Looks like Colors' Hamari Saas Leela got hit by an oasis in their vast bland desert. Even after several ultimatums by the channel to improve the quality of their product, the show was not able to live up to their standards due to which the channel decided to pull it off air.
However, the latest boom we hear is that the show has recently got an extension and has been saved from getting axed by the channel.
A source confirms, "Fresh episodes of Hamari Saas Leela which used to air on Colors' at 7:00 PM will be shifted to the afternoon slot of 2:30 PM. Though the channel has not given any confirmed slot to the show, it will be televised in the afternoon from the 26th of this month."
Source further adds, "The 7:00 PM slot of Hamari Saas Leela will be occupied by Rajan Shahi's new show Havan, the promos of which are already on air."
However, the latest boom we hear is that the show has recently got an extension and has been saved from getting axed by the channel.
A source confirms, "Fresh episodes of Hamari Saas Leela which used to air on Colors' at 7:00 PM will be shifted to the afternoon slot of 2:30 PM. Though the channel has not given any confirmed slot to the show, it will be televised in the afternoon from the 26th of this month."
Source further adds, "The 7:00 PM slot of Hamari Saas Leela will be occupied by Rajan Shahi's new show Havan, the promos of which are already on air."