Have Facebook friend requests from people you're not sure of adding, but hate to see your notifications pile up? Facebook is changing your 'Ignore button' on the Friend request panel with "Now Now", giving you cleaner Facebook space.
The friend request goes to a separate section called "Hidden Requests. The Hidden Requests section is a kind of waiting room, a pending decision to add them whenever you feel like it.
On their end, the prospective Friend will simply see a n ‘Awaiting Friend Confirmation’ text as if you hadn’t taken any action on the request at all,” says a spokesperson for the company.
You can return to the “Hidden Requests” menu to revisit all requests you previously marked “Not Now,” and can then either choose “Confirm” or “Delete Request.”
Aside from deleting the request, you can also mark out an option of not knowing the person, blocking him from sending you another friend request.
“This helps our systems get better at detecting unwanted behavior on the site and we can use that information to prevent abuse from that person in the future,” says the Facebook representative.