Palang Tod
When I carefully see the history of the world starting from the Vedas till today, a question arises in my mind. Considering whatever is essentially necessary for the humanity, out of that, which is the thing left out that the Hindu has not given to the mankind in the world. The Hindu has not only given knowledge, wisdom, ethics and morality to the humanity, he has also given them the right direction for evolution and perfection of life in all its facets, there is no doubt in it.
First of all, the Hindu gave Veda to the world. We call Veda the lexicon of all knowledge. Fortunately for me, besides philosophy and ethics, I have studied the historical aspect also. I can tell you with utmost confidence that from the point of language, the most ancient grammar of the world is the Sanskrit Grammar. It has been accepted by the learned community of the world that till now there is no language like Sanskrit and no grammar like Sanskrit Grammar in any other language and that a grammar better than the Sanskrit Grammar can not even be imagined or thought of. This is the contribution of the Hindu. Along with this, the Hindu also gave Sphotavada, the principle source of Shabda Vigyana, the science of words. Spotavada determines the position from where each word is to be pronounced in the vocal system. The Hindu also gave the knowledge of Anka Gannita - Mathematics and Rekha Gannita – Geometry. The word 'Geometry' is the corrupted form of the Sanskrit word ‘yamita'. Science of mathematics was propagated initially from India to Persia and from Persia it went to Greece. The Greeks gave it the name ‘Hindsa', meaning that it had its origin in India. In other words, the Hindu has given both these sciences to the people of the world. May be any science, it cannot stand by itself without the science of mathematics and geometry. It means that the Hindu provided the feet, nay the ground, for the development of the complete field of science to rest on.
We have four Vedas and for comprehending the Vedas, we have six other scriptures. Out of these six, four are related with language only. These are Shiksha – educational institution; Grammar; Nirukta – the science of etymological interpretation or exposition of Vaidic words and Chhanda – metrical science, prosody. The Hindu gave the knowledge to systemize the language. The Hindu has given a scripture like Nirukta to help in knowing the meaning of the words which are not considered Yaugik – derivative or conventional, or are not accepted as Vaidik – originating from the Vedas, and are not complying with the requirements of Prakriti – distinctive character or spirit of the language and Pratyaya – indeclinable particles. Besides the four scriptures related only with the Shabda – the knowledge of word, there are two other – one for Astrology and the second on Kalpa – the science of sacrificial services. Astrology has two parts called Khagol and Bhugol. The Hindu was the first to give knowledge about Khagol and Bhagol to the world. Khagol provides knowledge about the stars and planets researched by the ancient Rishis for the first time. The modern scientists are now researching and finding out about them. Thousands of years earlier, the Vaidik Rishis had explained this knowledge and preserved it in their astrological treatises. The irrevocable principle of the Solar doctrine, which was systemized by the Hindu thousands of years earlier, its founder was Bhaskar Bhatt.
Not only the above, until the twelfth century, the people in the West understood that the earth was flat. If anybody said that it is round, they put him to death. In the Vaidik scriptures, however, there is a word Bhugol. Bhu Goal means that the earth is round. Who has given this? This is the contribution of the Hindu.
The Kalpa scripture in the Veda also has two parts – one is called Shrautra Sutra – aphorism prescribed in the Veda and the other Graha Sutra – domestic aphorisms. Graha Sutra is further split into two parts called Smajashastra –Sociology, scripture for community life and Grahavignan – science of domestic life. The Hindu gave these scriptures as well.
A learned person from France has said that Bharatvarsha – India, is the mother of the universe. India has not only given us science of language and mathematics, it has also given us the way life should be lived and the method for it.
Who gave Pyathagorus and Sukarat to the West? It is the Hindu. Just read through the mathematics of Payathagorus and ask from any western scholar, he will tell you that that mathematician had been a student of India. You may have also heard that Sukarat was a soldier and had, at one time, lived at the border of Greece and India. Having come in contact with a yogi his way of life changed. He learned the Samkhyana philosophy and started teaching its doctrines in Greece. These doctrines were new to the people there and as a result thereof he was poisoned to death.
Just recently, a German scholar – you may have perhaps heard or read his name, has written a book titled "Jesus lived in India." He has proved with many evidences that the Hindu had taught the Ten Commandments, not only to Jesus but to Moses as well. Jesus Christ remained in India for 18 years and acquired the teachings and wisdom of the Hindu way of life. He came back to Baibylonia after 18 years and commenced propagating the message of the Hindu philosophy and wisdom to the humanity there. He was also put to the gallows. Even today, if some of you have read the Bible and his Sermon on the Mount, you must have felt that it is nothing except the tenets of Bhagawat dharma – the eternal religion propounded by incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Vaishnavadharma, the precepts of Hindu way of life.
Jesus Christ stayed in Puri (India) for six years and studied the Vaishanava Vijnana, Vaishanava dharma. Thereafter, he stayed in Kashi (modern Varanasi) for four years. In Kashi, where he was learning Vedanta – the essence of the Veda and the upanishad, he learnt that those who talk of Brahmavad, monotheism, they have the malady, are afflicted with Chhua-chhuta – feelings towards untouchables. He objected to it saying that according to the Vedantic ideology there should be no difference between man to man. When there is only one Brahma, the Supreme lord, present in every form, in that case, how can there be one pious and the other impious, untouchable? When the pandits, learned persons of Kashi protested it, he left from there and went to Nepal. He stayed in Nepal for six years. Thereafter, he lived in Tibat for some time and after a sojourn of 18 years, he returned to his own country, Babylonia. Whatever he had learnt during his stay out of his country related to the precepts of Vaishnava.- worship of Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, the all pervading, he taught. He declared: "I am son of God, I and my father both are one. Make yourself pious and perfect as your father in heaven is pure and perfect." In Vedanta, this is the doctrine of Vaishanavas, worshippers of Vishnu. This is also the message of Gita: "You can be complete and perfect as the Brahma, the Supreme Lord, is." The Lord has taught this truth, that –
Brahmarishi Vishvatma Bawra
First of all, the Hindu gave Veda to the world. We call Veda the lexicon of all knowledge. Fortunately for me, besides philosophy and ethics, I have studied the historical aspect also. I can tell you with utmost confidence that from the point of language, the most ancient grammar of the world is the Sanskrit Grammar. It has been accepted by the learned community of the world that till now there is no language like Sanskrit and no grammar like Sanskrit Grammar in any other language and that a grammar better than the Sanskrit Grammar can not even be imagined or thought of. This is the contribution of the Hindu. Along with this, the Hindu also gave Sphotavada, the principle source of Shabda Vigyana, the science of words. Spotavada determines the position from where each word is to be pronounced in the vocal system. The Hindu also gave the knowledge of Anka Gannita - Mathematics and Rekha Gannita – Geometry. The word 'Geometry' is the corrupted form of the Sanskrit word ‘yamita'. Science of mathematics was propagated initially from India to Persia and from Persia it went to Greece. The Greeks gave it the name ‘Hindsa', meaning that it had its origin in India. In other words, the Hindu has given both these sciences to the people of the world. May be any science, it cannot stand by itself without the science of mathematics and geometry. It means that the Hindu provided the feet, nay the ground, for the development of the complete field of science to rest on.
We have four Vedas and for comprehending the Vedas, we have six other scriptures. Out of these six, four are related with language only. These are Shiksha – educational institution; Grammar; Nirukta – the science of etymological interpretation or exposition of Vaidic words and Chhanda – metrical science, prosody. The Hindu gave the knowledge to systemize the language. The Hindu has given a scripture like Nirukta to help in knowing the meaning of the words which are not considered Yaugik – derivative or conventional, or are not accepted as Vaidik – originating from the Vedas, and are not complying with the requirements of Prakriti – distinctive character or spirit of the language and Pratyaya – indeclinable particles. Besides the four scriptures related only with the Shabda – the knowledge of word, there are two other – one for Astrology and the second on Kalpa – the science of sacrificial services. Astrology has two parts called Khagol and Bhugol. The Hindu was the first to give knowledge about Khagol and Bhagol to the world. Khagol provides knowledge about the stars and planets researched by the ancient Rishis for the first time. The modern scientists are now researching and finding out about them. Thousands of years earlier, the Vaidik Rishis had explained this knowledge and preserved it in their astrological treatises. The irrevocable principle of the Solar doctrine, which was systemized by the Hindu thousands of years earlier, its founder was Bhaskar Bhatt.
Not only the above, until the twelfth century, the people in the West understood that the earth was flat. If anybody said that it is round, they put him to death. In the Vaidik scriptures, however, there is a word Bhugol. Bhu Goal means that the earth is round. Who has given this? This is the contribution of the Hindu.
The Kalpa scripture in the Veda also has two parts – one is called Shrautra Sutra – aphorism prescribed in the Veda and the other Graha Sutra – domestic aphorisms. Graha Sutra is further split into two parts called Smajashastra –Sociology, scripture for community life and Grahavignan – science of domestic life. The Hindu gave these scriptures as well.
A learned person from France has said that Bharatvarsha – India, is the mother of the universe. India has not only given us science of language and mathematics, it has also given us the way life should be lived and the method for it.
Who gave Pyathagorus and Sukarat to the West? It is the Hindu. Just read through the mathematics of Payathagorus and ask from any western scholar, he will tell you that that mathematician had been a student of India. You may have also heard that Sukarat was a soldier and had, at one time, lived at the border of Greece and India. Having come in contact with a yogi his way of life changed. He learned the Samkhyana philosophy and started teaching its doctrines in Greece. These doctrines were new to the people there and as a result thereof he was poisoned to death.
Just recently, a German scholar – you may have perhaps heard or read his name, has written a book titled "Jesus lived in India." He has proved with many evidences that the Hindu had taught the Ten Commandments, not only to Jesus but to Moses as well. Jesus Christ remained in India for 18 years and acquired the teachings and wisdom of the Hindu way of life. He came back to Baibylonia after 18 years and commenced propagating the message of the Hindu philosophy and wisdom to the humanity there. He was also put to the gallows. Even today, if some of you have read the Bible and his Sermon on the Mount, you must have felt that it is nothing except the tenets of Bhagawat dharma – the eternal religion propounded by incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Vaishnavadharma, the precepts of Hindu way of life.
Jesus Christ stayed in Puri (India) for six years and studied the Vaishanava Vijnana, Vaishanava dharma. Thereafter, he stayed in Kashi (modern Varanasi) for four years. In Kashi, where he was learning Vedanta – the essence of the Veda and the upanishad, he learnt that those who talk of Brahmavad, monotheism, they have the malady, are afflicted with Chhua-chhuta – feelings towards untouchables. He objected to it saying that according to the Vedantic ideology there should be no difference between man to man. When there is only one Brahma, the Supreme lord, present in every form, in that case, how can there be one pious and the other impious, untouchable? When the pandits, learned persons of Kashi protested it, he left from there and went to Nepal. He stayed in Nepal for six years. Thereafter, he lived in Tibat for some time and after a sojourn of 18 years, he returned to his own country, Babylonia. Whatever he had learnt during his stay out of his country related to the precepts of Vaishnava.- worship of Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, the all pervading, he taught. He declared: "I am son of God, I and my father both are one. Make yourself pious and perfect as your father in heaven is pure and perfect." In Vedanta, this is the doctrine of Vaishanavas, worshippers of Vishnu. This is also the message of Gita: "You can be complete and perfect as the Brahma, the Supreme Lord, is." The Lord has taught this truth, that –
Brahmarishi Vishvatma Bawra