Hiking In Warm Weather


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Hiking is a fun activity that serves as one of the best ways to exercise your body and explore the beauty of nature. You also get to know more about the place where you are hiking in. Summers provide excellent opportunity to move out of the city and beat the heat, by indulging in hiking. The warmth of a sunny day aids the process of moving up a mountain or a hill and exploring the nature. However, before you embark on such a trip, it is necessary to indulge in some planning and preparedness. Check out some advice for hiking in warm weather.

Hiking in Warm Weather Tips

  • A minimum of three people is recommended for a summer hike. Each person should have a map and compass. Stay together on the trail and also study the map and guidebook beforehand. This will help you be aware of the terrain and elevation changes, mileage, trail junctions, water supplies, and the like.
  • Choose an itinerary that is consistent with the abilities of your group and remember that weather and trail conditions can drastically alter the pace of a trip. Be sure to leave word of your itinerary with family or friends.
  • In warm weather condition, always make sure to consume water before you are thirsty. This helps prevent dehydration.
  • Fruits can supplement the water you bring on a hike. Citrus fruit, apples, plums, pears etc. can replace the water your body loses when hiking, so make sure to bring them along.
  • On carpool hikes during warm weather, fill ice chests with ice and cold beverages, such as lemonade or iced tea. Leave the coolers in the cars. This will be a pleasant treat at the end of the hike. Consider this an expense to be shared amongst all the hikers.
  • Your thirst is not a good gauge of how much water your body needs. Bring a minimum of two quarts of liquids for a warm weather hike. Three quarts would be much better.
  • Sunglasses, sun block, lip block and a hat are essential during a hike, to avoid hurting your eyes and skin.
  • Throughout the hike, indulge in shorter and more frequent rest stops. This will allow you to enjoy various scenic spots and not get tired easily.
  • Never go hiking without taking extra food and water with yourself. If you get delayed or lost, you will appreciate your foresight.
  • Freeze your water overnight or longer, to keep it cold throughout the day. Water expands when frozen, so allow enough room for this expansion.
  • Do not wear cotton! Cotton does not insulate once it is wet. Instead, it wicks heat away from your body and contributes to hypothermia. Jeans, cotton tees, and sweatshirts are dangerous and should not be worn.
  • Keep a track of the weather changes of the place. Weather can change drastically and sensing it early will help you take some preventive measures at the right time.