

Staff member
A thousand doors ago when I was a lonely kid,
I wandered the halls looking at my choices.
One of the doors leads to heart break,
Another to sorrow.

Some of them are my worst fears
Some are my wishes dreams and fantasies.
One may show my hopeful future
Another my haunting past.

I opened a door that I wish I could close
As much as I try I can't.
Unfortunately my past and present are shown
Which I have tried to change.

After I closed that door I chose another
Out of that door I got a beautiful baby girl
People judge me for the door I opened
I know that it isn't any of their business and so do they

I kept that door open and chose another
The door I chose changed my daughters life for the best.
Adoption was my choice for her and nobody else's &
I know that she will get everything she needs and desires.

I opened the first door for my baby,
And it was the best decision that I have ever made.
I know her mom and dad will always love her,
And will make sure she is always happy.

Because a thousand doors ago when I was a lonely kid,
I wandered the halls looking at my choices.