Post your answers by Monday. If you post your answer today you get 10 bonus points, if you post tommorow you get 5 bonus points, and if day after tommorow you get 2 bonus points. Good Luck.
For UNPK - Kamle
For UNPJ - Jhalle
A farm hand was sent to a nearby pond to fetch 8 gallons of water. He was given two pails - one 11, the other 6 gallons. How can he measure the requested amount of water?
For UNPL - Lallu
Two friends who have an eight-quart jug of water wish to share it evenly. They also have two empty jars, one holding five quarts, the other three. How can they each measure exactly 4 quarts of water?
For UNPK - Kamle
There are three glasses on the table - 3, 5, and 8 oz. The first two are empty, the last contains 8 oz of water. By pouring water from one glass to another make at least one of them contain exactly 4 oz of water.
For UNPJ - Jhalle
A farm hand was sent to a nearby pond to fetch 8 gallons of water. He was given two pails - one 11, the other 6 gallons. How can he measure the requested amount of water?
For UNPL - Lallu
Two friends who have an eight-quart jug of water wish to share it evenly. They also have two empty jars, one holding five quarts, the other three. How can they each measure exactly 4 quarts of water?