Huawei has been launched its IDEOS X3 Android phone with Price at Rs 8,499 in India. This Huawei Android-based smartphone, IDEOS tablet has many ways to access the Internet and comes pre-loaded with a range of social networking, email and useful services like Google Talk, Google Maps, YouTube and GMail, Huawei company said in a statement. Huawei on released its thinnest Android smartphone on the market, the IDEOS X3. It also showed off an updated tablet, the IDEOS S7, with a 7-inch touchscreen.
The IDEOS X3 has 3.2-inch HVGA capacitive touchscreen and a slim 11.2mm profile with a 3.2 megapixel camera.
Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Price in India: Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Price available at Rs 8,499 in India
Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Smartphone Features & Specifications:
Huawei has been launched its IDEOS X3 Android phone with Price at Rs 8,499 in India. This Huawei Android-based smartphone, IDEOS tablet has many ways to access the Internet and comes pre-loaded with a range of social networking, email and useful services like Google Talk, Google Maps, YouTube and GMail, Huawei company said in a statement. Huawei on released its thinnest Android smartphone on the market, the IDEOS X3. It also showed off an updated tablet, the IDEOS S7, with a 7-inch touchscreen.
The IDEOS X3 has 3.2-inch HVGA capacitive touchscreen and a slim 11.2mm profile with a 3.2 megapixel camera.
Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Price in India: Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Price available at Rs 8,499 in India
Huawei Android IDEOS X3 Smartphone Features & Specifications:
- Frequency: Quad band
- Phone Style: Touchscreen
- OS: Android 2.2
- Dimension: 11.2mm X 56.5mm X 110mm
- Weight: 115g
- Memory: microSD card slot up to 16GB
- High-speed Data: HSDPA
- Connectivity: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi
- Screen Size: 3.2-inch
- Screen Colours: 16 million
- Camera Resolution: 3.2-megapixel
- Flash, Ringtones, Music Player: Yes
- Music Formats: MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+
- Internet: Yes
- Browser: WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML
- Battery: Li-Ion