"Do Seva With Love And Pay No Attention To Time"


SSA Ji Saareya Nu,
Main kai vaari baithi blogs parhdi hundi, te kai vaari kush aiddan de blogs parhey jehna nu parhke kush sikheya mil jaandi...isse taraan da eh blog "Navpreet Kaur" g ne likheya te socheya tuhade saareya naal sanjhi karaan...

Dear Sangat Ji my name is Navpreet Kaur I want to narrate an episode that I came across a few days ago. I went to my friends Sukhmani Sahib Paht around her house, the kirtan was beautiful and everything went nice. However at the end of the programme when the gyanis were taking Maharaj back the gyani was rushing putting Guru Ji’s ramaley sahib on Guru Ji. Most people tend to put Guru Ji on their heads and hold Guru Ji with one hand while using other hand to sort out the ramals, however this gyani with no thought for Guru Ji, balanced Maharaj on his head. The dreaded incident happened; Guru Ji fell on the floor. As this happened an old lady from the sangat started to cry and went for the gyani and slapped him and told him off. The Gyani went red and was so sad and ashamed. He said sorry in an ardass after infront of the sangat and regretted the risk he took.
For the sake of 2 minutes he took a risk in which the respect of Guru Ji could have been violated and unfortunately for him, he has to live with the fact that he dropped Maharaj on the floor because he was in a rush. Not many people have to live with that, I mean a lot of people don’t follow what Guru Ji says, but to live with the fact that you caused Guru Ji to drop on the floor is very harsh!

When doing seva we should do it with love and pay no attention to time. The resepect and love of Guru Ji should always be kept in mind. On seeing the love of the elderly women who also had an asthma attack after the incident a lot of the sangat had a tear in their eyes!
