to the internet, as it generally slows down, and provides no security, unlike most routers. However, if it’s simply for another laptop or two, it should be absolutely fine.