Samsung, as was earlier reported, has been preparing the stage for a Tizen mobile OS phone. Reports have now come in saying that two models may be seen soon. The models, codenamed Samsung GT-I8805 Redwood and GT-I8800 Melius will be positioned as the high-end and mid-range device respectively, and are supposed to come in running the latest Tizen 2.1 Magnolia.
The Samsung Redwood was seen via leaked PDFs, which were posted for developers over at the Samsung Tizen Store, and will sport 4G LTE connectivity. The Samsung Melius will apparently come in with a 3G radio onboard only, with speculation slating its arrival around September.
Samsung may soon come up with its own set of Tizen mobile OS phone
While the features that these phones will have are still unclear, reports state that the GT-I8800 Redwood with the latest Tizen 2.1 was seen having S-Voice, which will wake up when users say “Hi, Tizen” instead of “Hi, Galaxy”.
While the mid-range Melius phone with Tizen 2.1 Magnolia can be expected in the markets, there have been no leaks on how it may look yet. Lee Young Hee, executive vice president of Samsung’s mobile business was seen in an interview saying that Redwood “will be the best product equipped with the best specifications.” There is not enough detail about phones from the leaks so far, so more cannot be said at this time.
In addition, the upcoming platform's app store has been introduced as well. The application storefront, which was demoed at the Tizen Developer Conference, seems like a pretty decent platform for developers to offer their creations on.
In the app store, apart from standard sections like featured apps and categories, there also seems to be a special section dedicated entirely for discounted apps, which will be convenient if someone wants to look for titles that may be available at a lower price temporarily. This can be a great move for developers looking to promote their apps as well.
While the app store won’t be of much use to the users until the phone itself comes out, developers can definitely benefit from the time by submitting their apps to the store. According to officials, app evaluation may take up to three days.
The Samsung Redwood was seen via leaked PDFs, which were posted for developers over at the Samsung Tizen Store, and will sport 4G LTE connectivity. The Samsung Melius will apparently come in with a 3G radio onboard only, with speculation slating its arrival around September.
Samsung may soon come up with its own set of Tizen mobile OS phone
While the features that these phones will have are still unclear, reports state that the GT-I8800 Redwood with the latest Tizen 2.1 was seen having S-Voice, which will wake up when users say “Hi, Tizen” instead of “Hi, Galaxy”.
While the mid-range Melius phone with Tizen 2.1 Magnolia can be expected in the markets, there have been no leaks on how it may look yet. Lee Young Hee, executive vice president of Samsung’s mobile business was seen in an interview saying that Redwood “will be the best product equipped with the best specifications.” There is not enough detail about phones from the leaks so far, so more cannot be said at this time.
In addition, the upcoming platform's app store has been introduced as well. The application storefront, which was demoed at the Tizen Developer Conference, seems like a pretty decent platform for developers to offer their creations on.
In the app store, apart from standard sections like featured apps and categories, there also seems to be a special section dedicated entirely for discounted apps, which will be convenient if someone wants to look for titles that may be available at a lower price temporarily. This can be a great move for developers looking to promote their apps as well.
While the app store won’t be of much use to the users until the phone itself comes out, developers can definitely benefit from the time by submitting their apps to the store. According to officials, app evaluation may take up to three days.